


8 years, 6 months ago


Name ↠ Bip Dufour
Alias ↠ Bipper, Bio, Bippy
Gender ↠ Male (he/him)
Age ↠ 23 years
Birthday ↠ March 6, 1992
Species ↠ Human
Title ↠ N/A
Theme ↠ World is Mine by Miku Hatsune

Ethnicity ↠ French
Height ↠ 5'0"   
Weight ↠ 110 lbs   
Build ↠ Soft, compact
Eyes ↠ Yellow, intense
Attributes ↠ Piercings, tattoo
Dominant Hand ↠ Ambidextrous

Sexuality ↠ Homoromantic homosexual
Partner ↠ Single
Occupation ↠ Baker
Likes ↠ Horror, anime (psychological genre), tattoos,
hot drinks, sweets, tall guys, wine, expensive foods, snow,
Dislikes ↠ Cheap food, romance movies, summer, budgets,
beer, messes
Alignment ↠ Chaotic good
Instruments ↠ N/A
Languages ↠ French, English
Favorite Color ↠ Brown
Favorite Drink ↠ Chardonet // Coffee
Favorite Food ↠ Socca
Favorite Animal ↠ Koala
Favorite Song ↠ Symposium Magorium



He's mischievous and sly, with a terrifying interest in horror. He loves anything that might be deemed as psychologically scarring, as well as just plain bad movies in general. His taste in cuisine is very refined and probably expensive, much to his dismay- he doesn't do very well with budgets and tends to be very liberal with his spending. Bip isn't afraid to voice his thoughts on anything, no matter who he's talking to or how rude his opinions are. He's also very vengeful and will seek payback, no matter what. Despite all of this, he's actually rather easy to get along.
He's very meticulous and a bit of a neat freak; his workspace is always spotless. He refuses to associate with cheap people and likes to 'uphold his dignity' although nobody really sees him like that. He has very little money, thanks to his lack of self-control, and often complains about it. 


Bip is short and compact, with a nice layer of pudge keeping him warm. He has soft, slightly tan skin, and a few beauty marks littered around his body in irregular designs. His hair is a light cocoa brown and just a little over shoulder-length, usually held back with hair clips. It's thick and slightly wavy, making it a pain to brush. His eyes are an orangish-yellow and intense, with long eyelashes. 
He has a lip ring, a tongue piercing, nipple piercings, and multiple piercings in his ears, including a cartilage bar. He usually dresses in baggy sweaters and jeans, with a pair of boots. It's easy to find him with a type of neck garment as well, possibly a bandana. If you're lucky, you might get to see the pastel pink koala tattoo he has on his bubble butt.


❖ He has a tattoo of a koala on his rear solely for the ability to say "my ass is koala-ty!"
❖ His favourite anime is Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
❖ His name literally means "beep from the oven" in French.