✧ Cortín ✧



1 year, 1 month ago


Cortín Kiil


Cleric, Trickery domain / Druid, Circle of spores



25 of November

189 cm






Having fled their home and their responsibilities as the prince of the Kiil tribe, Cortín arrived on the material plane in search of new adventures.

A tall, scrawny, strange individual who only cares about having a good time and living in the moment. A gambler who likes to indulge in any kind of vice and only lives for and by himself.

Without a fixed goal or destination they dedicates their days to finding rare and valuable objects to pay tribute to their deity, and best friend, Tymora the goddess of fortune and good luck.









  • Any kind of food that looks weird enough
  • Gambling and partying
  • Damp environments and rainy days
  • Walking in the woods


  • Winter
  • Closed-minded people
  • Anything that is complicated
  • Being told what to do


Cortín is an affable, strange and quite relaxed individual, being practically impossible to bother them or make them angry. He leads a nomadic lifestyle, making it impossible to stay still in one place. Due to their eccentric way of being, lewd behavior and morbid curiosity, many people may become uncomfortable around him. He is someone who is always open to all kinds of new experiences and points of view. Being a gambler at heart, risk-taking is practically part of their daily life. Cortín can be quite capricious when it comes to doing things he doesn't enjoy. They are a person who gets bored quickly with the routine and hates to feel trapped, which often results in him running away from any problem.


Son of the king and queen of the Kiil, a tribe of Myconids which reside in the Feywild, Cortín was raised to take the place of their older brother by guarding the entrance to the Feywild in Arbórea. This of course against his own will, as Cortín wished to become an adventurer and explore the world beyond his land. Cortín lived their life pessimistically, knowing that their future did not belong to him until one day by mere luck, while they were visiting one of the temples of Tymora the goddess of fortune, he would stumble upon the goddess. After hearing Cortín's lament for their sad and monotonous life Tymora offered him to join her cult, promising them that if they were to take the risk of taking the first step, she would return the favor by blessing him with good luck. Inspired by the words of the goddess Cortín fled from his home and ended up getting lost in the forests of Arbórea. However, months later he would return from his journey without a scratch and with a big smile on their face. From that moment on his life would be his and no one else's.

Ignoring their parents' plea, Cortín became one of Tymora's favorite clerics. They would constantly undertake travels throughout the feywild, instilling Tymora's teachings and bringing the goddess occasional gifts from their adventures. Although Cortín imminently had to take his brother's place, this did not bother him in the slightest since they would always find a way to escape and continue their adventures. Cortín was used to this kind of life until one day, due to his lack of diligence, an individual from The Astral Plane would infiltrate the Feywild, seduce Titania, the Faerie Queen, and steal her heart, which consisted of a gem made of enormous magical power. Titania would then fall into a deep slumber from which it would be impossible for her to wake up unless her heart was returned.

Cortín, fearing that the seelie court would end up discovering that the incident was partly their fault, fled to the material plane without looking back. Today he continues to travel carefree through his lands in search of new adventures, experiences and treasures, although a certain regret in their heart makes them wonder if he will ever be able to return home


  • I associate them with autumn, dry plants, four-leaf clovers and flies.
  • He carries with him a lantern in which resides a small fire elemental he named Lyndi. Cortín met them in a cave during one of their group's missions and convinced them to go out with him to explore the world.
  • Like the rest of the Myconids, Cortín is polygamous by nature.
  • Although all the Myconids of his tribe are born from the King's spores, they are not considered siblings. However, Cortín does have an older brother named Simóc. Both are practically identical only distinguished by the mushroom on their heads and their totally opposite personalities.
  • As one of Tymora's favorite clerics, she gave them a lucky coin which they uses as his holy symbol for spells. The coin also will always fall on the side that Cortín says. He also possesses a magic bottle which is connected to the water plane which allows him to stay hydrated at all times.
  • Several small fungi tend to grow daily from the mushroom on their head. Some of these are edible while others may possess some magical properties.
  • Although he is capable of eating food this is not actually necessary for them. Their diet is based on consuming liquids rather than solids since his metabolism is designed in such a way that they have to be three times more hydrated than an average person in order to be healthy.
  • Despite his human-like anatomy, Cortín's body is not made of flesh, but of a dense texture similar to the inside of a mushroom. His blood has an oily texture and is quite similar to Kombucha and it could be consumed without problem having a sour/sweet taste.
  • Although their body has nerves they are not as sensitive as those of a human. Because of this he has a very high tolerance to pain. In addition to that he also possesses certain regenerative abilities, any cuts they receive will close after a short time and any severed limbs will grow back after a few years unless the wound is exposed to necrotic magic.


Colvin Kolmore [ Party member ]

One of his most recent traveling companions. Being someone curious, Colvin's mysterious aura attracts Cortín's attention. They like teasing him and questioning him about his religion whenever they get the chance, to which Colvin often responds with displeasure. Cortin has not yet realized that they have a little crush for him.

Fideo [ Party member ]

Since the first time Cortin saw the talking snake he knew he was in for a bizarre ride and he loved it. He loves to pester Fideo by insisting that he is his best friend even though the snake wants nothing to do with him.

Moth [ Acquaintance ]

Titania's guardian and one of the people he most enjoyed bothering in the Feywild. Their relationship is somewhat strange but they could be perceived as friends. Although Moth is a rather quiet person, they somehow came to enjoy the company that Cortin offered them, even though they currently want to beat them up for the incident with Titania.

Simóc Kiil [ Sibling ]

Although their bond is not so strong, both can feel that brotherly connection that unites them. Since Cortín was a child, Simóc knew that there was no way that his sibling could carry on his family legacy, so he had no trouble accepting his brother's rebellious behavior, something that Cortín appreciated very much. While he rarely thinks about home, Cortin can't help but wonder what histheir brother is up to.


Cortín feels a great admiration and gratitude towards the Lady Who Smiles for which they decided to dedicate histheir life to follow her teachings. Whenever he leaves the temple he makes sure to return with some strange object to gift to the goddess. She certainly finds this gesture exciting and awaits the return of her cleric with eager anticipation.