Maia's Comments

I love this design! I can offer a fullbody and a halfbody (examples)

im really interested in your headshots! would u do 2 fully rendered ones instead? any of the characters in this folder just pick whoever you'd enjoy drawing the most

I can do that! I'll draw Exitte and Ceres :] (all your characters are so cool btw)

thank you! once 1 out of the two is done i can send over the character does that work?

yup that works!! I'll get them done asap!!

I've completed one! here's the stash link, let me know if you want me to send the image to the character profile :]

its sooo wonderful tysm!! you can pm me the last one when its done, feel free to delete this comment chain later on btw. i can upload it myself no worries

1 Replies