


9 months, 19 days ago



Prefix . . . a bird that thrives in leafbare.

Suffix . . . for his rank.

Gender . . . male

Pronouns . . . he / him / his

Age . . . 2

S.O.B. . . . leaf-fall

Mentor . . . n / a

Apprentice . . . n / a

Residence . . . adirondack mountains

Rank . . . bluffclan kitten

Family tree (Intro)

Ethel Cain

Can you bring me a trout? No?- Please! You can even eat it after, I just want the scales.

He Enjoys . . .

  • Collecting Fish Scales.
  • Hearing Hunting Stories.
  • Expert Moth Catching.
  • Long, Peaceful Naps.

He Hates . . .

  • Having His Fur Cleaned.
  • Overly Warm Days.
  • Eating Birds. Feathers, ew!
  • Rough-Housing.

He wants to . . .

  • Learn a Hunter's Crouch.
  • Learn about BluffClan.
  • Learn about his peers.
  • Learn how to dodge.


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf


Dom. Paw



ace of spades


the fool




the outsider



Spirit Animal










General Traits Description

adaptable . alert . resourceful

proud . solemn . ambitious

timid . blunt . tense

Simply too nervous of the cat's around him to lie, the little tom-kits forthright bluntness is both a boon and a danger; especially when faced with the wrong cat. Too young to understand social queues he worries that other cat's find him to be an annoyance, a rat under their paws, and more-often-than not is found sticking to the side-lines with familiar company. Either inherited, or developed by itself, Kingletkit's almost constantly tense when placed in a hectic environment like camp-life. While he enjoys the company of other's he finds it difficult to relax, and will actively seek a quieter place with an overly honest excuse and little explanation. Despite this he's unnervingly proud of his family and will go to lengths despite his own nervousness in defence of his known heritage. Tolerating no slander for Voleflower or Heavyclaw, no matter the situation.

Too young to truly remember his time in the Barn, but old enough to know that his environment has changed, Kingletkit's transition between what he knew and where he is now has been eased by his ability to adapt with startling efficiency. Remaining fairly resolute - all things considered - as he navigates the newfound dangers within the Clan's camp and the separation from his Mother. A kitten neither clan born or of barn-blood, he understands the need to be resourceful as a fish among hawks. It's from this that he develops a deep-seated ambition as he grows, not for Leadership but simply to succeed. To make something of a difficult start, proving himself to his Clan and his Family in what is a solemn show of his adulthood's coming struggles.

Key- No- King... Kingleet? Kin- Kinglet. Kingletkit. Kingletkit. Weird!


Kingletkit has a condition called Hyperthymesia, better known as photographic memory or 'HSAM', meaning he is capable of remembering a great amount of his life in great detail. This serves as a great blessing and a curse to the little tom-kit who doesn't enjoy the fact he can remember the moment Voleflower walked out on him and his Brother as if it were just yesterday. Alternatively, he finds he enjoys being able to call out his clanmates if they promise him something then go back on it.

Unfortunately, his timid nature makes it difficult for him to fully embrace this part of himself. Instead choosing to 'forget' things when asked in order to get out of answering questions, playing down his memory to avoid confrontation or praise. As he grows more confident in himself he'd begin too use this memory to sew mischief. Though, many cats find his bluntness and excellent memory a hellish combination leading to many misunderstandings that he'd always prefer to avoid. Hence, the lying in order to spare his own time rather than the feelings of the cat's he's speaking too.

One of his main vices comes in the form of sweet treats, almost always specifically honeycomb provided by any cat brave enough to sneak into the Medicine Cat's Den to get it for him.

Uh- I- No, no, I don't remember where I got the honey. Sorry, Appleberry . . .

Common Quirks & Habits

head bobbing







gait / movement

This little odd-ball of a feline has a number of unusual quirks that make him, well... him! While a naturally timid tom it's difficult to get him to sit still when there isn't anything to occupy his mind. Bouncing up onto his paws in a rolling motion when idle or particularly excited about something; rather than exclaim his enjoyment it's often that you'll see it in his physical movement. A ball of barely contained confidence hidden behind a terrified surface. Unfortunately, his tail get's a lot of the more nervous energy in an unfortunate manner. The fur is often fluffed up beyond what it should be from his over-grooming, thankfully it's never gone far enough to mean he's lost fur but compared to the fact he outright refuses to allow many cats to get near his knotted pelt? The tail-fur is almost sparkling.

Not uncommon for kits, or particularly moody children taken from their home. Kingletkit's posture is apalling, head bowed low and shoulders hunched over in a casual slouch only abated by an older cat addressing him. Suddenly his back is stock-straight and his eyes bright, perhaps out of fear... or out of interest? It varies depending on the what, how and why.













