hello hello!! I just wanted to stop by and say I’m so happy you love this little fella so much ToT <3 <3 <3 i love seeing all the new art! i hope you’re having an awesome day, have a kitty!

Aaa hello!! -aa also sorry for the late reply ! (>﹏<);;

And thank you!! I do love the little skrunkily so much!! Xe’s a silly dreamie! <33 and I’m so glad you like all the art I gathered for them so far! :DD

I hope you guys have an awesome week! And here’s a kitty in return! x3


Oh my gosh!! I’m in love with the silly!! <33

May I adopt this skrunkily gnarp gnarp for the $5? :3

yes, sure thing!!! I’ll dm you my payment info just in case X3 thank you so so much


The silly Gnarp Gnarp!!! >:3