Mellowslug Guide (READ ME) (How To Play)



1 year, 27 days ago


Quick Link

Discord MasterlistSpecies GuideKo-FiFAQ & T.O.S


  1. Game Rules
  2. Getting Started
  3. Gamemode
  4. Obtaining Slug
  5. ID & Tag



  1. Player Conduct

    1. Basic Decency & Respect | No bigotry, drama, unsolicited venting, fighting with admins, tracing, or stealing art. Repeated offenses or pushing boundaries will result in a ban.
    2. No AI |  All art, writing, and ideas must be human-made.
  2. MYO Rules

    1. Avoid Copying | When designing slug offspring, it cannot be a complete clone of its parents; there must be at least a 20% visual difference.
    2. Owner's Consent | Do not breed slug without the owner's permission. Slugs for rent can be found on the #slug-rent channel on Discord.
    3. Ethical Breeding | Do not breed slug with parent-child relationship.
    4. Follow Species Guide | When designing, stay consistent with Mellowslug's species guide.
    5. Follow Lore | Stay consistent with Mellowslug's world-building.
  3. ARPG Guidelines

    1. Link Offspring | When you breed slug, you MUST link the offspring to its parents on the character profile.  
    2. Include Credit | Mention of the Mellowslug species must be included somewhere in the slug's character profile.
    3. Masterlist Approval | A slug must be in the Masterlist before it is playable.
    4. No Selling Adopts or Flipping | Players cannot make slugs adoptable or obtain slugs solely to flip (resell for a higher price).
  4. Read T.O.S | By owning a Mellowslug design, you agree to abide to these terms and conditions.
    Breaking T.O.S will lead to warning or blacklisting.



Welcome to Mellowslug Sanctuary ARPG! To kickstart, here are the key platforms where our game is hosted:
ARPG function   -   Discord Sever
Guides  -  TH Character Profile
Traits - Google Sheet
Gallery  -  TH Character Profile
Masterlist  -  TH World
Adopts  -  TH Account
ARPG Bank  -  Google Sheet

To play our ARPG, you must first join our Discord Server!

Discord Server

Hoard ( Bank )

A hoard is a player's bank / inventory, it is essential in earning seeds and participating many of the ARPG's activities! Once registered, you will be given your own hoard number, use it to track your items and currency.

  • Please keep track of your number.
  • To transfer any item / currency between players, see here.
  • !! If you change your Toyhouse / Discord username, notify us so we could update your hoard!!

Register HoardView Your Hoard Here

Seeds ( Currency )

81887370_6vw0uNv0f2EKwgW.pngSeeds are Mellowslug ARPG's currency, they can be earned by entering art prompts / drawing gift art in Seed Quests. You must have a hoard to start earning seeds.

!! Seeds cannot be traded for real world money !!

Seed Quests



What’s the difference between Story Tree and Wilderness?

Story Tree Slugs are called
Wilderness Slugs are called

Story Tree and Wilderness serve two distinct gameplay purposes and are played separately. 

In the current lore, Mellowslugs are on the brink of near-extinction due to habitat lost. Their numbers and diversity significantly declined, and it's our duty at the Sanctuary to restore and expand their population.

Story Tree
Story Tree is the official main storyline tree of Mellowslug Sanctuary ARPG. At the Sanctuary, our Gardeners cultivate Mellowbush and repopulate Mellowslugs with the help of players. Progression in the Story Tree contributes to the Mellowslug species as a whole, expanding its genetic diversity, and influencing the Wilderness.

  • Players cannot create MYOs of Story Tree slugs or breed them; they must be obtained through the Gardeners.
  • All Story Tree slugs will continue to be bred by other players through gameplay regardless if you own them or not.
  • If you decide to opt out, please send a ticket on Discord. Your slug lose its Slug ID and be released into the Wilderness, where you have control over its renting.

Wilderness represents the creative side of the ARPG. It has existed since a time when Mellowslugs were widespread and diverse, evolving and thriving over countless lifetimes. However, with the current near-extinction, wild slugs are now stagnated, and it's up to us to help them!

!! Slugs of Story Tree and slug of Wilderness cannot crossbreed !!



Story Tree and Wilderness have different way to obtain slug, here you can learn how

Story Tree - From a Gardener

Dsoy71Y.pngChoose 2 parent slugs from the Story Tree, and select any Gardener's channel on the Discord Server you'd like to submit your Nest Request Form to.


You can obtain a slug by trading art or money with the gardeners.


Be sure to check the gardener's pinned message for information regarding their preferred character for art exchanges, turnaround time, and the number of available slots.


Once your form is accepted, you must complete your part of the trade within 1 month. Failure to do so will result in a 4-week ban from the gardeners' channel. A second violation will lead to a permanent ban from submitting forms to the gardeners.

 USxic4z.pngAll MYO section art credit to blububu

You can only choose to keep 1 slug; the other will be placed in the Adopt Shelter for anyone to offer. All Mellowborn slugs in the Story Tree will continue to be bred by other players through gameplay. If you decide to opt out, please send a ticket on Discord. Your slug lose its Slug ID and be released into the Wilderness, where you have control over its renting.

Slugs obtained from Gardener will display "Mellowborn" in the ID's "Obtain Via" section

Submit your Nest Request Form Here

Wilderness - From MYO

MYO means "Make Your Own". They are also called Wild Slugs in-game and can be found in the Wilderness.
! MYO cost 5 seeds per creation !
! You can earn seed through drawing prompts !


