Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


 Hey there!  

Welcome to my Toyhouse page!

I'm assuming you're probably here because I favourited a character of yours; I tend to browse through any newly
submitted characters every so often and favourite ones that I think are neat for one reason or another!  

I'd suggest taking the time to read over what's written here if you're considering browsing through my characters,
especially if you plan on subscribing to me on Toyhouse in the long-term or if there are any themes in particular
that are triggering, discomforting or otherwise upsetting for you. The last thing I want is to make anyone
uncomfortable when it's unnecessary and pretty avoidable for the most part.

I've tried to make this as extensive as possible to avoid any sort of miscommunication so you know what to expect,

hence why it's as long as it is. I've condensed everything you might need to know under spoilers to make it easier
to digest. Ideally I'd like you to read as much of it as you can, but you can read whatever you feel is needed!

My profile is best viewed on desktop in the default site theme!  


The following section concerns any content warnings concerning my designs, artwork, characters, character profiles, literature and any other media you may find here. If you have any triggers or anything in particular
that makes you uncomfortable, I suggest you at least read through this section!


I mainly use this account as a means of storage. I store every design I own and every piece of art I receive of
my characters here to the best of my ability, regardless of their nature or content. Although a good majority of
my designs and art are SFW (99% of the work I create and receive is SFW) and generally inoffensive, this means
you may stumble across some designs or art that suggest or depict NSFW themes, including...

  • Profanity 
  • Nudity  (non-sexual or artistic nudity exclusively) 
  • Minor injury  (minimal bleeding, scratches, bruises, abrasions, etc) 
  • Graphic injury  (excessive bleeding, lacerations, burns, etc) 
  • Gore  (both candy gore and regular gore, primarily the former) 
  • Body horror  (multiple eyes, multiple limbs, etc) 
  • Drug references  (recreational use of marijuana, drug paraphernalia such as bongs and pipes, etc) 
  • Alcohol references  (consumption of alcohol, alcohol misuse, etc)

Although they don't necessarily fall under the classification of NSFW, the following themes may also be
present in some of the designs and art you'll see. Going forward you may also want to be wary of...

  • Bright colours / Eye straining effects  (not done with the intent to cause eye strain, I just like bright colours) 
  • Christian references  (angels, demons, deities, halos, crosses, etc) 
  • Religious references  (symbols such as pentacles, leviathan crosses, etc) 
  • Mythological references  (mythological creatures, character designs inspired by or referencing mythology, etc)
  • Insects (bugs, characters designs inspired by or referencing bugs, etc)
  • Clowns (clowns, character designs inspired by or referencing clowns, etc)
  • Dolls (dolls, character designs inspired by or referencing dolls, etc)

That said, you won't stumble across any characters with these themes without knowing about it. Any characters with potentially triggering contents will have a character warning on their profile listing anything that may be a cause for concern or discomfort. If you see this, take caution when viewing the rest of their profile.

I also (albeit not hugely often) create and receive sexually explicit art of my adult anthro and humanoid characters,
however all sexually explicit art is kept strictly private in a separate character tab. In other words, unless
you are directly authorised by me to see these NSFW tabs? You won't be seeing any of it.

If you are 18+ you may ask for authorisation to see said art, however if you ask and either your age isn't listed or

you're a minor you will be blocked. Likewise if you lie about your age and I find out about it. I take that sort
of thing very seriously and I won't tolerate it. Both for the sake of your safety as well as my own.


In terms of the written contents of my characters such as character profiles and literature, I often mention or discuss themes that some people may find uncomfortable, upsetting or potentially triggering. This may include written
depictions or discussions of any of the themes mentioned above as well as...

  • Trauma  (namely trauma surrounding the subjects of grief, neglect, abuse and abandonment) 
  • Mental illness  (mentions of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, disassociation and derealisation) 
  • Gender dysphoria  (discussions of dysphoria and treatments for gender incongruence such as HRT, surgery, etc)
  • Crime  (theft, vandalism, illegal gambling, gang activity, etc)
  • Murder 
  • Death  (namely animal death as the majority of my characters are animals, whether anthro or feral)
  • Disease 
  • War  (exclusively fictionalised events; not inspired by, based on or set during any real or historical wars) 

All potentially sensitive contents are filtered but if there is any possibility that any of this might
make you uncomfortable at all regardless, please turn away or continue further at your own discretion!

