


6 years, 22 days ago



AGE Young child
GENDER Nonbinary
PRONOUNS They/them


Nobody really knows where Lark came from. They were discovered one day when a single, childless adult on a hike suddenly felt a small hand grab theirs, and a little tiger cub was looking at them as if nothing bizarre had occured. There don't seem to be any missing child reports or birth records that match their age or appearance, and any questions asked about their origins are only answered vaguely, if at all. When they were brought to an orphanage so they could find a home, they dissapeared the moment they were out of eyesight. They were later found following another confused adult around, and the cycle continued. Many believe Lark to be a spirit of some sort. They're oddly tuned into other people's emotions, will not go near bad people even if they've never met them before, and while they can be interacted with physically, they seem to be able to disappear at will without a trace.

For a while, the local police were constantly on the lookout for Lark, worried for their safety and well being. But after the fifth dissapearance, only to be seen wandering out and about again, they decided to keep an eye on them from a distance rather than continuing their pursuit. Ever since, the locals have embraced them as an everyday part of life. The other children love playing with them, and most adults love when Lark decides to keep them company. Sometimes Lark will form a parent-child bond with random adults they deem trustworthy, and every few weeks they'll switch between ""parents"". Strangely, everyone they've bonded to seems to be comfortable with the shared ""custody"". Lark will not stay with adults who will be distressed or upset by their departure.




Lark, fortunately, is not the ghost of a once-living child. They're a child spirit with no desire to inhabit a living body. They can choose how much of themselves is present to others, ranging from being indiscernible from a living child to entirely invisible. They mostly just exist because they feel like it, but they find fufillment in bringing joy and company to those who most need it.

Studies on spirit children are limited, but some theorize that they're new souls who have yet to inhabit an existing mortal body. Some may choose to follow this calling, and will merge with an uninhabited mortal body sometime before birth, while others choose to remain in their spirit form. Those who remain as spirits tend to take decades or even centuries before they can switch forms or travel between planes. Lark doesn't know how long they've existed, but they exhibit an advanced ability to change appearances and switch planes.


Despite being potentially centuries old, Lark has the same general intellect of whatever age they're presenting themselves as. For example, if they present themselves as 5 years old, they will only have the knowledge of the average 5 year old. They do have a great understanding of morality, however. They have an advanced sense of right and wrong compared to most children.

That doesn't mean they're completely innocent. They will never cross boundaries, but when staying with any of their "parents" they do tend to get into mischief. Simple things like stealing a cookie here or there, sneaking out of bed (spirit children in the physical plane benefit from sleep) to watch TV, and especially bringing animals into the house. They show no fear of snakes or bugs or any creature that most mortals are afraid of.


Lark can change what age they embody at any time. They usually seem to embody a five year old, but they've been known to embody any age range between 1 yr to 8 yrs. When in the physical plane they can eat and sleep, neither are necessary but they do seem to like it. Oddly enough, while they can get full, they don't ever require the bathroom. They don't appear to have the digestive system of a mortal, anything they consume just sorta... doesn't go anywhere? Or ceases existing? Lark has puzzled the entire science department of the town they live in for years.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis elit. Aenean nec eros purus. Vivamus vitae varius arcu. Suspendisse scelerisque leo vel purus tempor volutpat. Sed in ex mi aenean tortor erat nec eros.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nec eros purus. Vivamus vitae varius arcu. Suspendisse scelerisque leo vel purus tempor volutpat. Sed in ex mi.

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