


6 years, 5 days ago


  • She really enjoys the multiple eyes aesthetic, and has a large tattoo of a vertical eye on her lower back. It’s hard to tell whether it’s an actual eye or a tattoo sometimes…
  • She loves wearing platform heels, though she’s not exactly short.
  • Despite not being super short, she has an odd mix between a baby face and an out-of-this-world face. 
  • She squints a lot because her eyesight isn’t actually all that great, though if asked about it she’ll deny it.
  • Likes to thoroughly bite her food before actually eating it. She’s quite a gross eater, which puts a lot of people off.
  • Despite having a nose-like structure, she has no sense of smell. 
  • When she’s hungry she’s really hungry and will take a good chomp or bite off the first object or person with meat on its bones nearby. She can’t really control it as it’s in her nature and she often means no harm.
  • This has led to rumors about her being a cannibal or a flesh-eater. Whether or not it’s true it tends to scare away possible acquaintances.
    • (Thanks to Kane for the headcanons!)

Currently dating Eve!

Generally pretty cold, sometimes even cruel, but is very playful with Eve. She very much enjoys her presence and flirts a lot with her.

*The stuff on her legs are bandages, not leggings!

**Also, she's wearing a dress, haha ^^'