Designing MYO

You have the freedom to create pure-breed or hybrid slugs from scratch by mixing traits and anatomy from different breeds! There is no limit to colors or traits, as long as they follow the Species Guides.

mbCQkDW.pngYou can also rent 1 - 2 slugs from other players as parents of your MYO. See here to learn how Gene Inheritance works.



"Renting" means a slug is available for anyone to breed. Players are free to opt in their slug for rent, as well as opt out whenever they like. Slugs for rent can be found in #slug-rent channel on Discord .

!! Do not breed slug without the owner's permission !!
!! Do not breed slug with parent-child relationship !!

NOW6bnD.pngAll MYO section art credit to Zayozaze

MYO Submission

Lastly, follow these steps to make your slug playable!

  1. Create Slug's TH profile | Create your slug's profile! Must include reference image, traits, and parents ( if used ) information! You may use the tag or other code for your slug.
  2. Link Offspring | If you used parent slugs in your MYO creation, you must link your slug to its parents! 
  3. Include Credit | Mention of the Mellowslug species must be included somewhere in the slug's character profile.
  4. Submit for Approval | Submit your design to MYO submission for approval! Once it is approved and accepted into the Masterlist, you can start playing with it!

! MYO cost 5 seeds per creation !
!! Make sure you have enough seeds in your hoard before submitting your MYO !!



What’s the difference between ID and Tag?

ID ( Story Tree )
Slug ID can be found in the ownership tab of the slug's character profile. It is used to track Story Mode slug's lineage and masterlist information. Do not edit the content of the ID. You can however customize the code and decorate it to your liking. 

Story Mode slug that are released into the Wilderness will lose its ID. Players are required to delete the ID on the slug's profile, or switch it to a Tag before releasing it.

MellowSlugSanctuary Organization Presents:

Slug Identification Card
Slug 1 | Slug 2

Identification Number-0000
Date of Discovery-00/00/0000
Obtained Via-Mellowborn

 <div class="mx-auto p-3" style="max-width:500px; border: 1px solid;">

	<p>MellowSlugSanctuary Organization Presents:</p>

	<p class="pb-3" style="text-align: center;"><strong>Slug Identification Card</strong>
		<br><img src="" style="max-width: 100px;" class="fr-fic fr-dii" width="100" height="100">
		<br><strong>Parent: </strong>
		<br><a href="">Slug 1</a> | <a href="">Slug 2</a></p>

	<table class="table-hover" style="width: 100%;">
				<td style="width:49.9595%;text-align: right;"><strong>Generation-</strong></td>
				<td style="text-align: left;">0</td>
				<td style="width:49.9595%;text-align: right;"><strong>Identification Number-</strong></td>
				<td style="text-align: left;">0000</td>
				<td style="width:49.9595%;text-align: right;"><strong>Date of Discovery-</strong></td>
				<td style="text-align: left;">00/00/0000</td>
				<td style="width: 49.9595%; text-align: right;"><strong>Obtained Via-</strong></td>
				<td style="text-align: left;">Mellowborn</td>
				<td style="text-align: right;"><strong><a href="" id="">Breed</a><strong>-</strong></strong>
				<td style="text-align: right;"><strong><a href="" id="">Traits</a><strong>-</strong></strong>
				<td style="text-align: right;"><strong><a href="" id="">Texture</a><strong>-</strong></strong>


Tag ( Wilderness )
MYO slugs of the Wilderness have Slug Tag instead. Tagging is is a good way to keep track of your slug! You can customize the code to your liking.

MellowSlugSanctuary Organization Presents:

Wild Slug Tagging Card
Slug 1 | Slug 2

Date of Discovery-00/00/0000
Obtained Via-Unknown

<div class="mx-auto p-3" style="max-width:500px; border: 1px solid;">

	<p>MellowSlugSanctuary Organization Presents:</p>

	<p class="pb-3" style="text-align: center;"><strong>Wild Slug Tagging Card</strong>
		<br><img src="" class="fr-fic fr-dii" width="100" height="100">
		<br><strong>Parent: </strong>
		<br><a href="">Slug 1</a> | <a href="">Slug 2</a></p>

	<table class="table-hover" style="width:100%;">
				<td style="width: 49.8713%; text-align: right;"><strong>Generation-</strong></td>
				<td style="text-align: left; width: 49.9572%;">0</td>
				<td style="width: 49.8713%; text-align: right;"><strong>Date of Discovery-</strong></td>
				<td style="text-align: left; width: 49.9572%;">00/00/0000</td>
				<td style="width: 49.8713%; text-align: right;"><strong>Obtained Via-</strong></td>
				<td style="text-align: left; width: 49.9572%;">Unknown</td>
				<td style="text-align: right;"><strong><a href="" id="">Breed</a><strong>-</strong></strong>
				<td style="text-align: right; width: 49.8713%;"><strong><a href="" id="">Traits</a><strong>-</strong></strong>
				<td style="width: 49.9572%;">Unknown</td>
				<td style="width: 49.8713%; text-align: right;"><strong><a href="" id="">Texture</a><strong>-</strong></strong>
				<td style="width: 49.9572%;">Unknown</td>


Continue to Species Guide