Salfie Yankovic



9 months, 28 days ago


he/him - 16 - ????

  • salfie is the original weird al clone, but everyone thinks he's the younger brother. when he was cloned, scudworth didn't tell the shadowy figures about him. he wanted to try an experiment: creating a pure, biologically evil clone. a clone who is evil by nature, with malice woven in his very DNA. after salfie was created, scudworth created alfie, who is the good counterpart to salfie's evil twin brother-ness
  • salfie doesn't like people. he doesn't like kids. he doesn't like cats or dogs or birds or breathing. everything makes him angry. he wants to hurt everybody that even looks at him. he can't help his urges. his primal instincts are so horribly twisted from your average human's, he's like a violent caged animal. 
  • he lives in the basement of the amish foster home. salfie refers to it as his lair. lots of disgusting things go down in there, like marathons of soap operas. salfie doesn't really leave the lair, and usually isn't welcome at the dinner table anyway. he tortures small animals sometimes.
    • growing up, he was heavily neglected by the family. his amish parents believed that he was the spawn of the devil because of his dark stare and violent tendencies, so he was cast out as a black sheep. he grew up sleeping on hay bales in the barn instead of in the warmth of the house. alfie and emo made it a mission to include him in everything, though. even when he didn't get any presents from santa, the two of them would hand-make gifts for him and say it was from santa. they tried to force him to play games almost daily. they managed to bring him food from their dinner plates most nights. what they didn't know, was that salfie was eating just fine from the remains of various animals he managed to nab and kill. that was a secret he was willing to keep until he died.
  • does online school. because he can't stand in-person school.
    • he still frequently makes trips to the school purely to torment the students and bully people and find kids to potentially kill.