Shi'larra *



8 years, 6 months ago


Name: Shi'Larra

age: 19

Race: Half Elven, Half Human/Gypsy

Job: Belly dancing/ Veil Dancing

Likes: Music, Dancing, Entertaining, Smiles, Sugar Buns!

Dislikes: Sad faces, hungry people, being captive.

Personality: Free Spirited, Sensual, confident.

Backstory: She was the product of a low elf and her human gypsy mother. Her father has no clue of her since her mother had already been far away by the time she realized she was with child. Her gypsy family loved her any way despite her half blood. She was a fast learner when it came to dancing. She was one of the best in her troupe. They traveled far and wide. She learned more moves and improved fast. any one who would watch her would end up captivated by her. Her troupe took advantage of it and began to steal from those captivated. One day her family stole from the wrong person. They came and destroyed her troupe keeping her as their prize. She was later given to a king and queen to gain favor with them. There she spent a good amount of time entertaining the elven royalty and their guests. One night while dancing she noticed some one hidden high on the roof tops watching her. she said nothing at first. The person watched from a distance for a couple of days. Eventually the day came that she got to talk to this mysterious stranger. As the nights went on she talked more and more to this person growing attached to them. Then the unspeakable happen. one of the royals decided they wanted to use her body for more then just watching her dance. In the chambers is where her secret stranger showed up. her stranger was given a choice: Spare the person they came to kill (the royal) and save her life or kill the royal but in the process kill Shi'Larra. her assassin saved her. together they fled. Now they run together. Chased by an assassin sent by the royals to get his property back and kill the one who stole it.