


10 months, 18 days ago


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real name: Devereux Lemaire
previous alias: Johnathan White

was a once spy for EUNO, working as a secret service agent for the president, Arma. during the training to become an agent the manipulation and propaganda of it actually started to work. he started to have doubts about his mission and doubts about everything they said about the president.
it was when he was caught by Arma as a spy, did it fully change his opinion. he assumed Arma was going to kill him, instead he saw potential in the agent- punishing him instead by cutting out his tongue. Agent was so delirious and manipulated by the silver tongue of Armageddon that be believed he had actually been saved by the man. that sparing his life was a sign to serve him.
now unable to speak, Agent is entirely isolated. he knows a modified version of ASL and can only really have conversations with Arma. 

Agent’s wife, Anais, (more on her further down) sniped Arma during an opera performance. Agent had immediately known it was her, catching her by the flare of the scope. after being captured, Agent was made to kill her to prove his true and complete devotion to Arma. he does so.

Agent now serves Armageddon as an object, enablers of each other. they feed into the violence and greed of one another. it may seem miserable, but Agent is happier here than he ever was as Devereux- let alone as Johnathan.

Before EUNO, agent had graduated with a masters forensic psychology & a bachelors in sociology. after his studies he had proposed to his long term partner, Anais Lefèvre. they had been friends since childhood but rekindled their relationship just after graduating high school. They had the same goals and studied the same courses.
both Anais and Devereux aimed to work for EUNO, so once they were hired they had planned their wedding. being married just before both were sent out to the US for individual missions.

- he was a ballet dancer, his ability to stay composed when in pain comes from this
- Anais plays the violin, she played it for his dances sometimes
- has a scar on his neck from when the agents have a ‘chip’ implanted into their necks, this is just a placebo but Agent cherishes it nonetheless

- the story he’s in belongs to Cryptriqs
- dogboy coded as fuck.