Carlisle Johnson



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


athletic, humorous, friendly, popular, bad dancer

Why he's in the hospital

lung cancer


Carlisle has long black hair, for now at least, with brown eyes and a black goatee on his chin. He is a short, athletic African American (to be politically correct). At school he was the popular kid that everyone wanted to be friends with, they did not care about skin colour nor does this group of kids. He wears a warm grey sweater, athletic pants, and knock-off brand sneakers. His family is not very rich so he can not afford really good stuff. They can not even afford the chemotherapy he is going through, they are getting help though.

Carlisle bites his bottom lip when in deep thought but his top lip when bluffing or lying. He pretends to act cool and like he doesn't care he could die but he cries in his sleep. He wakes up screaming more than once in the night. He's deathly afraid of dying of the cancer in his lung. He can't leave often because the chemo can cause dizziness and nausea, not to mention the fact that he's short of breath with too much movement. He's amazing at soccer but get him on the dance floor and he flops. He dances anyways though because he likes to make the others laugh. He hides behind that laughter.