world lore



10 months, 7 days ago


The missing roleplay

Roleplay history

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some information may be out of date

World History


Thousands of years ago, the majority of the land was under the rule of a single empire, led by a powerful dragoness. After a brutal war between the Merfolk and the land, the empire was broken up, and the colonies given freedom. The power vacuum created by the termination of the empire lead to wars between the former colonies as they struggled to fill the void, and establish themselves as standalone kingdoms.


While some kingdoms have managed to work through their differences and look past them, forming treaties, and even merging, wars still rage in between them. One of these larger conflicts is that between the land and the sea. The two are extremely aggressive to each other due to the war. Even regular merchant ships sometimes have to come armed with harpoons, cannons and the such when travelliing into deeper sea, in order to defend themselves from spiteful merfolk



In the world of Israat, language is more than just a means of communication - it is a magical force that can shape the very fabric of reality. Long ago, the ancient sages discovered that words and symbols could be imbued with immense power, allowing them to create magical spells and artifacts. Over time, a complex system of magic known as linguomancy was developed, allowing practitioners to weave intricate spells and incantations using the power of language.
Each of Israat's many languages has its own unique properties and abilities. The elven tongue, for example, is said to be particularly attuned to the natural world, allowing its speakers to command the forces of nature and communicate with animals. The dwarven language, on the other hand, is known for its precision and practicality, making it ideal for crafting magical tools and weapons.
As the centuries passed, Israat's magical languages began to evolve and intermingle, giving rise to new dialects and hybrid tongues. Some languages fell out of use altogether, while others rose to prominence in different regions of the world. And with each passing generation, the study of linguomancy became more complex and nuanced, with scholars exploring the intricacies of syntax, grammar, and pronunciation in search of new magical effects.


clothing is more than just a means of protection or adornment - it is a reflection of one's magical abilities and social status. Israatians believe that clothing has the power to channel and enhance one's innate magical energy, and as such, every garment is carefully crafted and imbued with enchanted threads and sigils.
At the heart of Israat's fashion lies the concept of "weaving," a magical practice that involves combining various materials and enchantments to create garments that are both stylish and functional. Weavers, skilled artisans who specialize in clothing and textiles, are highly respected members of society, and their creations are highly sought after by nobles, mages, and warriors alike.
Each piece of clothing in Israat serves a specific purpose and carries with it a unique set of magical properties. Mage robes, for example, are designed to amplify one's magical abilities, while armor is enchanted to provide enhanced protection against physical attacks. Even everyday garments like shirts and pants can be imbued with minor enchantments, such as improved durability or moisture resistance.
But clothing in Israat is also a symbol of social status and political power. The more intricate and finely crafted a garment is, the higher the status of its wearer. Noble families often commission elaborate clothing sets for their children's coming-of-age ceremonies, with each piece representing a specific aspect of their family's heritage and magical abilities.


food is more than just sustenance – it is a source of magic and a way to connect with the natural world..
Each dish in Israat's cuisine is designed to harness the unique properties of its ingredients, resulting in meals that can provide physical and mental nourishment, enhance magical abilities, or even alter one's mood or perception of reality. Herbs and spices are used not only for flavor, but also for their healing and transformative properties, while rare fruits and vegetables imbue dishes with potent magical energy.
But food in Israat is also a symbol of social status and cultural identity. Different regions of the world have their own unique cuisines and cooking techniques, each reflecting the local environment and cultural traditions. Nobles and wealthy merchants often host lavish banquets to showcase their wealth and culinary sophistication, while commoners take pride in their ability to craft simple yet delicious meals using local ingredients.


In the world of Israat, festivals and holidays are a way to celebrate the changing of seasons, honor the gods, and bring communities together. Each region of Israat has its own unique traditions and celebrations, ranging from solemn religious observances to wild and raucous parties.
One of the most important holidays in Israat is the Spring Equinox, a time when the land awakens from its winter slumber and new life begins to stir. Communities gather to plant crops, decorate their homes with spring flowers, and perform rituals to honor the goddess of fertility and growth.
Another popular festival is the Summer Solstice, a time of abundance and joy when the sun shines its brightest and the days are longest. People gather for feasts, dancing, and music, often wearing brightly colored clothing and adorning themselves with flowers and garlands.
In the fall, Israatians celebrate the Harvest Festival, a time when crops are gathered and stored for the winter months ahead. Communities come together to share food and drink, tell stories, and participate in contests and games.
As winter approaches, Israatians observe the Winter Solstice, a time of reflection and renewal. Bonfires are lit, gifts are exchanged, and prayers are offered to the gods for protection and guidance in the coming year.
But festivals and holidays in israat are not just about celebration – they also play an important role in the balance of magical forces in the world. Many rituals and traditions are designed to appease the gods and ensure their continued blessings, while others are meant to ward off dark spirits and malevolent forces.
Despite the importance of these celebrations, however, the world of Istraat is not without its conflicts and tensions. Rival factions and religious orders often clash over the interpretation of traditions and rituals, while social inequality and political unrest can mar even the most joyous of festivals. But for most Israatians, these holidays and festivals are a way to connect with their communities, honor their ancestors, and celebrate the magic and wonder of the world around them.