I do my best to cover the above with respect to those who have suffered through or have experienced the subjects mentioned here as I don't take any of them lightly. However, I do acknowledge that some people may

still be uncomfortable with these things regardless and that's completely okay and entirely understandable!

If you feel I've handled anything mentioned above in a way that comes across as insensitive or incorrect in any

way, shape or form, please let me know. The last thing I want is to be misinformed and represent a serious subject
in a way that spreads misinformation, but I'm only human and mistakes can happen no matter how much I may
try my best to inform myself and avoid them. I'm only human, I'm learning new things and growing every day.

If you do come across something I've missed that you think should be filtered, please let me know via PM!
I'll be sure to mend the issue as soon as possible and I apologise in advance for any discomfort caused by it!

I would also like to take a moment to clarify that although I have many morally grey and outright immoral

characters, I do not agree with nor condone their behaviour and their opinions do not represent my own!

I just enjoy writing different kinds of characters with different alignments and backgrounds. I find it fun
and I actively avoid romanticising or otherwise justifying any sort of harmful ideologies.

You have been warned and I strongly recommend that you take heed of these warnings wherever you feel
that it's necessary for your own comfort. Blocking isn't personal, don't be afraid to curate your internet
experience in whatever way allows you to be most comfortable!


This should go without saying, but this is a body-positive, sex-positive, LGBTQ+ friendly and BIPOC friendly space.
I refuse to tolerate any hateful, harmful or otherwise derogatory behaviour here. So in short, if you are...

  • Anti-LGBTQ+ 
  • Racist 
  • Ableist 
  • An antisemite 
  • An islamophobe 
  • A zoophile 
  • A pedophile / "MAP" / "NOMAP" 
  • Truscum / A transmedicalist 
  • "Super straight" / "Supersexual" 
  • An LGBTQ+ fetishist 
  • An LGBTQ+ exclusionist 
  • Anti-MOGAI / against xenogenders or neopronouns 
  • Against or otherwise bigoted towards systems / people with DID 
  • Anti-otherkin / therian / nonhuman identities
  • Pro-cop 
  • A zionist 
  • Anti-vax / Anti-mask 
  • An NFT artist / supporter 
  • A fascist / alt-right / MAGA 


  • If you actively and knowingly choose to support anyone that ANY of the above applies to 

Then don't continue any further. You're not welcome here and I don't want you associating with me or
engaging with me in any way, shape or form. I won't indulge you if you try to stir up an argument,
I'll just block you for the sake of quality control. You'd be better off just moving on.

Equally, if you are 12 years old or younger I'd like to ask that you leave. I don't have anything against
you, but you must be at least 13 years old to have a Toyhouse account and I don't personally feel
comfortable with someone that young interacting directly with my work either way. Thank you!

If you are blocked from my account? It's most likely because it seems like something above applies to you,
I don't tend to block people unless they've crossed a line for me and something about them has made me
uncomfortable in some way. That being said, I believe I have the right to curate my own spaces however I
feel most comfortable with so I am willing to block liberally when I feel that I should for any reason.

If you're the kind of person who takes issue with that sort of thing and you feel that blocking someone is
inherently a terrible thing to do? Then you may be better off not interacting with me. I won't stop you
if you choose to, but I'd keep all of that in mind if you choose to go forward.


Continuing on from the section above, there are some things I would like to clarify about myself. This is more so
just an added safety measure so you and I are both on the same page when you interact with me; You don't
need to know this information, but it may be useful for future reference if you're here in the long-term.

In regards to things pertaining to myself...

  • I swear.  Not excessively but pretty indiscriminately. I try to avoid it but it's often not something I do consciously. If you want to talk to me but the possibility that I might swear in conversation bothers you? Let me know and I'll avoid doing so when interacting with you. I may still swear in comments or within my writing however, so please keep that in mind if that's something you're uncomfortable with.

  • I am an adult.  If you are a minor and you feel uncomfortable with me interacting with your account (favouriting, commenting, subscribing, etc) for any reason, please don't be afraid to block me!
    Your safety and comfort are way more important than my feelings.

  • If there's any way I can accommodate you? Tell me!  This includes things like using tone indicators, avoiding certain topics or triggers when talking to you, etc. Chances are that if you ask? I'd be more than happy to do whatever you have in mind in order to make conversations easier for you. That said, if you do need tone indicators and you use any that deviate from the more commonplace ones then please specify which ones you'd like me to use!