Time of Day



n / a




the barn


old hay








badger rides



story genre


Height average.

Weight underweight.

Build slim.

Fur Texture long & scruffy.

Tail Length naturally short.

Pelt colour warm grey & white.

Eye Colour cool brown.

Fur Pattern caped stripes.

a grey tom with a short tail and brown eyes.

Kingletkit is an average sized, slender tom with long, tufted fur that he doesn't care to keep neat. The grey areas of his fur are marred with slightly darker stripes, as well as slight browning around key-areas of his body. His underbelly, chest, and lower face are all white though often dirtied by constant playing as fitting for a kitten of his age. His fur is often described as unruly, and requires a good grooming each evening.

The kitten's tail is naturally short, as was his patriarchs, however the slow growing white markings speckled along his face aren't... how could this develop, I wonder?

  • Kingletkit has one 'antennae' on his right-side, but two on his left. His singular one is entirely white.
  • His body markings are a gradient from grey, to a slightly warmer grey-brown.
  • He is afflicted with vitiligo. It's currently affecting the area around his left eye, and right antennae.
  • His expressions are a almost always solemn, or blank. Despite whatever emotion he's feeling in that moment.
  • His head-fur can be drawn pushed back, but this is not his preferred style.
  • Thick eyelashes!
Original Hypokit Design by Annie

Kingletkit's Judgement



There’s little love in the way of treachery. Nor affection in appeasement. A scourge, a black mark, on the history of BluffClan spreading ever wider; Finsnap’s legacy is no longer of a brave tom looking to reform his Clan’s fallen grace. It’s about a mad man. A tom with a vision who had lost his sight and brought those that cared for him down into the depths with him, leaving more lives shattered than intact in his final violent outburst as Deputy. A war. Bloody and brutal, stealing sight and hope but bringing about a new era of trust even if he hoped to destroy it completely.

It was almost ironic, then, that the cat that would love him the most would be one of the most delicate flowers that the Adirondack Mountains could offer. Voleflower, kind, careful and nervous, roped dangerously into his plots until he was finished with her. Turning on them at the first opportunity. When the dust settled the two parted. Finsnap tunnelling his way like a rat in a trap, while Voleflower departed with a new love in their heart.

Unfortunately, they parted with more than that. Within a moon of arriving at the Barn, Voleflower gave birth to two kittens; two little boys. Each an agonising mixture of what they’d tried to leave behind, and what future was to come. So, two moons after their birth, in the middle of the night. A nearly full moon sat high in the sky. The midnight guard alerted the clan as shadowy figures approached. Prepared for a fight, the clan stood still as Voleflower arrived before them. With them, Heavyclaw, two mewling kits, and a stranger by the name of Colt. Despite the tense air, the group hurried to the leader's den to warm them up.

In private, Coldstar spoke with Voleflower where they admit that the kits are in fact Finsnap's, not Heavyclaw's. Regretfully and teary eyed, Voleflower begged Coldstar to have their kits take refuge in Bluffclan, saying that if Finsnap ever scouted or overtook the barn, he would take them from their parent without hesitation. Not one to turn a former clan cat away, Coldstar agreed though did not pester Voleflower on the reasons they would not be with their kits.

Sniffling, as Voleflower began to say their final goodbyes to their kits, Heavyclaw pulled Coldstar aside. He gingerly asked if he was allowed to stay to raise them himself, wishing to protect Vole's kits instead of returning to the barn by their side. Knowing the gravity of their lineage, the two agree that Heavyclaw may remain in Bluffclan and that no other cat is to know about their true father. Not until the time is right.

. . . A Little Rollie Pollie

The first few weeks of his life were spent nameless though not without a few notable monickers, "Little Pill Bug" were among the most popular thanks to his grey colouring and little antennae and as time passed with Voleflower having clearly no intention of officially naming her sons it stuck. A mixture of 'Pill Bug', 'Rollie Pollie', and whatever other interesting nicknames the barn cats chose to come up with. While his time there was brief, Pill Bug had no shortage of interesting experiences among the barn cats and notes many of those times with fondness when asked.

SECRET STORY 1 - locked.

SECRET STORY 2 - locked.

SECRET STORY 3 - locked.

It's no surprise why he desires to go back there and be with his Baba, curling up in their nest and hiding away among those he's familiar with. Perhaps you can find out some of his stories?

. . . Back To Where The Blood Calls

How could they leave him? Leave them. Hearing Voleflower say goodbye could never compare to the agony of watching them walk away from the Camp without he, or his Brother. Tossed into an unknown environment, freezing and hungry, with only- only Heavyclaw. Why had he stayed? Who would protect their Baba if he was here, with them? Stripped of his name, replaced with something more 'appropriate' or so they claimed. The newly dubbed 'Kingletkit' finds little comfort in the conformity, nor in how he's set-apart from this Clan like a show to be watched.

