Jamie Spring



9 months, 19 days ago



Name Jamie Spring
Sexuality Queer/unlabled
Age 31
Gender He/him, male
Race White
Occupation Piercer
Demeanor Affable, insecure, funny
Theme Song link


  • Anything 70s, especially the fashion
  • Cult history
  • Cult classic films & indie projects ;)
  • Photography & filmaking


  • Deep conversations
  • Pity
  • Stale people/environments
  • Strongly religous people/organized religon


Jamie is a piercer at Prism Ink. a small- but popular tattoo & body mod shop in NYC. When he's not hanging out with Nicolai & friends after work or contemplating his "empty life" (His words, not mine) he's at the local pub. Jamie is deeply insecure, especially in his abilites & work ethic. But most would never think that with his confident and sassy character he's built up for himself. His own insecurity can often rub off onto other people, making them question their own ability. But he doesn't do it on purpose. He actually has quite a fatherly nature or "quirky uncle energy" around his co-workers, mostly the younger ones. Jamie is deeply passionate for photography & film making, but his self loathing often gets to him before he can even pick up the camera. Alot of his issues surrounding himself & his identity come from the way he was raised- constantly belittled by his family members for his out-there nature. They were deeply enthralled within a cult, and often used their views against him in every way possible. At 17, the cult was finally cracked down on. He was put into foster care for only a year before thrown onto the street. He was homeless off and on for years. At one point, he finally landed a stable job, things slowly got better... but some wounds just won't heal. He cares strongly for younger people he sees himself in, & tries to make everyone feel just a bit better- if possible.

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