(02) "Cowstic"



10 months, 6 days ago


02 individuals resemble the average old-world dairy cow that their baseline genotype was drawn from, but with patches of flesh missing from their bodies, to such a degree that their faces are always completely skeletal. This is due to the corrosive nature of the subject's lactary secretion, which is chemically identical to hydrochloric acid. Subjects lack pain receptors and constantly lose organic tissue, yet their lifespan has been tested to extend far past the facility average of three weeks, generally reaching two and a half months of age before succumbing to cell damage.

02 genetic makeup was made to be pliable enough to create a new individual with different secretions with relative ease, granted the genetic engineer creating new strains knows how to rework the originally modified pathways. Utility within this species spans far beyond the creation of commonly used lab-grade chemicals, however, making 02 among the topmost studied subjects in the biology wing of The Ark.