Agent S.



10 months, 3 hours ago


After a dream I had, needed to make this charcrer and stoey. 

An agent/ detective for the main station HQ and alongside policechefs daughter (and her newly found dog she is training) keeping the city clean.


Agent S was always a hard guy when it came to keeping people safe, all well and such. Had a soft nature to others and always had his kind side. Finding a lovely Felihu who he fell in love with and she as well, like awkward teens trying to confess. It was a sweet lil lovestory. 

But he had made enemies who had enough of his meddling. A leader of the underground gang (they not only sold substances, items and livings) got into a huge situation. Right as it was a lovely night at the park near street, under the cherry blossom tree, Seraphine wanted to tell him big news. But the attack costed their lives. Seeing and hearing one of the guys saying "a last time you interfiered with Don Gacha s business" was heard. He saw and remembered the face. But holding th hand, on the brink of dying, someone else came and lifted his almost k.o body up. He saw himself beeing dragged and pulled away from the body of Seraphine, onto a truck amd covered up. Experiencing the driving on the road and as he saw the face of someone, passing partly out. Opening again to see him laying on a table, machines around and beeing worked on. Denying to be one of them and stating he needed to save his wife 

"She is no more..but you can live" were the words as he passed out. 

Awakening in an unknown room, he felt different. Different that he could see his body and the scars it had. The scientist greeted him, they talked and he could walk freely. For now not knowing what he was and trying to recollect his memory. A sudden attack by a hooded person as he began to fight. Noticing how strong and agile he was. Almost inhuman on jumps and tricks (Parkour expert) and then the hit that got him. He wasnt himself. Seeing the ripped skin, underneath machine. Furious on what was going on, the doc stating his life got saved and it was coincidence the doc travelled by seeing it go on. It took Agent M a while to process hi new state. Seeing in the mirror how much flesh and machine he was. Not just any machine but alientech from finest. Inside his body was a nanobot designed and lively from Aliengenetics and tech combined. Within it repairs and keeps him alive.

Now he knew what he could do and more than ever wanting to stop the baddies in the process. Getting a new identity, moving to the main city where most chaos was and getting to talk to the policechef there, who s daughter helped him. (She worked as a cop as well and kept the city stable)

With his new self, keeping in contact with doc and learning more about himelf and his bot within, Agent M wants to avenge his wife (and unborn child) as well as make an end to the bad of the city. 


Works alongside the chef police daughter as an Agent where she (and her new found dog she trains) work together. 

To him

40 % Alientech limbs, rest human flesh. (Head, partly neck, partly torso, shoulder and partly arms and legs, abdomen and such are combo of flesh and alientech)

He alone has control of his body and mind and uses it wisely.

- He works aside the police as the dark skinned police chef (who s daughter is partly asian and american) wont hire him fully due to training reasons as Agent M has to go through a trial of testing, which he doesnt want for now. Respecting the woman and her skills. 


Black short hair with a small stripe of grey/ Silver and white on the top side. (Nicknamed skunk from a college)

Allies/ friends

-Gloria is the daughter of the police chef. Human and psrtly asian/ partly american and very compassionate. Has a pet dog she recently found and is training. 

- Doc- while the scientist had helped Agent M, he himself is an alien as well. 


Next to agent M he later meets and befriends, it is also Agent A he stumbles upon. 

