Commander Drill / CT-8098



9 months, 7 days ago


Drill got his nickname from his brothers constant teasing of his fondness for running drills.
Batchers with Spots, who is the only other remaining clone of their original platoon.
After a disasterous first deployment, Drill is promoted while Spots is demoted. He gains the notice of the brigades' jedi general as he leads the platoon, earning praise and promotions. He ends up as commander, and becomes friends with the general.
Drill is much more sociable than his batcher, seen as outgoing and friendly, but also a troubblemaker. He has a tendancy to disregard regulation if he sees it unfit and can escape reprogramming. He's completely unapologetic for it too, as long as it means his brothers can fight so see another day.
Drill watches Spots kill their general during order 66, himself having been immune due to a malfunction in his inhibitor chip. It scars Drill to watch his brother cut down their friend without hesitation
As Spots is still under the control of his inhibitor chip, and Drill desprately tries to talk sense into his brother, Drill is forced to shoot Spots. He dies near-instantly, and Drill is weighted with the guilt of that day for the rest of his life.
Drill flees the battle immedately after watching his general die, taking their lightsaber with him, and goes into hiding.