OTA Luna Dayton



6 years, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer

Basic Info


28/10 | 13:09| Thiên Bình


-Original premise: You can keep or change this as you'd like

Name: Luna Dayton

Brief background:

Her father is a HR director of a household appliance corporation, her mother is an interpreter. Her maternal family has a tradition in practicing witchcraft. She was not very well liked by her paternal family.

Supernatural ability: Psychometry — Reading and assigning memories to objects, seeing what the object was used for from the user's perspective. She can be overwhelmed by the owner's emotions. Her ability is most effective on objects made of metal > stone > to less durable materials, it works best with objects that have strong bond with its owner or objects that containing strong emotions.

Her ability to attach memories to objects is limited, it's often automatically activated when there is a strong emotion which ordinary people can even perceive vaguely.

-Art worth: $110

-OTA: Money > Art > Character
-Money payment can be made through paypal with additional platform fees, or through remitly with no fees
-I'm highly tentative with art and character but feel free to offer! Please check my favorite folder to see my prerences for character trade. With art, I'm fond of old manga/anime or netflix castlevania art styles.

-Resale/ trade/ gifing: A-okay. Would prefer if future owner can keep them public though!