
10 months, 2 days ago


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Iris Crescent

Called Iris

Gender Male

Pronouns he/him

Age ageless (phsyically 28+)

Race Cyclops

Role experiment

Theme Dolls - Gavin Friday

Voice Claim Sova - Valorant

HTML Pinky


Iris is a clone created as part of a mysterious project called A.N.G.E.L. (Advanced Necromantic Genetic Engineering Laboratory), which aimed to transform organisms into vessels capable of hosting demons. Along with his cyclops siblings, Reno and Ignus, Iris was brought into existence through genetic modification. They Reside in a top secret part of the laboratory. Their lives revolved around being subjected to agonizing experimentation by the twin scientists Ingram and Andrey. Iris, the second oldest among his brothers, stood out as the most twisted and depraved. He developed an obsession with capturing and torturing unsuspecting victims, conducting sadistic rituals and experiments in his own mini-laboratory. Throughout his disturbing pursuits, Iris had a constant companion known only as "pet," who seemed willingly bound to his side.


Height 7'

Build Toned and muscular

Eyes Blue-green/sometimes white

Skin Tone Almost paper white

Hair Color Black with white streaks

Hair Style Long and meticulously brushed

Demeanor Menacing and tall


  • Iris's eye can sometimes have a black sclera with a white iris.
  • Tends to only dress in leather or latex.
  • Only wears his hair up when he's doing experiments or being experimented on.
  • Always wears black lipstick.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Iris has a disturbing personality, characterized by sociopathic tendencies and an exceptionally low level of empathy. A darkness resides within him, an absence of morality that allows him to prioritize his own pleasure and gratification above all else. His self-centeredness knows no bounds as he indulges in personal experiments driven by his twisted desires and sick curiosity, regardless of the consequences for others. One of the most prominent aspects of Iris's personality is his disturbing obsession with what he refers to as "human pets." This obsession reveals his sadistic and manipulative nature, as he constantly seeks out new victims to satisfy his dark desires. The pain and suffering of others become a source of sick pleasure for him, as he revels in his power and control over those unfortunate enough to fall into his grasp.

As he stays trapped within the confines of the lab, Iris's personality is further influenced by the relentless experimentation inflicted upon him and his brothers by Ingram and Andrey. This environment of constant scrutiny and manipulation likely contributed to the development of his twisted personality. As the most twisted among his siblings, Iris takes pleasure in his perverse experiments on living beings. Immobilizing others and turning them into his own little pets brings him great satisfaction, feeding his sadistic cravings and allowing him to revel in the pain he inflicts. Iris is a creature of darkness, a being devoid of empathy and driven solely by his own twisted desires. His actions and demeanor exude a malevolence that is impossible to ignore.


Mind Games

As a twisted form of entertainment, Iris enjoys playing mind games with those who dare to cross his path. He derives satisfaction from outsmarting and manipulating others, relishing in the psychological turmoil he creates.

Plotting his Scientific endeavors

Iris finds a strange sense of satisfaction in meticulously planning and executing his twisted experiments and rituals. The process of crafting the perfect scenario and witnessing the results brings a sick joy to his disturbed mind.

Dominating others

Iris enjoys the feeling of power and control that comes with dominating others physically and psychologically. The subjugation and obedience of his victims fuel his desires and provide him with a sense of satisfaction.

His companion "Pet".

The loyalty of his companion, Pet: Iris values the unwavering loyalty and companionship of his mysterious latex-clad companion. The fact that pet remains by his side, silently following his every command, brings him a sense of satisfaction and control.



Iris despises acts of kindness and empathy. He sees compassion as a weakness and finds pleasure in manipulating and exploiting others' vulnerabilities.


Iris despises the concept of redemption. He believes that once someone has fallen into darkness, there is no escape or redemption possible. This belief fuels his desire to push others further into the depths of despair.

Authority figures

Iris has a deep-seated dislike for authority figures, resenting their ability to control and dictate the lives of others. This disdain stems from his own desire for ultimate power and control. He rebels against authority whenever possible, seeking to overthrow and manipulate those in positions of power


The sound of laughter, particularly joyous and carefree laughter, grates on Iris's nerves. It reminds him of the happiness and innocence that he has been deprived of, amplifying his own feelings of bitterness and resentment. Instead of bringing him joy or comfort, laughter serves as a cruel reminder of the stark contrast between his own existence and the lives of others.



