Rem Aster



1 year, 1 month ago



Species: vampire

Occupation: jester, in a small traveling circus

Age: 35, but became a vampire at 29 so he looks 29 still

Originally created:10 October 2021

Likes: Attention, stars, excitement of any kind, adrenaline

Dislikes: Boredom, monotony, bright light (he always hated it), repetition, being told no

Other: He has ADHD. They are left-handed. It is sensitive to loud sounds, and extremely sensitive to light. He has small star-shaped scars on his arms from recieving repeated blood transfusions at a time when they were not very advanced. It is typically extremely sleep-deprived and starved for blood, leaving them often struggling to not pass out. He can only sleep on autopsy/operation tables, due to dying on one (as opposed to vampires who can only sleep in coffins with dirt from their graves). He was raised in a Christian household, but this didn't leave much of an impression on him, since his family wasn't very dedicated - they just prayed or went to church every once in a while, because it made life a little easier. This is an optional detail, but his arrows and speech bubbles are made up of sharp lines, and tend to curl around themselves!

Personality: Rem generally tries to avoid violence (out of fear of consequence rather than pacifism). He's very impulsive, and laid-back to a fault. He feels no worry even when he really should. He spends a lot of time laying around and really only shows much energy when he's performing in the circus. He's terrified of being forgotten completely, and he doesn't realize it, but he's also incredibly scared of dying. He's impatient, he lacks long-term goals or plans, he's irresponsible, and they take high risks knowing it'll survive. He has heavy mood swings, and can't handle being told no, or that he's wrong. It can't stand understimulation or boredom and will chase adrenaline. They overexert itself a lot, and he doesn't have much regard for his own safety or really even the safety of others. He's spontaneous and can often be callous, but genuinely means well for the most part. He spent a lot of his life thinking that he was going to die, or feeling like he was already dead, and moving through life as a ghost, never affecting anything. This has left him with a desperate need to feel things, to experience things, to live forever and change the world and be adored by the masses. He has always itched to do something of importance, good or bad, and it ate him up inside for his whole life. He has no real goals. He is far too short-sighted for that. He just wants something interesting. He wants something to sink his teeth into. Most of all, he wants something to happen.

Backstory: Rem was born into a family that he would describe as being sickeningly average. He has always been restless, but this was not at all helped by him being somewhat sickly and injury-prone as a child. He was left alone, with nothing to do, and it was driving him batty. Every day was the same for everyone he knew. His parents worked in factories, and when he was old - and healthy - enough, Rem worked for a short while slaughtering livestock. It's physically difficult, but quick, and repetitive. He rips his hair out and claws at his skin and screams when he's alone and every day he goes back to working in the most miserable conditions he can imagine. All of it is slowly killing him. Everyone around him is dull, everything he does it dull, and nothing ever changes. The only news is the occassional injury or death from a factory accident, which is forgotten almost as fast as the death of an animal being slaughtered there. Nothing ever has happened here and nothing ever will happen here. Years of doing nothing have left him so restless and work is not enough for him. It’s eating away at him and he keeps lashing out at people around him. He doesn’t sleep at night. Eventually he just leaves with little fanfare, and he manages to find his way to a doctor, Agnes, who notes his desperation to be something, or do something. She offers him the opportunity to help her with some tests. He dies. His body begins to rot, filling with bugs. He comes back to life. He joins the circus. Surely nothing can go wrong from here!