Jin-Hyun Seong



10 months, 13 days ago


“I’ll have you know, the last man to come through here came about a year ago, and I made sure to aquaint him with my rifle.”


Full Name: Jin-Hyun “Bird” Seong

Age: mid-20s (They Can’t Remember)

Species: Human

Pronouns: they/them

Brief Synopsis: Jin-Hyun doesn’t remember their given name, or where they were born.  All they remember is growing up as “Bird“ under the rule of Mother Selene.  As far as they know, they are the only one to ever escape the commune, and they now live in total isolation on the roof of what was formerly a high-end apartment building.  The place has long since been looted, and it’s quite hard to ascend from floor to floor, so Jin rarely receives visitors.  Their hobbies in this new, serene life include growing food, making up terrible songs, and occasionally shooting birds right out of the sky.  Having been alone for so long, their social skills have wildly diminished, but it’s not that Jin-Hyun doesn’t like people.  It’s just that they don’t trust people.  At all.

General Aesthetic: I won’t lie, they’re a semi-nudist who lives on someone’s roof.  Not many fashion choices occurring.

Likes: fresh fruit ♥

Dislikes: the feeling of being watched ♠

Alignment: Lawful Neutral