


10 months, 5 days ago


Pronouns: They/Them | It/Its

Identity: Agender


Main Traits

+Smol stubby body | +Chain Chomp head | +Chihuahua like personality | +Sassy attitude | +Will bite you | +Best friends with Ice Noodle


Meet Chomp-A-Wamp, a pint-sized whirlwind of fur and fury. This unique character is a curious blend of canine charm and fantastical oddity, sporting a Chain Chomp for a head atop a stocky, stubby body. Don't let its diminutive size fool you – Chomp-A-Wamp is a force to be reckoned with, possessing the sassy attitude of a chihuahua in a wildly imaginative form. The only one who Chomp-A-Wamp spares a bit of kindness too is their loving friend Ice Noodle. With its ceaseless energy and fiery spirit, Chomp-A-Wamp barrels through its surroundings, its Chain Chomp head playfully snapping and gnashing, ready to take on the world with unbridled determination.

AKA: A lil guy who will not hesitate to eat your fingers. 


Chomp-A-Wamp and Ice Noodle share a heartwarming bond that defies their contrasting natures. Like a dynamic duo from a fantastical tale, their friendship is a harmonious blend of energy and tranquility. Chomp-A-Wamp's fiery determination finds its counterpart in Ice Noodle's serene composure, each bringing out the best in the other. Chomp-A-Wamp's boisterous enthusiasm is met with a patient understanding by Ice Noodle, while Ice Noodle's calm presence has a soothing effect on Chomp-A-Wamp's feisty spirit. Together, they navigate their world with an inspiring synergy, teaching us that even the most unlikely of companions can create a beautiful symphony of friendship, laughter, and unwavering support.


Ice Noodle Icy Noodle on Toyhouse

Prompt generated by ChatGPT(3.5), writing finished by Me.