Aneira Kleist



9 months, 17 days ago


  • Age:
    • Before time skip: 19
    • After time skip: 24
  • Occupation:
    • Before time skip: student (Blue Lions)
    • After time skip: Falcon Knight (Lance)
  • Birth place: Sreng
  • Best friend: -
  • Couple: 
    • Before time skip: Balthus
    • After time skip: Balthus
Aneira was born in Sreng, a really cold country at the North of Fodland, close to the Gautier Area. Ever since she was young, she was raised to fight, specializing on using the lance. Her father was the one to train her, raising her to show no emotion because, as he thought: “Warriors don’t cry”. With no emotions and with such a cold personality, she grew up as a killing machine. She didn’t care about friends, couples, or even family, she just followed orders. Until one day she received the invitation of the soon-to-be king of Faerghus to study in Garreg Mach so, in the future, they could have an alliance, something that Aneira wanted, peace between Sreng and the Gautier area.

She didn’t make the best first impression, attacking Evi and calling her weak. It was also no surprise that there was a notable tension between Sylvain and her. Soon she started to realize that she felt left out of everything, like everyone was in an inside joke she could never be part of. The only person that could understand her was Dedue, and he didn’t seem to care much.

She started to want friends.

Soon she met Balthus, a man that claimed that was in love with her, but she refused, because she didn‘t like him and because he seemed suspicious. After getting to know each other more and more, she started to develop feelings she didn’t know. And so did Balthus, going from a crush (or wanting to sleep with her-) to actual feelings. Their relationship was a ride, but it helped Aneira to slowly, open up more. He also helped her to learn about the things she didn’t understand, like idioms, expressions, etc.

Then, the war broke out and she returned with Balthus to Sreng. She participated in several battles, making her go blind from one eye, gaining multiple scars, and losing an arm. She was able to replace her missing arm with a prosthetic arm made of metal, fueled with magic that helped her move it but made it shine a bit in a blue tone. 

Dimitri called for her help once again, and she joined the army, ready to fight on the war.

After it was all over, she left the weapons, refusing to fight again, and moved with Balthus to the small town his parents raised him.