NELMAEL's Comments

Are you trying to make him have a high image count?

if you're talking about the blank images on the tabs/main profile, it's for aesthetics but also, yeah

Lol I had a feeling all a sudden my notifications skyrocketed and I was so confused

Just a heads up the highest amount someone has so far is 51k. Also sometimes image count is wrong and might say less or more than you actually have. It’s probably best to just link the white canvases to multiple tabs though

There are free art posts and posts that do art trades if you want to try to get other people to draw too. 

i didn't know you could do the multiple tabs to one image,, and ive been sitting here submitting the same image like crazy (bc the random ugly ahh images on the tabs annoy me). ALSO i forgot people got notis when i upload, so,,, oopsies. im not rlly worried about being on top, i just felt like shit posting this summer tbh (bored much)

Ohh ok. Yeah it’s probably good you’re not trying to get top because it would take years for that 💀

To add images to multiple tabs:

1) go to image

2) press the plus sign

3) click my characters

4) find the tab (or gallery) and click submit 

who knows, i might be able to. i'm a bit of an overachiever (and a bit delusional). thank you btw hehe

sorry for the image spam if you have the notis on 😭

Lol it’s ok