Emergency Purge! 70+ designs



10 months, 3 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$5 - $50


There are atleast almost 80 designs in this purge that i really need to find better homes, while alot of them i really love i feel i have too many and they aren’t getting used as much as they should be.

i also am in desperate need of money, a-lot of personal stuff has happened and on-top of all that mine and my partners anniversary is coming up along with my birthday sobs


Any character bought comes with a free headshot sketch, depending on that character’s price the art will go from sketch to full render

Or you can buy the whole folder for $50 usd (paypal only) and i will design you a full body, fully rendered custom oc or a full art piece

you can offer to trade but mixed offers and usd are preferred 

there is roughly $80-$90 worth of ocs in here, maybe alot more. So if you decide to feel really generous and buy the folder for $80 i will cry and also do 2 customs rather than one