Florent Auguste Dorgne (Vampy)



1 year, 1 month ago


Vampire x Hunter
Florent Auguste Dorgne
Florent, Victor
About a century old
Maladjusted vampire
A reason to live

The vampire

Florent is a melancholic vampire maladjusted to both adulthood and vampire life. He is confused about many things, and prior to meeting Marie-Ange, lacking in many areas. More than any amount of blood, he desires companionship, to be understood, and to have a place he can finally feel safe.

He cries all the time...

This is an AU that is mostly written, not illustrated!


Long legged, inverted triangle
Foggy grey blue
Skin tone
Olive tan, freckled
Hair Color
Rich dark brown
Hair style
Messy, disheveled hair



  • He wears loose shirts that reveal his chest
  • He is often seen with jewelry and ribbons around his neck
  • Like all vampires, he cries dramatic, glittering tears



Blood & Feeding

The sensation that runs through him when he feeds on someone directly is the closest thing to companionship he can get


Ever since he's a child, he's been fascinated by them, but now that he's well old enough to attend, he must remain outdoors, only partaking in them regrettably from afar.

Gold & Shiny objects

Florent is immensely attracted to objects that emit and/or reflect light, something which he misses.


Once he learns to read, he finds solace in the plenty of novels available to him.


Excess Gore

It's revolting and makes him nauseous, even if he's a vampire.


He wants to look as presentable as possible, and blood stains on his silk shirts just cannot do.

Being alone

He has been alone far too long.


[private information]

Wardrobe & Visual Details


Florent dresses simply. Initially, he stole clothing from stores and had no means of taking proper care of his appearance. Among stolen items are golden earrings and rings that he is often seen wearing. Marie-Ange later buys him a proper set of clothes in an effort to curb his stealing habits. He wears the few gifts she has given him, including a particular brooch.


He wears predominantly offwhite, beige, black, and red.

Visual symbols

Crosses and saintly imagery, wine glasses and bloodstained teacups.


Exceptional physical abilities

Like all vampires, Florent is stronger and quicker than humans. He has heightened senses of sight and hearing.


Florent heals at a rapid speed, provided he is well fed on blood.

Quick learner

Despite being relatively behind in skills like reading and writing, with assistance, he was able to quickly catch up. He was also able to adapt to Marie-Ange's hunting style rapidly.


Decades of theft have made him extremely nimble. There is not much that he is unable to steal, and not many places he is unable to infiltrate.


After gaining each others' trust, Florent became very loyal and protective to Marie-Ange. When hunting together, he makes her safety his priority, even if it means disregarding her orders.


Emotionally Starved

Companionship has been absent from his life for decades. He is ready to melt at any sign of affection and attention.


Despite his age, he is incapable of doing most things even a young human adult can achieve. Likewise, he is barely aware of his own abilities as a vampire.


Having being turned as a young child and been one for the larger part of the century, Florent is sometimes childlike in his behavior and reasoning, often not understanding things about the world around him.


Florent cannot help but steal, it's a century old habit at this point.


His heart is laden with sorrow, and he is extremely prone to bursting into tears at almost anything, be it a slight inconvenience, discomfort, signs of affection, injury, or nothing at all.



Early human life

Florent was the sole child of the Dorgne family. They lived in a countryside manor, away from town, and surrounded by fields and forests. Florent inherited from his mother a love for flowers, which they used to pick together. However, his mother, quite sickly, soon became bedridden. His father dedicated himself to nursing her, leaving young child Florent to amble about the house and surrounding nature, often searching for flowers to pick for his mother. It was on one such occasion that unbeknownst to him, he encountered a vampire for the first time.

Ultimately, he became victim to this vampire, who sought a child of her own, and saw in him the perfect visage of one. Too young to comprehend what had happened, he returned home, where he ultimately fed and killed his own parents. Once again too young to truly understand the reasons why, but knowing that his parents were no longer alive, he was taken away by the vampire and given a new name for his new life.

Vampire life

"Victor" was the name given to him by his new mother, and the name he would later give to Marie-Ange when asked for it. For decades, he remained the vampire's child, which is exactly what she'd wanted - until he wasn't any longer. He had become a young man, confused and poorly adjusted to vampire life. Decades may have passed, but he had never grown affectionate for his mother, who had only ever seen him as a form of entertainment. He felt too guilty to feel spiteful towards her however, believing ultimately that what had happened was all a result of his own actions.

One night, he mustered up the courage to leave her and never come back - hard, when he had become so dependent on her, and even harder when he had hardly any experience surviving on his own. He resigned himself to a life of lonely nights and daily uncomfortable, fearful slumbers, not really knowing if there was anything better left out there for him, but not really believing he deserved any better anyway. It is this clumsy, unusual lifestyle that first set the hunteress on his tracks.

Florent was fortunate that Marie-Ange was a meticulous hunter, for the time she spent tracking and observing him convinced her that he was particular and worth studying, instead of simply eliminating him. It's when she captures him that they first meet, although she would not speak to him for days to come.

Relationship with Marie-Ange

Once they had earned each others trust - a deal easier said than done - Florent began to develop a fondness for the huntress. Their current agreement puts forth that she would provide him with blood, provided he stop feeding on humans. Furthermore, he is to assist her in her hunting duties and research, and she will assist him in adjusting to modern adult life.





Marie-Ange Lévêque

Captor, Hunter, Partner, Lover

A hunter companion he has become very fond of.