


10 months, 10 days ago




TAV 🢖 sorceror

asterion becomes spooked when he clues in to the depths of tav's feelings for him. Being so lonely all her life, Tav is unhealthily attached to him, and tends to alter her behaviour in order to gain his favour (a fact that, while consistently ramping down, was always present). Asterion thought this was funny at first, but when he starts to genuinely feel something for her, he panics. He dismisses her cruelly, telling her that he was using her the entire time for protection and nothing else. tav is heartbroken and furious. she had truly given every part of herself to him -- or rather, the idea of him -- and thought him to be so kindred as to not needing words. this was all false. craving nothing but companionship, tav is truly aghast at his heel-turn and falls into a deep depression. now that she's the target of astarion's schadenfreude, it doesn't seem so funny anymore. they make up under strenuous circumstances (Tav does something truly kind for Asterion, despite being hellbent on petty retribution) and Asterion approaches her to build their relationship back up from the basics. Gone are the days of reckless entanglement and sly quips -- in their place buds a shy, bashful romance.