


9 months, 30 days ago


Hey! No knives at school!
name Petunia
age 22
gender Male
pronouns He/Him
species Human
orientation Aro/Ho
mark 🎈

code jiko


A guy who has always has a stern look on him, and yet is anything but intimidating to anyone over the age of eight, on the count of his baby face. Even then, he’s very well liked among kids, so none of them are scared of him either. He’s a plant enjoyer who works as a janitor at Summer Fields kindergarten/elementary school and occasionally helps out at the elders’ home.

plants, caretaking, mobile games, gacha games (save his soul), dogs, cleaning
geckos, numbers, cleaning

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Petunia is known to be very determined; always giving his all in his work and never failing to clean any mess spotless. He’s the guy to call if anything radioactive turns up, considering the things he’s had to deal with working in a kindergarten/elementary.

Around the kids, he’s very quick to go along with anything they suggest, as long as he happens to be free. He’ll gladly be it in a game of hide and seek, and play the great monster in any stories they're playing out. That being said, he doesn’t have much tolerance for infighting, and doesn’t hesitate in telling off anyone child who gets into trouble.

Around his friends, he’s a bit more of a hothead—quick to get into passionate arguments about trivial things (mobile games) and getting into verbal fights with his sibling. He’s generally well regarded, though, with his tendency to help just about anyone out whenever it’s needed, and being able to get things done at the speed of light.

Design Notes
  • His shirt says “londy” written in cursive.
  • Beauty mark under lip.
  • He tends to wear larger, baggier clothes.
  • Cannot handle geckos. They’re just about the only animal he can’t stand.
  • He has an orchid he calls Misa.
  • Has played Battle Cats since launch.

Music Box
つっぱることが男の たった一つの勲章だって
この胸に信じて 生きて行く