


9 months, 27 days ago



"I don't really care about who we are in this world... because the most essential is I am me and you are you."

Gender female
Pronouns she/they
S.O. panromantic-demisexual
Age 19 (OG), 20 (NB)
Sign Leo
Species half-human
Title Daughter of Nature
Alignment Neutral Good

"Fragile but strong and plain but iridescent" is a sentence to summarize Arciel. An innocent petite girl (149cm tall/36kg weight) who has fair skin, (kinda) flat body type, soft baby voice, and long wavy white hair. She doesn't have a certain fashion style and consistent color palette for outfits. Her forehead and ears are covered by hair, yet her eyes tell everything: they are rainbow like a color wheel with dark galaxy pupils.

Arciel is my OCsona and my Obey Me series' MC. Yeah, Arciel OBM OG (emoji: πŸ•ŠοΈ) and Arciel OBM NB (emoji: 🐏) are different person.


Lone wolf

At a mere glance, Arciel is a sweet soul who needs to be protected, but actually, she is a complex person. She often looks calm, but can act childish around people she trusts and be wise if needed. She knows how to balance her thinking and feelings, although she denies her true emotion at some moments. Deep inside, she assumes herself low, but she's confident in things she is passionate about.

Arciel πŸ•ŠοΈ: awakened, pointy ears, has a scar on left wrist, has made pact with demon brothers Arciel 🐏: still unawakened, loves wearing hair accessories, hasn't made any pact yet
  • Nature
  • Internet
  • Books
  • Pollution
  • Crowds
  • Injustice

  • Losing beloved people
  • Ocean (NB)
  • Writing
  • Gaming
  • Relaxing in nature


Nature's Blessing

This passive skill is self-healing and self-regenerating but only physically and for specific cases. It only heals injury from her internal or nature energy.

The Six Elements

She can mastery the six elements (fire, water, wind, earth, light, and darkness) in very limited amount but its purity is the highest. Example: her (original) fire burns everything, she uses it to burn the coagulated pollutant when doing her duty as Daughter of Nature.

Connected with Mother Nature

Manipulating six elements in nature (example: make a small tornado when the wind blows) and can borrow nature energy with consequences. Her half-human body is too weak to such power. If she forces herself or doing it in big amount/long duration, she might be fainted, even coma afterwards. Not stopping there, when she wakes up already, her internal energy still goes in chaos so she needs further treatment.


Arciel OBM OG (πŸ•ŠοΈ) and Arciel OBM NB (🐏) are kinda identical, but they live in different universe, so they have different lore.
It's an Eternal Vow, My Love (πŸ•ŠοΈ)

Her mother was a scientist and environmental activist. Her father was a public attorney, defending weak people. The little family was living happily... until the turning point began when Arciel was 9 years old.

People accused her mother as an evil witch and burned her alive. Giusto and Arciel fought for justice for her, but they lost. Then, they decided to move to faraway place recommended by Noir's father, their closest neighbor. Arciel dropped out of elementary school and was taught by his father and friends of her parents. Her father often took Arciel to visit the people, showing her that there are still many good humans. Despite having non-formal education, Arciel is much smarter than other children at her age. Giusto once asked when Arciel was ready to go to school, Arciel answered she didn't know.

When Arciel was 14 years old, Giusto was forcibly removed (it's called desaparecidos) by the oligarchs after confronting them about an agrarian conflict. Arciel started living on her own and going to school according to her father's wishes. She was still searching for him. Fortunately, her family has some assets (but later she works as writer to help covering all the bills). Sometimes, Noir and her parents’ friend come visit her.

Several years later, Noir was missing. He disappeared after going to the capital to investigate something. Not long ago, a humanitarian NGO contacted Arciel. They found the bones that allegedly belonged to Arciel's father. And, that day was exactly 10 years after cruelty happened to her mother.

