


9 months, 23 days ago


The Green-Tea Enthusiast
Name Xuanlong

Nicknames N/A

Gender Male (They/Them)

Orientation Biromantic

Age 432

Species Lung Dragon

Birthday MAY 21, Gemini

Social Class Upper Class


Xuanlong is a very long lung dragon – being much longer than most! They have a mixture of smooth, silky scales that are predominantly several shades of green, but they also have some white accents and a dark black line of protective belly scales. Their upper body is more decorative scale-wise than their tail is, which is mainly a blank slate of green until you reach the tip which is white banded. Along their curving back are a small row of brown spines that are also present on their nose bridge, front limbs, and cheeks. Their tongue is the same color as their teeth and spines, and their eyes are big yellow orbs that offer them perfect night vision.

They are quite flexible and can twist their body much like a cats if they need to when jumping, sprinting, or even for climbing. Like other lung dragons, Xuanlong cannot fly nor do they have the magic ability to fly without wings, but they can breathe a hot, sparking breath that looks like a sparkler. They like to use this breath to turn their ovens on when it is time to cook or brew tea for customers.

Design notes
  • Xuanlong is 6ft tall, their total length is about 15ft.
  • They have crimson blood and light colored flesh.
  • Xuanlong can wear clothing, usually they like to wear red because it contrasts with their scales, but they also enjoy wearing lighter shades of green like mint or lime.

Xuanlong is a warm and welcoming lung dragon that is quick to greet others that run into them, trying to appear as friendly as possible in the hopes of retaining good friendships and avoiding possible conflicts. They are rather quick to progress with others, wanting to speed things up and become the closest of friends as soon as possible with the fear of losing someone constantly clinging to them, and are quite open and frank about everything. If they sense things going south or possible conflict building up, Xuanlong will become avoidant and try to bury whatever is making them anxious.

  • Green Tea
  • Hiking/Climbing
  • Crafting New Teas
  • Rain
  • Dirt/Mud
  • Sour Foods
  • Walking
  • Trying New Teahouses
  • Calligraphy
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A




Xuanlong was born in Izar into a family of chefs and teamakers. From a young age, Xuanlong wanted to make tea too and followed their parents around everywhere while watching and trying to help them around their small teahouse. When Xuanlong grew up, they stayed in Izar and ended up going to Vithef for a few years to learn how to perfect their fire skills for brewing, then went on to find a job in the Jade Teahouse as the main teamaker.


Xuanlong has their own living space in the Jade Teahouse that sits on the very top floor. The ground floor and first floor are their kitchen and customer space. They have a fairly spacious home as they’re quite a long lung dragon and require a lot of space to stretch their tail out in. Their walls are a pastel green with many paper decorations of paintings and written document proof of their ownership over the Jade Teahouse. Their flooring is a rich mahogany colored wood that has been cured to resist fire just like every other house in Izar, and they have no carpets of any form.

Their bed is a large, flat, circular mattress that is made of a black cotton, and they like to curl up in a large circle on it and hold onto their tail tip with their front legs when sleeping. Because they have a whole kitchen downstairs, Xuanlong cooks in there for any meals. In their spare time they like to hide away in their room and nap or read a book of some kind before opening up the teahouse again, or they will run down to the market to meet Shuksar.

Occupation & Education

Xuanlong did not enjoy school very much as a dragonling as they found many human subjects confusing and unnecessary, like math and Izar’s English which they loathed. The only thing that Xuanlong looked forwards to was hanging out with other dragons and humans, and participating in extracurricular cooking classes that their parents encouraged greatly as Xuanlong loved them so much. Their parents saved up for them to be able to attend Vithef so that Xuanlong could also learn how to hone their natural abilities for cooking and brewing, and that was the only schooling that they really appreciated and fully enjoyed.

Xuanlong works in the Jade Teahouse as the tea brewer, constantly keeping kettles going while preparing various tea leaves and other similar drinks. They heavily enjoy their job and make several cups of green tea for themselves in between brewing for customers.


  • Xuanlong speaks fluent Izarian and has retained their lung dragon speech too, but doesn't get to use it much because there aren't that many other lung dragons in Izar. They can write in Izarian, lung dragon language does not have a written script.
  • They can breath fire, theirs is a short burst of sparks that can easily light things on fire and can quickly generate heat. Sometimes they scorch their bed to keep their scales warm during the night when the sun can't do it for them, and their matress remains unharmed.


Xuanlong has been dating Shuksar for a few years now, still unsure if they want to settle down with him or not. They adore him and love spending time going on long hikes in the forest with him, always ending with little picnics and lots of tea, but they feel too shy and afraid to officially ask him to become their mate.


Tarthrenos is Xuanlong’s boss at the Jade Teahouse. They haven’t seen much of them to really form any kind of relationship because Tarthrenos is almost always out somewhere taking care of other things, but whenever he does arrive at the teahouse, Xuanlong always greets him happily.

code by jiko

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Please do not draw heavy gore or nsfw of me! Do not ship me either thank you, I'm already with Shuksar!