Chamomile's Comments


If you see Chickeno out of the corner of your eye, the edges around his body are static, but if you look at him dead on, he seems fine. There’s also a bit of noise distortion around him, where bird sounds are magnified and if he’s upset they slowly get louder and louder until you can’t hear anything else. 

He’s scared of nether portals. Hell always stay at least three blocks away from them at all times, and when he’s near them his distortion levels get higher, even when directly looking at him. 

Enchanting tables whisper near him, and the bookshelves creak and hum as if scared or in reverence. 

I find this interesting since its closed to what I'm planning off but unexpected on some parts cause of headcanons which is very interesting even my mutual like this one akkdkdke, I'll be choosing you to be the owner of cat creeper! Congrats and take care of them! <3

Thanks and I will!!

read your tos!! :3 (GOD I LOVE THIS CREEPER CAT)


  • very clumsy. will often trip or fall over nothing. they will apologize to inanimate objects if they bump into them.
  • normally quiet. she is often the quiet one in the group, and usually wont speak up for herself.
  • trust issues. skeptical of everyone he meets. even if he hangs out with the person often, he will always never fully trust them. (besides maybe 1 or 2 VERY important people)
  • sensitive. if a single thing doesnt go his way, he could get teary eyed.
  • loves gifts. you could hand them even a leaf and they would be happy. very much in a “for me? :0” context. i imagine them starting to do little mini hops or wiggles while their eyes lighten up.
  • caring.  whenever they see a life struggling, they will do anything to help it. this includes watering random plants if they look dry, or helping stranded animals in need. 
  • curious. a very curious being, who loves exploring and finding new things. they get fascinated by different colored rocks and different types of trees.

read your tos! tysm for the chance!!

• ally to the bees! a given, with their anatomy — even so, should they pass a stray beehive, they'll find themselves followed and fawned over by bees happily buzzing, seeing the stranger as a good person.
• in connection to the above: should a bee become hurt in cheesy's presence, they'll feel the sudden grief/rage that bee mobs typically do. they're able to control this anger... relatively well. well, in comparison to the bees, who sting and end up dying shortly after.
• they have a bee farm in their main home's yard! however, they can't get past the guilt of leading a bee away from its home... so they end up charting and collecting honey from wild hives instead. one day, they'll realize the bees wouldn't mind...
• one of the big reasons they haven't attempted to fly with an elytra (besides these being rare items, and not wanting to expose their wings as nonfunctional) is because of the repair material requiring phantom membrane. that would scare off their phantom buddies/acquaintances, who are already a lil scary to begin with...!
• they have absolutely attempted with fireworks, however. most beautiful crash landing they've ever had.

voice claim /j
• appears at random, akin to the wandering traveler mc mob. also drinks an invisibility potion at night.

Cheesy looks like one of those fellas to listen to playlists that are from another room or have rain over it just a whole vibe playlist like that. They look like they'd get a long with anyone also just spin in circles for fun

Cheesy is constantly having to tend to her wounds with any spare bandages and has a really hard time hiding it around his friends. They hate having to wear the cloak due to their wings 

They will always and forever wait till a fox is safe and asleep before leaving it alone :3

He loves to sneak little globs of honey to the foxes with some fresh berries whenever she gets the chance!

(Also Ty for the opportunity:3)


for chessy, they lowkey seem like the kinda character that if they were offered a dandelion they’d be like “oooh pretty!!!” then try and blow on it and fail and then get frustrated and just eat it. i can totally picture them spitting out dandelion puff and making a little grumpy face.

because of how fluffy her fur is she has to clean it and brush it SUPER often because it gets tangled. they HATE doing this and prefer to just stick flowers in their fur and call it a day.

loves sweet things but not too sweet. like honey is their favorite but they don’t like lollipops or anything like that. they also put honey in literally everything he eats. having tea? needs honey. eating toast? needs honey? sandwhich? needs honey. she’s a bit of a honey addict.

def has a huge bee farm. but not because she’s trying to make money off the bees or anything. they just genuinely enjoy beekeeping and go out of their way to find out which flowers the different hives like better. her favorite hive is the one that likes her favorite flower, blue orchid.

because of her injuries from attempting to fly, she has a lot of scars that she tries to hide. sometimes he paints on himself with dye from flowers to cover up. they are actually a very talented painter and often get compliments on their art. another part of having a lot of injuries is that they always have medical supplies with them. they aren’t interested in medicine or healing but they have picked up a few things over the years.

because she spends so much time alone, he has trouble talking to others and has developed strange social patterns. this means they are often labeled as “weird” by fellow smp members. they don’t mind this however and prefer not to talk in the first place unless it’s to his bees or his foxes.

tysm for the chance and good luck to everyone else!

Headcannons for Chickeno! They will give you more details on quests depending on how many seeds you give them, and if they sense that you have more seed on you than you offer, they'll peck at your shoes until you give them your whole stash. Additionally, if you happen to build a camp/rest near them, they'll wait till you're asleep before claiming any bag you may have as their bed, leaving you to wake up rather confused as to why your bags feel a bit heavier-... They could also spit empty seed shells at you like bb pellets if they're annoyed with you😂 Thanks for the opportunity!

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Thank you for the opportunity!

Bit of a random one but I imagine that chickeno's SUUPER good at foraging. Anytime food's low everyone can always count on Chickeno to find... something edible. This little tid bit could be taken a step further, perhaps Chickeno is able to find other smp member's lost items or little trinkets that have been left behind with this ability. 

Both super cute characters, tysm again for the opportunity! : D

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i think it'd be hilarious if chickeno gets pissed off when people use the word "chicken" to describe someone who's afraid/paranoid,,, i can imagine them like "can we PLEASE not use that word in this context" LMAO

oh no im bad at this stuff 😭 i hope whoever gets em enjoys em :3 they very baba

Chikeno disquises as a chicken because when he was younger he didn’t have many friends and liked to build and make costumes some others saw his costumes and absolutely loved them now he has many friends and often makes them little accessories for fun 

I imagine if cheesy was gifted like a lil treat (like a cookie or small pastry) they would do lil happy wing flaps :3

I feel chess absolutely needs like 6 pillows and 100 blankies all bundled in a pile to sleep with. And has a little jar of honey plushie or pillow!

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