Getou Shunji



10 months, 5 days ago


Total spending: 4,878₽/≈50$

[Shunji is based on an jjk rp, so beware lol]

Note: He can age with time (or more like evolve his form and mind) because i said so, ahem..

Height: 174 cm | 5'8 ft

Weight: 59 kilo | 130 lb

Age: ???

-When he was little he tried to cut his ears and tail off with sharp stone, to look more human like his mama (he thought Suguru was mom, yeah he was stupid, cut him some slack)

- And Suguru helped him cut them of completely

-Wears his tail on his belt like a pendant

-Despite being a cursed spirit he adapted more of a human way of living his day to day life (as in eating, sleeping etc. despite not really needing to)

-Doesn't like Nanako and Mimiko, despite not showing it, he thinks their presence robs him of Suguru's attention (that he has all rights to in his opinion)

-Likes to indulge in eating raw meats(human or high end beef wagyu) and getting drunk in his free time

-doesn't like to be alone(probably has abandonment issues lol)

-doesn't like silence, because his thoughts are too much

-not mentally stable individual, like, at all

-maybe a bit of a psychopath, just a bit

-can summon a cursed katana 

-doesn't have a set set genitalia, thus can interchange between them if he wants

-suitors(omg it's a harem lol):

-he looks and acts aloof, indiferent and quite sad most of the time, serving any command Suguru gives him dutifully, not caring if he needs to kill someone or get the groceries, but yet when let loose he can became really smug and snarky to common people. He's afraid of being alone or in complete silence because his memories haunt him. Deep down he misses being a child