It's difficult to understand the 'how' and 'why' of the situation when no one will tell him. When cat's sit and stare like he is something to fear, or something strange - a puzzle that he doesn't have the pieces too. Sticking to the side-lines and his Dad's side, Kingletkit tries his best to not snap at the older tom while adjusting to his new home. Whether or not he wants too understand his new peers, he knows he'll have to adapt or potentially be sent away. Just like his Parent was... well, presumably like his parent was.

Why else would Voleflower leave them both?






Herbal Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Preferred Fighting Style too young.

Preferred Hunting Style too young.

Favoured Weapon too young.

Favoured Prey too young.

While too young to have formed any true talents, nor show a true aptitude for any of the skills required to survive as a wild cat, Kingletkit has begun to a show a great deal of interest in exploration. Often enough watching the patrols of cats leave the camp from the side-lines, an odd sparkle in his eyes that screams curiousity. Perhaps this tells of a future wanderer, or simply a young kit's desire to be free.


  • Extremely Observant.
  • Quick on paws. Nimble.
  • Eager to learn / gain knowledge.
  • Quick-thinking.

Untrained but determined. Kingletkit is heavily motivated to succeed even as a kitten, using his natural aptitude's and familial bonds to his advantage.


  • Lacks confidence under stress.
  • Distrustful of peers.
  • Physically frail; young.
  • No official training.

Between his young age, and frail build born from a difficult start in leafbare, Kingletkit struggles to overcome his bodies limits and the nervousness that plagues him.

Training Milestone #1
skill gained


Describe the gained skill / milestone events here.

Training Milestone #2
skill gained


Describe the gained skill / milstone events here.


Item Name

Event Earned In...

Describe how the item was obtained. Do they like it? Where is it kept now?

Item Name

Event Earned In...

Describe how the item was obtained. Do they like it? Where is it kept now?


General Notes . . .

Notable Heritage . . .

  • Voleflower (they/them) — bio. parent.
  • Heavyclaw (he/him) — adoptive father.
  • Finsnap (he/him) — bio. father.
  • Spiderfrost (he/him) — pat. grandfather.
  • Goldensky (she/her) — pat. grandmother.
  • Garscale (he/him) — pat. uncle.

Seeking Interactions with . . .

  • Flutterfin (she/her). A bonding of siblings.
  • Foxglare (she/her). Who are you? . . .
  • Cardinalsnap (they/nyx). A guide on anarchy.
  • Sagepaw (he/him). Welcome to BluffClan.
  • Littlepaw (they/she/he). New home, old fears.
  • Pickerelpaw (she/her). Something to learn.

Future Goals . . .

  • Successfully hunt a large moth in camp.
  • Earn a respectable nickname.
  • Convince a peer to sneak out with him.
  • Ask Appleberry for some honeycomb.
  • Become a Warrior people will be proud of.
  • Attempt to grow his collection of fishscales.

Notable Relationships

Voleflower . . .
biological parent.

Has anyone seen my Baba? I swear, they were here when we arrived . . .

Although the two are currently seperated for reasons unknown to Kingletkit, he still deeply adores his Baba as only a young kitten can. Blind to their flaws and ignorant to just how-much of his Father she see's in him, the little tom is almost a constant pestering presence to any cat with even a scrap of information on them.

One of the main things that Kingletkit adores about his Baba is their comforting calm that in his eyes only they can provide, no matter how much Heavyclaw tries to mimic it.

Heavyclaw . . .
adoptive father.

Where are they, Dad? Why can't we leave? I don't... I want to go home.

If there was ever a tom more fit for the job of wrangling Voleflower's kittens, he'd have to get through Heavyclaw first. Kingletkit doesn't hold a significant amount of affection for Heavyclaw on account of the fact that he believes it's him keeping them from their Baba. It's undeniable that he feels a great deal of comfort with the older tom though, and still calls him 'Dad' despite the turmoil.

Their shared interest in a quiet environment mean they're together a great deal though.

Flutterfin . . .
curious of / sister-figure.

Like my- my Dad's daughter? Sort of my sister? She's nice . . .

Kingletkit hasn't had any direct communication with Flutterfin yet, but he's learned a great deal from watching her and his Dad interact. Regarding her as a shy but interesting cat who he aims to get to know better, maybe, possibly depending on if he has the confidence to approach her. Maybe... maybe she'd like his fish scale collection?

The two seem to have some key factors in common that could mean that they're destined for a sweet friendship in the future.

Name Here . . .
biological brother.

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