Marie-Ange "High" Lévêque



10 months, 14 days ago


Marie-Ange Lévêque
Late 20s
July 12th

bunny irl

High's real name is Marie-Ange, but to close ones, she is High or Marie. To most people, she appears cold and standoffish, reluctant to waste time on others, but behind the steel walls of her heart hides a much more fragile, paranoid individual. Past experiences have made her wary of others, and she much prefers to spend time with the few close ones she treasures, among whom she feels like she can truly let her guard down.

She is both very intimidating and very cute...........

This is High's canon self. Check the sidebar for her AU selves. Much of her canon self carries over to them!


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Chaste Lustful
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


High is what others would call a "complicated" person - complicated to understand, complicated to get along with, and complicated to approach in the first place. She is intelligent and generally well-intentioned, but has a tendency to be untrusting of others, fearing that they may take advantage of her emotions. In fact, her own relationship with her emotions is strained. As of such, she often presents a cold, unapproachable front, and would be highly displeased to be caught in an emotionally vulnerable moment.

For those who know her, she is a girl who is easily bored. Although not a thrill-seeker, she enjoys excitement and having fun. Emotions aside, she has little insecurity, and is surprisingly chill about most things. She values her loved ones and keeps to herself, enjoying spending time with them, at home, or both.

High has a sadistic trait and is sometimes quite alike a cat cruelly toying with a mouse whose fate has already been sealed. RIP Florent...


Honey gold
Skin tone
Pale, rosy
Hair Color
Strawberry Blonde
Hair style
Long bob



  • Her eyebrows are thin and highset
  • She has 3 notable beautymarks on her chest, leg, and lower back
  • Often has a neutral or irritated expression on her face
  • She is a human, but often drawn with various bunny ears/tail

Detailed Description


High is a petite girl with a strong hourglass build and intimidating aura. Although not particularly beautiful, she is very cute and pretty. She usually presents herself simply and neatly despite her penchant for revealing clothing.


High has a round, heart shaped face with thin, high set brows and a pointed chin. She has a particularly large forehead that she hides behind bangs. She has heavy lidded bedroom eyes with thick lashes. The sultry, golden sheen in her eyes is unlike the bright sun, and more similar to the slow, heavy drip of sweet honey. Her lips are small and pouty with a weak cupid's bow. Her skin is pale and translucent, and the appearance of thin veins is quite common.


She has a very large bust and is rather wasp waisted. She does not have a large appetite and isn't fond of physical activity, so she lacks any sort of muscle definition and is very soft to the touch. She is self conscious about her short height and always wears heels to compensate for it.


High does not take up much room and moves quietly. Her movements can be unpredictably sharp and quick though!


High's voice can be unpleasantly high pitched when speaking loudly, but generally she speaks in an odd, slightly lower voice that is monotonous, yet with strange inflictions. She has a sparkling laughter than can be both lovely and mocking.


High prefers perfumes with a sweet, fruity, almost candylike scent to them when going out. Generally however, she smells very "clean", like freshly washed laundry or classic body soap.




Surprisingly, she is much more dependent on him that she may appear initially.


Lovely cute animals that are her favorite. When she sees one, you may see a gentler side of her.


Everything must be clean and spotless, scented like an airconditioned french pharmacy.


Whilst not having a large appetite at all, she definitely has a strong sweet tooth.


The wild outdoors

Being out in nature means sunburns, insects, dirt, and the chance of getting lost.


Despite her sullen appearance, she loves the sun and hates the rain that lures her depression out.


Don't approach her.

Night time

Sleep is a difficult experience for her.


She desperately does not want to be alone.

Wardrobe & Visual Details


High wears plenty of soft textiles such a faux fur, satin, and silk, juxtaposed with harsher, glossier textiles like latex, PVC, and leather. The overlay of these contrasting textiles is the defining trait of her personal aesthetic.


