(03) "Dreadrat"



10 months, 5 days ago


Subject ID: 03
Relevant Subspecies: 03-QUEEN, 03-WORK
Base: Rattus norvegicus
Codename: Dreadrat
General Purpose: Waste disposal.

Resembles a medium-sized, incredibly gaunt rat with little fur and large eye sockets. The sharper-than-average teeth and claws of a 03 individual will continue to grow throughout their three-day life spans at a rapid pace, which the subject counteracts by constantly consuming whatever material it deems to be edible. this material can be coded into a 03-QUEEN individual's ventral food component before release, and all offspring produced by said individual will inherit the modification as 03-WORK individuals. 03-WORK individuals have been shown to be incapable of producing offspring with different instructions, even if their brains are modified (a process shown to be extremely tedious since they are not born in stasis, as 03-QUEEN is). If 03 was instructed to consume inorganic material, its droppings will consist of the raw components of whatever it consumed (currently limited to not include objects harder than PVC plastic). Otherwise, it will produce organic feces as normal. On death, the body rapidly decays into ash.

Currently Held At: (BI2)-103