Rainbow Gacha #6



8 months, 24 days ago

Basic Info


The Final Boss


  1. Quite by accident, his default expressions are often fairly off-putting as he has resting Murder Face- And it isn't the 'I Hate The World And You In Particular' Face, it's the 'I've Already Killed You In Five Very Creative Ways' Face. If not that, he just looks like a smug Know-It-All and it's debatable which is worse. Genuine smiles must be consciously formed because otherwise he still looks rather devious. When he does manage an honest expression, however, he tends to appear surprisingly angelic. For all of sixty seconds.

  2. It isn't just his default expressions that are disconcerting, his mannerisms and his very aura gives one the impression of duplicity. Which is rather unfortunate because he strives to be the opposite. With...mixed success. He is openly kind and personable- It can just be difficult to identify as he doesn't quite know how to go about expressing it. His power makes him arrogant, yet he's inwardly self-conscious about his character itself and how he's perceived. There are some good traits that are lost in translation, while others are slightly more apparent- His fondness for authority for one. He loves being in charge, being a leader or someone others look to and rely on. Which wouldn't be so bad if he didn't dismiss those who refuse to accept his role and leave them to themselves and dangers he could otherwise prevent. As for the others, his loyalty and devotion is absolute- If not readily apparent. He dislikes lying and strives to avoid it, though his methods aren't exactly an improvement. He doesn't know how to be gentle, either with words or actions, holding himself aloof from others as a result of his uncertainty. Despite valuing them highly- he has little to no morals or scruples and looks to others in order to determine whether or not he's on the right path. Predatory patience and the cool mien of a natural schemer results in his being largely unruffled even when his plans are turned on their heads; he loves surprises.
  4. Awkward around children & animals. 
  5. His sole fear is that of drowning and large bodies of water- He can swim, he just never wants to. 
  6. Has an incurable sweet tooth. 
  7. He plays a variety of instruments but favors the lyre. 
  8. He was raised largely by heroic legends and stories; his personality molded by a childhood fascination with villains. 
  9. Horrible with chores and cooking- Anything domestic. It's a wonder he managed to fend for himself for so long. 
  10. Ostracized and already treated as a villain even in childhood so stubbornly sought to prove his village wrong.