Scientific Knowledge (skill)

Due to his exposure to the experiments and research conducted in the laboratory, Iris has acquired a deep understanding of scientific concepts and experimental procedures.

Studying Demonology (hobby)

Intrigued by the origins and nature of the demonic entities within him, Iris delves into the study of demonology to better understand his own existence and potential.

Power and Control (goal)

Iris seeks to exert power and control over others, both physically and psychologically, using them as vessels to satisfy his dark desires.

Observing (habit)

Iris often spends extended periods observing his victims, carefully studying their reactions and documenting the physical and psychological effects of his actions.



Iris's twisted backstory begins with his creation as a clone from their host and father, Sephy, along with his cyclops siblings, Reno and Ignus. They were not born out of love or natural means, but rather as part of a mysterious project known as A.N.G.E.L. This secretive endeavor aimed to genetically modify organisms, transforming them into vessels capable of hosting demons from the depths of hell. Iris, being the second oldest among his brothers, was brought into existence with the same origins and purpose. Trapped within the confines of a hidden laboratory, Iris and his brothers were denied the opportunity to experience the outside world. Instead, their existence revolved around being subjected to incessant and agonizing experimentation by the malevolent duo, Ingram and Andrey.

These sadistic scientists sought to gauge the effects of the demon cells now coursing through their bodies, treating them as mere subjects of their perverse curiosity. Of the three siblings, Iris stood out as the most twisted and depraved. As the darkness within him grew, so did his morbid obsession with what he called "human pets." Iris became fixated on capturing and torturing unsuspecting victims, demanding new subjects to satisfy his insatiable desires. Whenever Ingram and Andrey were not preoccupied with their experiments, Iris would retreat to his own clandestine laboratory, where he would indulge in conducting his own sadistic rituals and twisted experiments on living beings. .

Amidst his disturbing pursuits, Iris had one constant companion—a mysterious figure dressed head to toe in a latex suit, deliberately silenced and referred to only as "pet." This enigmatic individual served as Iris' loyal companion, forever bound to his side. The reasons behind their peculiar relationship remain hidden within the depths of Iris' disturbed psyche, giving rise to countless questions and unsettling speculations. Pet seemed content with their dynamic, perhaps a willing participant in Iris' twisted world, but his true identity and motivations remain concealed beneath the impenetrable mask he always wears.

The Effects of the Demon Cells

Iris's powers are a direct result of the demon cells fused within his body. These cells have brought about a drastic transformation, altering both his physical appearance and granting him extraordinary abilities. The first notable change is his eye—a single, piercing black and white orb that dominates the center of his face, often dripping black. This unique eye allows him to see beyond the visible spectrum, perceiving ethereal beings and hidden energies that elude normal human senses. The demon cells have also granted Iris the ability to summon and manipulate ink-black tentacles, which sprout from his body with a grotesque elegance. These tentacles possess a sinister sentience, acting as extensions of Iris's will. He can command them to ensnare and constrict his enemies, crush objects with immense force, or even pierce through solid surfaces. The tips of these tentacles are able to produce a toxic venom that induces excruciating pain, leaving victims in a state of torment.

The demon cells have also granted Iris the ability to summon and manipulate ink-black tentacles, which sprout from his body with a grotesque elegance. These tentacles possess a sinister sentience, acting as extensions of Iris's will. He can command them to ensnare and constrict his enemies, crush objects with immense force, or even pierce through solid surfaces. The tips of these tentacles are able to produce a toxic venom that induces excruciating pain, leaving victims in a state of torment.

Additionally, Iris possesses enhanced strength, agility, and durability, surpassing the capabilities of an average human. His body has become more resilient, capable of enduring substantial physical punishment without succumbing to injury. The demon cells have also heightened his senses, granting him acute hearing and an uncanny ability to detect even the slightest movements or disturbances in his surroundings. However, the demon cells have not only affected Iris physically; they have also tainted his mind. He has become adept at manipulating the emotions of others, using his dark charisma and persuasive abilities to bend them to his will. Through subtle gestures, whispers, or even eye contact, Iris can sow seeds of fear, doubt, or even blind loyalty in the minds of those unfortunate enough to cross his path. As Iris delves further into his twisted experiments, the demon cells continue to evolve, offering new abilities and augmentations.

Meeting his beloved Pet.