High predominantly wears pastel pink, offwhite, and black

Common Clothing & Props

Prefers revealing clothing. Lingerie-style clothes: silk slip dresses, garterbelts and stockings, corset inspired pieces and bustier tops. Fluffy articles such as pompom earrings and faux fur coats. Consistently wears gloves, often quite long, latex gloves. Shoes are often heeled and/or platformed. There is almost always one or two thin bows in her hair. If wearing anything at the neck, it is often of choker-style. Often seen carrying a heart-shaped lollipop, a whip/crop, or food such as cake or a crepe. Her overall style is often clean, without an excess of detail or patterns.

Visual Symbols

Heart shapes, bunnies, "ROTTEN", medical cross & nurse imagery, daisies, cameos and mild religious imagery.



High is rational, perceptive, and academically diligent.


No matter what she is doing, she is attentive to detail and makes sure everything is right as it should.


She is attentive and caring towards those she loves, putting their health and wellbeing as one of her priorities.


Despite obstacles or her own hesitations, she will do her best to see things through til the end.



Both physically and emotionally, High is quite weak.


She is rather irrationally suspicious of others and their motives.


Those who meet her may feel like she is rather curt and unpleasant.


While unintentional, High can be rather cruel to others on occasion.



Family Background & Early Life

High was born Madeleine Marie-Ange Lévêque, named directly after her own mother. Despite this, she would grow up without really knowing her own mother, as her family had a bit of strained relationship. It is for this reason that Marie-Ange, her middle name, was eventually made her first. The daughter of an unpopular pastor and little sister to a tumultuous older brother, she was the quiet child, desensitized at a young age from the going ons of her family and the gossip of those that surrounded them. Her childhood consisted of neat bows in her hair, dusty shoes, and silent sittings on the school benches. When she was 7, she met Florent, her overly cheerful deskmate. It was only starting then that High began to open up and express herself more, eventually becoming more adjusted to life around her.

As a teenager, High, despite being a bit intimidating, was rather well-liked at school - after all, she was both cute and hardworking in class. After a particularly bad heartbreak however, she withdrew back towards the sidelines, an area she would rarely stray from hereonafter. A lot of her bad coping habits stemmed from this part of her life - smoking, for one, and most notably, a penchant for throwing herself into electrifying but equally toxic relationships. At this time, she firmly believed that investing ones' feelings too deeply into anothers' was a true recipe for disaster.

Current Situation

It was only in her 20s that her perspective on relationships and life changed for the better. After a rather awkward period of trying to get together with Florent, their relationship has been very steady, and much healthier than the ones experienced in her youth.



As a lover


High is a lover who loves spending intimate moments with her partner over anything else. She may find difficulty in expressing her love in words. Instead, her love languages are acts of service, quality time, and physical touch.


Being emotionally vulnerable and generally paranoid of others, High's n.1 requirement out of a partner is mutual trust. Having been in many lustful but loveless relationships in the past, in which she could not let herself grow emotionally attached to her partner, she realizes now that her fear for emotional depth in relationships actively prevented her from experiencing any meaningful ones. She needs to fully trust someone before committing to a relationship with them, because she cannot truly relax her guard until then. Additionally, High needs a lot of emotional support from her partner. She has volatile moods and difficult habits to learn to live with, and needs someone to rely upon. On a more materialistic note, High greatly enjoys being pampered and having money spent on her by her partner.


High is quite demanding in the bedroom. She definitely tends to be more dominant regardless of position, and has a notable sadistic streak, although it is often limited as Florent does not have very high pain tolerance. She especially enjoys having fun in bed, and her favorite way to do so it by provoking and teasing her partner.



Florent Dorgne

Best friend, lover

Florent is her childhood friend become best friend, and lover. They are almost never seen without each other. She wouldn't admit it, but she is much more dependent on him than she'd like to be.


Gabriel Lévêque

Older brother

High's volatile, turbulent older brother with whom she has a complicated relationship with. They love each other as family, but his personality makes him quite hard to get along with at times.