

9 months, 30 days ago



Age 21
Gender Trans Man
Pronouns He/Him
Species Airdale Terrier
Height 5'8''
Birthday June 18

Airdale Terrier with a hunting hobby. He loves firearms, especially shotguns. Not a talkative guy at all, but despite that he really enjoy’s his friends’ company and hates feeling lonely!! Would definitely beat you up if you did any of them wrong. Ryan spends most of his time exploring his house’s surroundings, he knows every nook and cranny of every abandoned building within his reach, as they’re his personal favorite. He’s a huge fan of decaying nature. Terrible at graffiti, but you can always count on him having a black spray can in his backpack, with which he leaves some sort of logo he made up in every place he’s been at. His favorite activity is avoiding his assignments. Ryan hates working on stuff he’s forced to do if the job ain’t paid. Ya gotta lure him in with either money or some sort of trinket, he def loves trinkets and objects and stuff. His room doesn’t have a theme, can find all kinds of items in there.