Iris gazed into the depths of his laboratory, a place where darkness and experimentation intertwined. Pet, once an underling scientist, was now his loyal companion, dressed in an intricate latex suit, never uttering a word.

How did their twisted relationship come to be? The origins were rooted in secrecy and obsession, a tale that revealed the depths of Iris' own darkness. It all began when Lev first entered the lab as a new scientist, eager to make his mark. Iris, with his commanding presence and unnerving aura, caught Lev's attention from the moment he laid eyes on him. There was something captivating about Iris, an allure that drew Lev in like a moth to a flame. As the experiments progressed and Iris delved deeper into his depravity, Lev found himself becoming increasingly fascinated by the cyclops. He yearned to understand the twisted workings of Iris' mind, to unravel the intricacies that made him the enigmatic being he was.

His obsession grew, festering like a dark seed within his soul. Iris, always aware of Lev's unwavering gaze, became curious about the young scientist's infatuation. He sensed the raw desire, the hidden darkness within Lev's heart. The few feelings that resided in Iris recognized a kindred spirit in Lev. And so, a dangerous game of manipulation and power began. One fateful night, while the lab descended into darkness, Iris approached Lev with an offer he couldn't refuse. He promised Lev a taste of the twisted pleasures he craved, an invitation into his world of sadistic experiments and unbridled power. In return, Lev would become his loyal follower, his pet.

Lev, consumed by his obsession, readily agreed, abandoning his former life and identity for a chance to bask in the dark glory of Iris' presence. From that moment on, Lev became known simply as "Pet." Bound by secrecy and a shared thirst for darkness, Pet dutifully served his master, carrying out Iris' wicked desires without question. Iris reveled in the control he had over his devoted follower, relishing in the power dynamics that their relationship entailed. As time passed, the true nature of their connection remained obscured, shrouded in the depths of Iris' disturbed psyche. Pet willingly embraced his role, finding solace in serving Iris, fulfilling his own twisted desires in the process. The two became inseparable, a twisted duo steeped in darkness, sharing an unspoken understanding of their macabre desires.






Iris's relationship with Ingram is a complex and manipulative one. Ingram serves as a creator and captor to Iris and his brothers, subjecting them to incessant experimentation and research. As the scientist behind Iris's creation, Ingram holds a position of power over him, using him as a subject for his curiosity. Iris, in turn, harbors a deep-seated resentment towards Ingram, fueled by the torment he has endured at his hands. The pain and test inflicted upon Iris and his brothers have shaped his twisted personality, and he blames Ingram partially for the darkness that resides within him. However, their relationship is not one of outright rebellion or defiance, as Iris knows that his survival in this environment depends on keeping his creators satisfied. Iris has learned to navigate Ingram's nature, presenting himself as compliant and obedient on the surface, while secretly harboring his own sinister agenda. He carefully observes Ingram's patterns and tendencies, using his knowledge to manipulate the scientist whenever possible. Iris recognizes that Ingram's curiosity and desire for power can work to his advantage, as he plays along with the experiments and willingly participates, all the while planning his own twisted plans.




While Iris appreciates the unwavering loyalty and companionship Pet provides, his feelings towards him are fundamentally rooted in a sense of manipulation and dominance. Iris thrives on power and control, and Pet's presence and submissiveness contribute to his twisted satisfaction. Whether Iris reciprocates any genuine emotional connection or concern for Pet remains uncertain, as his depraved nature and lack of empathy make it difficult to discern any genuine feelings beyond the twisted dynamic they share. The nature of Iris's relationship with Pet represents a dark and unsettling aspect of his personality, further highlighting the depths of his disturbed psyche. Their connection is one fueled by manipulation and power, shrouded in a distorted sense of companionship. As time goes on, the true nature of their relationship and Pet's motivations may gradually come to light, offering a deeper understanding of Iris's feelings towards them.




While Sephy is technically his host and father, the relationship between them is far from typical. Iris feels a deep sense of resentment towards Sephy, as he sees him as the root cause of their existence. Sephy's involvement in the A.N.G.E.L. project, along with Ingram and Andrey's adoration of him only intensifies Iris's feelings of anger and betrayal. Iris holds Sephy responsible for subjecting him and his brothers to a life of torment and experimentation. Sephy's role as their host fuels Iris's bitterness, as he believes Sephy had the power to protect them from their gruesome fate but chose not to. While Sephy may be adored by Ingram and Andrey, in Iris's eyes, he represents everything that is wrong in their lives.