Arciel was in despair. All her emotions exploded like a time bomb. She committed suicide by cutting the veins of her left hand but failed because her elemental spirit entity was activated. The next day, she was summoned to the Royal Academy of Diavolo.

In Devildom, she met new friends, family, Arciel and Leviathan's story can be divided to six chapters of life: The Beginning, The Pact, The Confession, The Bond, The Love, and The Vow.

Levarci's story: It's an Eternal Vow, My Love.

My Love for You Transcends Time (🐏)

[Notes: In Arciel's world, there are no demon brothers because they died in the Great Celestial War. In the Nightbringer world, Arciel would not have been born, because Lilith, her ancestor took a different path.]

Arciel grew up in a warm and harmonious environment. If there was anything strange, it was the annual dream that had been present since Arciel entered Junior High School. In those dreams, a strange male voice kept calling her name from far away. Arciel tried to ignore it even though it kept repeating itself.

Then, she went to university in the big city. On her first day, she dreamed of a seven-colored light in a dark place. When Arciel woke up, a ring was on her finger. The ring returned even though it had been thrown away, eventually Arciel considered it as amulet. Solomon, Arciel's boarding house neighbor, named it Ring of Light.

One day, Arciel received bad news from her hometown. The agrarian conflict there is getting worse, and Arciel's parents are critically hit by stray bullets from the army. Panicked, Arciel went home. It took three transportations to get there.

When Arciel was on the ship, an undetected number sent a message. Unregistered. Arciel somehow seemed enchanted to reply to it. After that Arciel fell into the sea even though she couldn't swim well. She ever heard an unfamiliar voice and saw seven-colored lights.

She arrived in a strange dark place when she opened her eyes. Her physique had changed too. Demon? Was she already dead? Then she saw the men in the photo Unregistered had sent earlier.

"Lucifer, I'm afraid of that."

When the indigo-haired sea serpent demon said that, Arciel felt that his voice was similar to the voice in Arciel's dream. Arciel's left chest suddenly hurt, fortunately the symptoms subsided when she stopped remembering. And... it seemed that the demon also felt the same strangeness?

Arciel and Leviathan's story in Obey Me Nightbringer universe is still WIP, but so far they have complicated relationship and haven't been dating yet.


  • Arciel can eat a basket of fruits but her stomach will be easily full when eating a half plate of red meat, she prefers chicken and fish to meat.
  • Arciel's father (Giusto alias Gio) is a Lilith descendant, and her mother (Terra) was raised in the elemental spirit world.
  • Idealism made her father throw away his family name, so Arciel doesn't have a surname.
  • Her kami-oshi is Scarlet Zero from anime and otome game Mystic Hacker.
  • Arciel cosplays a few times, and Ruri-chan cosplay is Leviathan's most favorite.
  • Eclair is her pen name.
  • Their pact makes demon brothers can detect Arciel's certain sin (Lucifer feels her pride, etc).
  • ArcielπŸ•ŠοΈ sometimes can see another universe through dream. It's effect of incident in lesson 16 (two Arciel from similar timeline merged as one), her pure element, and accident when making a magic potion.
  • One of the reasons Arciel🐏 was chosen by Nightbringer to isekai is Nightbringer can feel her strange connection with this universe.


Bestfriends and lovers at the same time. They also have the strongest bond; an eternal vow of love. Even in other universes, they love and choose each other... though not all story has the happy ending.

In Obey Me og, it's blurry about who fell first to the other. But Arciel recognized her feelings first while Leviathan friendzoned her... even though Leviathan's attitude showed their feelings were mutual. Then, Leviathan fell much harder once he gained the courage to express his true feelings.

In Obey Me NB, they met a soulmate when they're not ready mentally. So they often deny that they're in love, thinking it's just pact effect or horrible soulmate thingy.

Their ship name is Levarci(Leviarci is also okay). The yumemojis: Obey Me og (πŸπŸ•ŠοΈ), Obey Me NB (😈🐏), and another universe (🌊🌈).