Flowering Willow



1 year, 1 month ago



Flowering Willow

Desolate Pride -> Lone Male -> Flowering Pride
Pan + Polyamorous
Nonbinary | he/she/they
Fantasy Lion
Game Inspired OC
Pride King
  • Gradient from darker purple on back to yellow on stomach
  • Face colors are slightly different, see ref sheet for colors.
  • Stripes do not have to be exact, just keep em similar to og design!
  • Almost always wears decor, but can be drawn without them or with simplified versions to make it easier.


Short Description

Flowering Willow is the third King of the Flowering Pride, succeeding Mangrove Flower, and his predecessor Manzanita Flower. His leadership is thought to symbolize a new stable and peaceful era for the pride, as Willow's predecessors had fought hard to establish the pride, and now in Willow's era the pride has finnaly settled in to stability, strength and peace, with Willow there to ensure it stays that way.


Originally named Chalk, Flowering Willow originated from a much more desolate land, and was born to a pride with a kill or be killed kind of nentality, which Chalk had never bought into. As an adolescent they left to find a better life and pride for themselves. She eventually reached the Flowering Pridelands, an abundant land filled with wild flowering plants and plenty of prey, a place that was almost the complete opposite from his birth home. Chalk was found on the territory by the Flowering Pride's submale (and the king's mate) Birch, who, to Chalk's surprise, happily invited him to stay as long as she needed.

While staying with the pride, Chalk was shaken by the hospitality and kindness of the majority of the Pride members, and they felt that they had finally found others who shared their preference for kindness over violence, which had been a rare trait to come across in Chalk's old home. Chalk felt that she had finally found her home, but they worried that they would not be welcome forever as a king can only care for so many submales. However the King of the pride, a primal named Mangrove Flower, saw great leadership potential in Chalk, and Mangrove had been looking for the prefect heir as he knew he would not be able to lead forever. So Mangrove asked Chalk if he wished to stay in the pride permanently and become Mangrove's heir. Chalk was shocked at this not expecting to be allowed to stay let alone made a heir, but they excepted, happy to serve the pride for the rest of his life. As an official Flowering Pride member, their name was changed to a proper (plant themed) pride name, Willow!

Mangrove Flower sadly passed on early (in gameplay i retired him early lol) and so Willow became the King sooner than she had expected. During their Kinging ceremony, they were named Flowering Willow, a change from the previous kings' names receiving Flower after their original names. This was requested by Mangrove Flower before he died and he believed that Willow becoming king would be the beginning of a new peaceful and stable era for the pride, and he believed that the change to the naming tradition would be symbolic of this.


Overall Flowering Willow is a very kind and calm lion, he prioritizes kindness and fairness over all things and tries to make any lion he comes across (in his pride or not) feel safe and not threatened.... That is unless the lion (or any other creature for that matter) makes themself a threat, because then Willow will not hold back in fighting to protect his pride and territory. Willow though seeming soft and like not much of a fighter is actually every good at battle due to where he grew up and also thanks to Mangrove Flower and Birch's training.

  • Patroling and Sparing
  • Spring and early Summer
  • Lounging in the sun
  • Gossiping
  • Flirting
  • Unnessesary Violence
  • Leaders from his old home
  • Killing
  • Injustice


A member of the Flowering Pride, which some would find odd, due to how blood thirsty she can be. She is the head of the Border Protection but Willow and her often clash heads due to their differing views on when battle is necessary.
Mangrove Flower was the previous King of the Flowering Pride. Willow viewed Mangrove as a surrogate father and was devastated by his death. They are determined to make him proud.
Birch was Mangrove Flower's mate and submale, and he continues to be Willow's submale. Like Mangrove, Willow views Birch as a father figure, the two are extremely close and Birch often serves as Willow's advisor.
Willow's best friend! Willow and Wisteria spend much of their free time together, Wisteria is the Pride's shepard and Willow often likes to help out with caring for the sheep. They both also enjoy watching the pride's cubs together.