In the kingdom of Orthos, a medieval government ruled by a monarch, power is divided among a hierarchy of officials and nobles who serve the queen and maintain order in the land. At the top of the hierarchy is the king and queen, who hold absolute power and serves as the final arbiter of disputes and laws.
Beneath the monarch are the high nobles, who are responsible for governing individual regions of the kingdom and serving as advisers to the king. These nobles control vast lands and armies, and often engage in political intrigue and alliances to increase their power and influence.
Below the high nobles are the lesser nobles, who hold smaller tracts of land and are responsible for maintaining order and collecting taxes from their subjects. These nobles serve as the local representatives of the king and are responsible for enforcing his laws and regulations within their domains.
Beneath the nobles are the commoners, who make up the majority of the population in orthos. These individuals work as farmers, craftsmen, and merchants, and are subject to the laws and regulations of their local nobles.
The government of orthos is supported by a complex system of laws and courts, which are responsible for resolving disputes and punishing lawbreakers. Judges and magistrates are appointed by the king or high nobles to oversee trials and ensure that justice is served.
However, despite the apparent stability and order of the Orthos' government, the kingdom is plagued by corruption, inequality, and unrest. The nobles often abuse their power and privilege, while the commoners struggle to survive in a world dominated by the ruling class. Rebels and bandits roam the countryside, preying on the weak and vulnerable, and threatening the very fabric of orthosian society.


the economy is based primarily on agriculture and trade. The vast majority of people are farmers, tending to fields of wheat, corn, and other crops, as well as raising livestock such as cows, sheep, and pigs.
These farmers are often bound to the land, owing loyalty and service to the local nobles who hold the rights to the fields they work. In exchange for their labor, the farmers are provided with protection and support from their lords, as well as a share of the crops they produce.
Beyond agriculture, trade plays an important role in the economy of Orthos. Merchants travel between cities and towns, carrying goods such as textiles, spices, and precious metals, and exchanging them for other goods or for coinage.
Guilds also play an important role in the medieval economy of Orthos. These organizations are made up of artisans and craftsmen who specialize in producing specific goods, such as armor, weapons, or jewelry. The guilds control the production and sale of these goods, setting prices and ensuring quality, and also provide support and protection to their members.
In addition to agriculture, trade, and guilds, there is also a thriving black market in Orthos. Criminal organizations such as thieves' guilds and smugglers work outside of the law to move goods and money between cities and to provide illegal services to those who can afford them.
Throughout all of these economic systems, however, there is a sense of precariousness and fragility. Crop failures, bad weather, and political instability can all disrupt the flow of goods and coinage, leaving entire communities at risk of famine and ruin. Nonetheless, the people of Aria persist, relying on their own resilience and the support of their communities to weather the challenges of their economy.


In the kingdom of Orthos, there are a wide range of occupations that exist to support the needs of the kingdom and its people. From farmers and merchants to soldiers and craftsmen, each profession plays a crucial role in keeping the kingdom running smoothly.
One of the most common occupations in Orthos is farming. The kingdom is home to vast fields of wheat, corn, and other crops, and farmers work tirelessly to tend to their land and ensure a bountiful harvest each year. They often work in close cooperation with the local lords, who provide them with protection and support in exchange for a share of their crops.
Merchants are also a common sight in Orthos, traveling between cities and towns to exchange goods and services. These individuals are skilled negotiators and shrewd businesspeople, and often work in close cooperation with the local guilds to ensure that their trade is successful.
Soldiers are another important occupation in Orthos, serving in the kingdom's army to protect it from outside threats. These individuals undergo rigorous training and are equipped with the best weapons and armor available, and are often held in high esteem by the local populace.
Craftsmen also play an important role in Orthos, producing a wide range of goods such as weapons, armor, clothing, and pottery. These individuals often belong to guilds, which provide them with support and protection, and work closely with local merchants to sell their wares.
In addition to these occupations, there are also a number of specialized roles in Orthos, such as healers, scholars, and priests. Healers are skilled in the art of medicine and are often called upon to treat injuries and illnesses, while scholars study history, literature, and magic in order to better understand the world around them. Priests serve as spiritual leaders, tending to the religious needs of the people and providing guidance and counsel in times of crisis.
Despite the wide range of occupations that exist in Orthos, however, there is a sense of unity and common purpose among its people. Each individual plays an important role in supporting the kingdom and its people, and together they work to build a better future for themselves and their descendants.


