Jérémie Aumerle



10 months, 14 days ago


You don't need to be a brutish thug to fight. Grace and elegance are just as important on the battlefield.
  • Full Name Jérémie Sebstian Aumerle
  • Age 136 (Physically 19)
  • BirthdayJune 15th, 1880
  • Height5'4
  • GenderMale
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • SpeciesShade
  • BirthplaceMarceille, France
  • HomeSeattle, Washington
  • Languages English, French
  • Playlist
    Edgar Aumerle (Father)
    Amelia Aumerle (Younger Sister)
    Genevieve Aumerle (Mother)

Jérémie is a century old demon known as a Shade, and a veteran of the elvish-demon war that has plagued the Fantasme.


Jérémie appears as a young man with albinism, giving him ghostly pale skin and white hair kept in a bob, and when he was still human, had pale blue eyes. After transforming into a demon, his eyes turned red with reptilian pupils. He has soft, feminine features and long, white eyelashes. His fashion choices change often but he most often wears a black striped shirt and black jeans under a grey trench coat, accented with a red belt. He also often wears a white scarf that has sentimental value to him.

In his pure shade form, he appears as a reptilian monster made oozing black sludge, which happens to be his blood. Contrasting this form are large red eyes that glow from inside the goop.


Jérémie can come off as stuck up and rude. He tends to lean on the grumpy, serious side, and can be very prudish about things. He's easily annoyed by people who are loud and goof around, and prefers quiet and dimmly lit spaces. He is often closed off around other people and takes a while to open up. 

He has a bit of a dandy personality. He loves old antique furniture and fashionable clothes and often frets about his appearance. He also loves reading, particularly mystery fiction, his favorite book being Sherlock Holmes. 


Being a shade, Jérémie has the powers that come with being an undead creature. His blood is made of a black, versatile substance that he can manipulate at will. This allows for a great amount of shapeshifting and blood bending. He can easily change between his human and monster form, heal from most wounds, and use his blood as a physical weapon, most often in the form of whip-like tendrils that emerge from his wrists. 


Jeremie's powers have their limits. Being a demon made of darkness, he is weak to light. Sunlight is more effective, but even artificial light can hurt him over time. He's also weak to fire. Most shades also have a vulnerability in their crystal heart, which contains their soul and allows them to take physical form. If it's destroyed, they die. Jeremie's was cracked in a battle, which causes his powers to go haywire under stress, and occasionally transform into a corrupted version of his demon form.


Jérémie was born near the end of the Victorian age, in Marceille, France. While already fairly wealthy, his father wanted to move the family business to the US to seek more opportunies and growth there. They moved into a grand manor in a growing city in Washington. There Jeremie first met his childhood friend, Virgil, an African-American boy who's mother worked at the hotel they stayed at. As the boys got older, a romance began to blossom, even after Jeremie had already been engaged with a wealthy woman in town. When his affair was discovered, his fiancé killed him by pushing him off of his balcony, and then made his family believe it was a suicide due to him being unable to come with his scandalous, homosexual affair. 

In the space between life and death, Jeremie was approached by Vahit, a man who promised to bring him back to life in exchange for his loyalty and service. Fearing he would otherwise burn in hell, Jeremie accepted the deal, being transformed into a demonic Shade. With this second chance at life, Jeremie and Virgil ran away together. But it would become apparent soon that Jeremie's new form made him violent and crave human souls. Virgil left Jeremie, fearing he was turning into a monster. 

Heartbroken and believed to be dead to the world, Jeremie felt lost and decided to dedicate himself entirely to Vahit, who wanted to use him for a war against elves in another dimension. He spent years fighting alongside Vahit before he'd inevitably realize that most of the people they were fighting were innocent people, When he tried to talk Vahit out of the war effort, he was threatened, so Jeremie defected. He was one of the first shades to ever do so, and was labeled a traitor by Vahit.

He eventually met a human woman named Sarah, who had recently come into possession of a powerful artifact known as the Goddess Blade, and was planning to form an army of her own to take down Vahit. Jeremie happily joined this effort, believing it would redeem him for his past sins. But after several years of fighting, Vahit's forces overpowered everyone, and the army known as the Goddess Knights would fall. 

20 years later, Jérémie looks to train the next generation of Goddess Knights to finally take down Vahit. 


  • Reading
  • Jazz Music
  • Antiques


  • The Sun
  • Loud, obnoxious people.
  • Dirt


  • The sunglasses Jeremie wears to protect his eyes from the sun are Gucci. 
  • Most of Jeremie's clothes are shapeshifted on using his blood, so he technically is naked all the time.
  • Jeremie speaks with a slight French accent, though it has faded over the years. 
  • His scarf was a gift from Sarah.