Kenaii 'Coyote' Barrik



1 year, 1 month ago


Idea for a wolf in sheeps clothing hybrid. Valais blacknose sheep x wolf maybe eyes are white until going into carnivore tendencies? generally nice but does have a prey drive ? maybe pretends studies linguistics and social science (sociology)

Content Warning: Child abandonment, abuse, infant abandonment, probably murder and other bad things, mental illness! 

Name: Kenaii 'Coyote' Barrik
Birthname: Coyote Barrik
Age: 22 years
Birthday: March 10, 1991
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them
Sexuality: Pansexual | Aromantic
Species: Valais Blacknose Sheep x Timber Wolf || Ovis aries x Canis lupus lycaon
Diet: Carnivore | Herbivore Hybrid
Degree program: Social Sciences and Linguistics (Sociology)
# Years attended YYU: 1

Appearance: Tall and lanky, with a long neck, a thin tail and limbs. Covered in predominantly white soft fur that becomes a bit more coarse and wool like on his back and neck. Face and palms are dark black colored and he has dark claws on his hands. His eyes are usually a pale yellow/white coloration with white schlera but become more wolflike when his predatory tendencies arise. He tries to hide his carnivore traits by constantly trimming and filing his claws, wearing masks, hoods and other coverings. Sometimes wears leather gloves as well.
Height: 6'2"

Disciplined | Intelligent | Perceptive | Self-Conscious | Shy | Amoral | Dishonest |  Fanatical || Bipolar
Openly appears shy and overly conscious of his faults. He trims his nails near constantly in fear that someone might see them as claws, he hides his fangs and rarely smiles. He is very disciplined as he had to self-educate himself and due to both his studious nature and his species he is very intelligent and somewhat critical of any interaction. He hopes to know near everything and to those he socializes with, he may come off as a know-it all or as conceited, though he usually doesn't mean it.

He is also a habitual liar, afraid of consequences and anything involving his past. He'd rather tell people he's a sheep from Scotland than say he was nearly a dumster baby in the middle of nowhere at the edge of two countries. He rarely talks of his family and when he does it's always in the best of light, despite the abuses and neglect he suffered. He always feels inferior to any full-blooded wolf but will never admit such a thing.  May be a fanatic for a particular topic... but whatever that may be..?

Suffers bipolar disorder, likely ADHD, depression, most undiagnosed. During episodes he may seem more energetic and talkative, reckless and  with severe dissasociation. Anything that happens by the other him, the forgotten 'Coyote' is not his fault. Coyote is who he considers all his bad traits to come from, anytime he feels rejection, it is Coyote's fault, not his.

Likes: Video Games, Dnd and tabletop games, hiking, dodgeball and ball games, headbutting competitions, cold weather, electroswing and dubstep.
Dislikes: Car alarms, alarms of any kind even phone alarms and notifications. Fire alarms are despised, mostly due to the sudden high pitched noise. Grub-like bugs, fridge science experiments, carnivores who can't control themselves. Being mocked.

Cordelia Lavelle-Barrik - biological mother -Timber Wolf | Alive
Simon Fitcher - biological father - Valais Sheep | ???
Kline Barrik - stepfather - Timber Wolf | Alive

Half Siblings: 
Dane - Timber Wolf - Alive
Sylvie - Timber Wolf - Alive
Valeria - Timber Wolf - Alive

Home country: Canada/United States
History:  The oldest and first son of Corelia Lavelle-Barrik from a highschool tryst. Unable to rehome her unwanted hybrid child she named him Coyote as a mockery and ended up stuck with him. Coyote grew up rather despised and obviously unwanted, replaced in his mind when his mother found a wolf to love, having three more perfect children. In an attempt to fit in he tried to act wolfish but his sheep traits made him stick out like a sore thumb and were a source of mockery from his siblings and anyone who saw them together. He ended up avoiding his family most days of his youth, wandering in nearby parks to find kids to play with or adults who might spare him some change for a snack, coming home in the evenings to avoid his parents getting in trouble with local law.

When he was ten they moved from the northern United States back to Canada where his mother was born, the family sending him off to a 'summer house' in the middle of nowhere and for much longer than the summer season. There he spend his days homeschooling, wandering the forests and with the rare monthly trip into towns for supplies and more learning materials. Overall he found this arrangement preferable to any social interactions with his family or strangers, though he always was fascinated with why people judged hybrids so harshly, as well as the structure of the world ruled predominantly by herbivores. They were weak, and while he looked the part, he wasn't. There were benefits to being a mix, not as hunger driven as carnivores, level headed even in danger, and as he grew older, the ability to carve his name in whatever place he saw fit.

As he reached adulthood he'd dabbled in the dark web, learning all manner of things from different sources and stumbling upon the premise of Yamada Academy, though he delayed in applying as he was far too busy being a shut in or working on his own interests, some of which included extensive research of Japan and its culture, criminal groups, and societal outlooks before actually moving there a year later. In the time between turning 18 and actually applying at YYU at 21, he worked at a small mom and pop shop, developing his social skills and honing his herbivore traits. He wanted to start anew and be perceived as a herbivore for the societal benefits, while retaining and controlling his carnivore traits for visits to the Black Markets. Once he felt his preparations were enough, he sought a place for himself in different scenery he decided to give the application a try, and despite being self-taught he passed the entrance exams and has been attending for near a year. Changed his name at the age of 18 to be Kenaii, more suitable for interaction with the populace and a name he'd given himself since his early teens.