
9 months, 8 days ago


hold for Lunaaatico

Luka won't come home and Discord won't let me send images smdh >:( 

  • Cheri Bakudan (チェリー 爆弾)
  • Chrono-Thread Magic, a rare variation of Thread Magic; it allows Cheri to weave threads that manipulate time itself. By combining threads of different shades, she can create time loops, rewind or fast-forward moments, or even stitch together timelines for a short period. The threads' colors determine the time manipulation effect – blue threads for rewinding, red for acceleration, and gold for stitching. This captivating magic allows Cheri to navigate through time's tapestry, altering events to their advantage or safeguarding against any temporal threats.
  • These threads are invisible to the naked eye to everyone but her, holding immense power within them. Furthermore, Cheri can create temporal barriers using her Chrono-Thread Magic.
  • Cheri has custom made bombs in the shape of cherries, hence her name "Cheri Bakudan"
  • God Serena pairing
  • More later I guess