


6 years, 14 days ago


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Dragon Deity | Old | He/they/it

Value $1
Designer Grzybowt
Status Perma-Homed
Art Fight Page coming soon


Fargerik is the god of fortune, guided by a wanderlust and a love of good times.

However, he has no tolerance of those who boast of their newfound luck. He will take it away at the first boast of your divine luck. And he is listening.

In his world, your fortune is not enirely wielded by him, but he does maintain it. The force of fortune is essentially its own entity, which he simply has a strong command of, while it does do its own thing. He spends time maintaining and following his companion fortune. The denizens of his world believe he is the wielder, and he chooses not to correct them.
Wherever Fargerik goes, good things happen. Fortune folows him, as it were. There are forces which threaten this idea, and he actively works against them.

The easiest vibe to compare Farg to is a rockstar. He tavels the land and sea, in charge of everyone's happiness - he's cocky, sarcastic, and loud. He loves a good drink and a good party, and he certainly loves a hero out of luck. He's easy to be with, easy to be around, and a total asshole. In a story, he can be a quest giver, antagonist, party member, soothsayer - he can also shapeshift and loves to watch from afar. He always retains his polychromatic teeth, rockstar vibe, and... the spots on his knees. For some reason.

Original notes, which I will reincorperate soon!
- A rather morally grey god
- No sense of right vs wrong
- kinda doesn't care if you do bad things
- will love you if you worship him
- He's a new god, the old gods think he's terrible
- prone to chaos

- The god of fortune
- Also a minor sea deity
- Calls you on your shit if you bluff though, first time you brag about your good luck you're gonna be smited
- Frequently talks to his worshipers in person
- Curses at everyone a LOT
- Hates walking, prefers to swim or fly

"Don't boast it makes you look bad"

"Lord fangerik why have you allowed this to happen??"
Giant snake thing pops out of the sea, opens his very rainbow mouth and goes "Because you were a feckin idiot and ye deserved it"

- He's the "call you on your bluff" lord

Design Notes

- His main form is all I have right now, and I'd prefer that his art be in this form.
- He is essentially a dragon, although he certainly has a lot more that appears to be going on?
- 2 legs only!
- Classic rockstar vibes is chill for anything. He's also welcome to be drawn as a god figure.
- His size can change, although for the most part, he is just able to be the size of his primary patrons the humanoids or the size of his peers, the other gods(which is massive)
- His teeth are rainbow and remain as such in all forms.

Art Rules

- Meme art please remember quality)
- Gift Art
- With other characters
- Any style
- In his primary form ONLY
- light, medium, or medium-heavy range gore. Keep it pastel/odd colors if you can!
- Regal, intimidating, goofy, angry, soft... whatever you like.

- NSFW, especially sexual.
- "exclusive" themes, like hetero pride, terf things, etc.
- Pride flags are fine! Her flags are sapphic, community lesbian, and she/her
- Anything based in a culture that I am not part of and/or you are not part of. You may ask, but assume no.
- Heavy gore (ask)
- In romantic situations.
- With commercial characters that you or I do not own (ask)
- Unsure? Ask!

Html code by Coywolfy badges box code by AviCode and box edits by me