


10 months, 12 days ago


poshlaya molly 's albums infected my brain tbh

D;  the design  is transmasc + spirit based  ^_^;;

Riley, the 21 year old demigod, they live in both mortal and immortal worlds. Riley is someone who dosent like help from others (the immortals despised them because the higher ups favorited them due to their beautiful aura they emitted ) but despite this they help the mortals who had no where left to go. they spend most of their time in the mortal realms helping out any way they can and just providing company to the locals.when the mortals go to sleep they have to return to the immortal realm but there, they have no friends. one day riley was helping ryuji (my immortal character), they were relocating the lost souls that couldnt find theyre way home when riley was framed. ryuji accused her of stealing the souls (souls can make you powerful). riley was scared but with theyre back against the wall, they could do nothing but push him back. riley clawed his horn and it suddendly broke. riuji was hurt and furious, he cursed riley. they werent allowed near lost souls again and trapped wit the sin of wrath in her hands for when they becomes to powerful the sin of wrath will destroy riley and swallow them whole. the eyes on her palm keep them from becoming to powerful. even though riley has a curse they still keep a sunny bright mood for the mortals. riley then meets dvita whos intrigued by her cursed hands and wants her to join her group.