  • I'm actively against cringe culture.  Limiting someone's creativity and enjoyment based on something as harmless
    as a colour palette or an unconventional interest is silly. If you're the kind of person who judges someone solely on the basis of them having sparkle characters, "cringy" interests, self indulgent fan characters or anything else that's similarly harmless, you're not going to have a fun time here. I'd suggest that you leave but ultimately that's up to you.

  • I support slur reclamation.  I actively encourage the reclamation of slurs by the people they affect and I do reclaim some myself as a trans man who likes men. The slurs queer and faggot (censored here, but for the sake of clarity you can highlight them to read them) are two that I use.

  • If you interact with my work, I will likely do the same.  I get curious and I like to see who's checking out my characters! I'll probably take a look at your profile and favourite any characters that I think are neat. I might even subscribe if I like your work!

  • I am horrible when it comes to keeping up with messages.  I try my best to get to every message I get soon as I can but I do get fatigued by interaction easily sometimes and I have a habit of forgetting things after a point. If I don't respond to your message right away, that's most likely why. I'm sorry in advance if this happens, I promise I'm not ignoring you and that I am trying my best!

  • I don't limit my interactions with people exclusively based on the media they like.  In my mind, so long as you're making the effort to consume media critically and aren't supporting people who are guilty of problematic behaviour? Then you're good. That said, please note I'm personally uncomfortable with Harry Potter, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss and the DSMP. You're still welcome to view my profile, characters, art and interact with me if you're a fan of any of these but bear this in mind.


If you plan on continuing forward and engaging with the things I create, whether short-term or long-term,
please ensure that you read over the following set of rules that apply to all of my Toyhouse!

The majority of the these rules should be a given, but I get the feeling that someone will attempt to find a

loophole in them to justify breaking them if I don't clarify every possible outlier. So if any of the
following comes across as obvious, overly specific or otherwise condescending I am sorry!

 You may not... 

  • Copy, heavily reference, trace, repost or otherwise claim ANY of my artwork as yours.  I think this is pretty self-explanatory for the most part. I work hard on the art I make and I don't want it stolen, replicated or reposted.

  • Copy, take heavy inspiration from, colour pick or claim ANY of my designs as yours.  I don't mind you taking
    inspiration from my designs, but if you just make near enough an exact copy of one of them then we're going to have problems.

  • Ask to co-own any of my characters As a whole I generally only co-own my characters with my partners and close friends. If you're a stranger or someone I don't know very well then I'm afraid it's a no. Sorry!

  • Offer on any of my characters outside of my UFT/S or Tertiary folders.  Unless I approach you first and encourage
    you to offer on characters in one of my other folders, please don't offer outside of these two folders.

  • Use my characters for ANY purpose without my direct consent.  I think this is pretty self-explanatory. I care about
    my characters a lot, please just ask me first if you want to use them for something.

 You may... 

  • Draw, write or create content about or featuring my characters with my consent.  Just ask me first! Chances are
    that unless what you have in mind doesn't suit the character or goes against my morals then I'll likely say yes.

  • Favourite my characters Go nuts, favourite as many as you'd like! I take it as a huge compliment!

  • Put my characters in dreamie folders.  I don't check the folders people put my characters in anyway, so I
    don't really mind. Just bear in mind that "forever homed" means forever homed, you likely won't be getting them.

  • Ask to roleplay with me.  I love to roleplay and I'd love to hear what you have in mind! Just keep in mind that I am
    a bit rusty and I'd prefer to only rp with folks who are 18+ for the sake of my own comfort.

  • Ask to pair your characters with mine.  This can include romantic pairings or friendship pairings. I can't guarantee
    a yes as some of my characters are already paired with each other, but you're welcome to ask!

  • Ask for pings.  That said, please keep in mind that I don't do pings for all of my characters. If you want to know what characters are available for pings, check my pingable tag. If a character is listed under that tag, you can ask to be pinged if they go up for offers. If they aren't, you're out of luck I'm afraid and I'll have to turn you down. Sorry!

  • Leave constructive criticism.  I'm always looking for feedback and ways to improve my art and design work!
    If you have any constructive thoughts you'd like to share in order to help me improve then you're welcome to!

  • Message me.  My inbox is always open if you have any questions, suggestions or if you'd just like to chat!
    I don't bite so long as you don't cross any of my boundaries.

That all being said, if you did read everything and got this far without any issues then thank you for reading!
If you didn't, that's your decision. That said, you've had fair warning so continue at your own risk.

Remember to wash your hands, drink some water, take your meds and take care of yourself!

I hope you have a good day!


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