Elly Gormson



6 years, 5 hours ago

Basic Info


Elly Gormson




Elly is a character I made for a Digimon RP group on DeviantART years ago.
Sadly she and I didn't end up making any friends but it was fun to join in on the events.

Elly was made as a Child of Light and her digimon partner, Cheshmon, was based on the Cheshire Cat and other things from Alice in Wonderland.

Elly was born in New Zealand and was in an unfortunate car crash that left her an orphan with scars on her arms.
She was then raised by her older adopted sister, Lenny.

She never quite got over the car crash and with drew inside her self. One day she found Kassmon, the in training form of Cheshmon, after he had been hit by a car. She cared for him and they have been partners ever since.

A letter came inviting her to go to a place in Japan that other children with digimon were gathering and her sister thought it might be a good idea to help her. An unfamiliar enviroment and new people might help her come out of her shell again.

Sadly though, as we didn't make any friends, she returned pretty much the same as she was. The only change was that she missed her sister terribly.

She doesn't like to leave her arms bare as the scars there remind her of the accident and she flashes back to that time.

As Cheshmon is the Insanity Monster I designed her digiworld outfit on a modified straight jacket but I need to find the picture again.