


10 months, 19 hours ago





Wood Elf (Formerly Human)
Age27 (Chronologically)
OccupationMidnight Runner (Formerly)

"You told me to stay on the ladder!" 

Saunders is a founding member of the Midnight Runners. Alongside Beppo, he is one of the NPCs currently traveling with Two and Two Half-Men. He was originally a human, but became a wood elf after his reincarnation.


Current: Saunders is a Wood Elf of average height, with a pale complexion and long black hair. He bears no resemblance to the original human Saunders, but is still able to make use of his past body's abilities. He wears dark clothing, climbing boots, and wields a rapier and repeating crossbow.

Original: Saunders was a human of average height, with medium-length brown hair. He wore hooded clothing, concealing his face as well as a set of studded leather armor.


Saunders is known to be somewhat cowardly, choosing to fire upon enemies from a distance using his signature crossbow. He is rather shy, often not speaking at all for extended periods of time. When he does talk, it is often done in a whisper. 


Saunders was one of the seven founding members of the Midnight Runners, joining the organization in 699 AG when he was only 14. They were all orphans who had grown up together and gained a deep resentment of society, performing odd jobs and petty crimes with the intention of buying a great big house to live in.

By 703 AG, the organization had grown to about two dozen and started engaging in more serious crimes, namely larceny and extortion.

In 707 AG, a disgraced wizard's apprentice named Dexy joined the Midnight Runners, also at age 14. By this time, the organization had ballooned to over one hundred members.

By the start of the campaign, the Midnight Runners have about 200 members and have joined a strategic alliance with a sect of Erythnuul’s followers. The original members (save for Saunders, Geno, and Eileen) have all been purged. The divine sorcerer Dexy is at the top of the organization, with Torvac the Deathlock as his right-hand man.


Saunders and Geno are sent out on a "hunt" along with a dozen of Dexy's loyal men, intending to make their escape sometime during the night.

Saunders was first encountered by the party in the forests between Westport and Doors, with a three-way skirmish breaking out among the party, the Midnight Runners, and a small band of orcs. Saunders survived the battle due to being pinned beneath a dead orc, successfully parlaying with the party, and helping to slay the mutated Geno as well as an Owlbear.

The next day, Saunders led the party to the City of Doors so they could meet his contact, Eileen. While waiting to make contact, Saunders joined the party in discovering the underground goblin stronghold through the sewer system. After the party learned of the goblin coalitions plans to invade Doors, Saunders was inadvertently left behind. Despite a brief showdown, Saunders was eventually captured, interrogated, and killed, his body being fed to the Ghouls dwelling in the stronghold's dungeon. 

Thankfully, Saunders was not fully devoured, one of his hands surviving, allowing the party to Reincarnate him in the body of a Wood Elf, thanks to the magic of the Lizardfolk High-Druid Sessento. With a new face, Saunders is now determined to take down Dexy and rehabilitate the Midnight Runners.

Since his reincarnation, Saunders has traveled and fought alongside the party. He chose to remain on Essylliss to gather information about Dexy and the Midnight Runners instead of going to Mazhi with the party.


Geno- Another founding member of the Midnight Runners, Geno was killed (turned into a mutated monster) right in front of Saunders' eyes. Geno was Saunders' best friend, and his death greatly impacted Saunders, who was much more outgoing and optimistic previously.

Eileen- The last remaining member of the original seven Midnight Runners. She is Saunders' contact in doors, maintaining a strong information network. Saunders treats her like a younger sister, and Eileen thinks of him as an older brother in turn. She is the one of the few people outside the party to know Saunders' new form.

Dexy- Long ago, Dexy looked up to Saunders as his senior in the Midnight Runners, and Saunders treated him well in return. Gradually, Dexy gained power and influence within the Midnight Runners. Successfully orchestrating the deaths of most of the original members, Saunders included. Unfortunately for Dexy, he does not know that Saunders has come back to live with a new face and renewed conviction.

Torvac- Saunders knew Torvac when he was a simple farmhand, before his transformation into a villainous Deathlock.