In the kingdom of Orthos, the technology is not as advanced as in other realms. Instead of relying on machines and steam power, the people of Orthos rely on more traditional methods and tools to carry out their daily lives. However, despite their limited technological advancements, the people of Orthos are a resourceful and inventive people, always finding new ways to improve their methods and techniques.
One of the most important technological advancements in Orthos is the use of water power. The kingdom is home to numerous rivers and streams, which the people have harnessed to power a variety of devices and machines. Waterwheels are commonly used to grind grain, pump water, and even generate electricity, providing a more efficient means of carrying out these tasks than through manual labor alone.
The people of Orthos also make use of simple machines such as pulleys, levers, and gears to accomplish tasks that would otherwise be impossible. These machines are often used in construction and agriculture, allowing for heavier loads to be lifted and moved with relative ease. The people of Orthos have also developed a keen understanding of mechanics and physics, allowing them to create more complex machines and devices as needed.
Another important technological advancement in Orthos is the use of wind power. The kingdom is home to vast open fields and hills, which the people have used to build windmills. These machines are used to grind grain, pump water, and even generate electricity, providing a sustainable and renewable source of power for the kingdom.
Despite the limited technological advancements in Orthos, however, the people remain dedicated to improving their methods and techniques. They are constantly seeking out new and innovative ways to make their lives easier and more efficient, and are not afraid to incorporate new ideas and technologies into their work as needed. As a result, the people of Orthos are a proud and resourceful people, capable of achieving great things through their ingenuity and hard work.


In the kingdom of Orthos, housing is an important aspect of daily life. The people of Orthos live in a variety of dwellings, ranging from small cottages and huts to grand estates and castles. The type of dwelling a person lives in often reflects their social standing and wealth, with the wealthiest and most powerful citizens living in the grandest and most luxurious homes.
For the majority of the population, however, housing is a simple affair. Most people live in small, single-room cottages or huts made of wood, stone, or mud brick. These homes are often clustered together in small villages or towns, with shared resources such as wells and communal gardens.
For those who can afford it, however, there are grand estates and castles, complete with sprawling gardens and ornate decorations. These homes are typically made of stone or brick and feature large, airy rooms and high ceilings. They are often surrounded by walls or fences for security and privacy.
Regardless of the type of dwelling, housing in Orthos is often designed to be practical and functional. Many homes feature small gardens or courtyards for growing herbs and vegetables, while others may have stables or animal pens for keeping livestock. In addition, many homes are designed to be easily adapted for various purposes, with rooms that can be converted from bedrooms to workspaces as needed.
One unique aspect of housing in Orthos is the use of magical wards and protections. Many homes and estates are equipped with magical defenses such as wards against unwanted intruders or curses. These defenses are often woven into the very structure of the building, providing a powerful layer of protection for those who dwell within.
Overall, housing in the kingdom of Orthos is varied and diverse, reflecting the needs and resources of the people who call it home. Whether living in a humble cottage or a grand estate, the people of Orthos take great pride in their homes, viewing them as not just a place to live, but a reflection of their identity and place in the world.

How it Works


magic is a manifestation of the natural energies that flow through the world. These energies can be harnessed and manipulated by those who possess the innate ability or knowledge to do so. In some cases, it is believed that magic comes from other planes of existence or dimensions, where beings of immense power can channel their energies into our world. Others believe that magic is a gift bestowed by the gods or a product of ancient relics imbued with mystical power. Regardless of its true origin, the power of magic has the ability to shape worlds, defy the laws of nature, and unlock secrets that would otherwise be hidden forever.


Israat is a vast woorld, with many different creatures. the avundance of magic can be very different between species

All humans have the potential to do magic, though for most it takes years of practice to master. For humans, to be a sorcerer or sorceress is considered a prestigious position. Sorcerers specialise after graduation either into defensive or offensive positions in the guard / army, or other high ranking positions in the kingdom overall. Sorcerers are not the only humans that use magic, however. It isn’t uncommon to find a small town healer that dabbles in healing magic, or a blacksmith able to add a rune into their work for extra charge. Sorcerers are just the highest tier of magic a human can achieve. They usually come from noble families, due to the cost of a formal education.

Dragons are innately magical. Still, most dragons aren’t able to hone this ability, seeing as most are wild animals. For most feral dragons, their magic extends about as far to their breath, and any abilities such as fire resistance or water breathing they may be born with. If a feral dragon grows old enough, they might end up learning more complex magic, as they earn more life experience. For civilised dragons that live in cities, magic is an everyday thing. Most dragons know it, and learn it in school as a subject. Pet dragons can be taught more advanced magic by their owners either as tricks, or for defence.

Typically, other creatures are more magically able than humans. Elves and druids make up a large portion of the teachers in human sorcerer academies.



This type of magic involves controlling the elements such as fire, water, earth, and air. Users of this magic can manipulate these elements to create powerful attacks or defensive shields.


This type of magic involves manipulating the forces of death and the dead. Users of this magic can raise the dead, communicate with spirits, and curse their enemies with plagues and other afflictions.


This type of magic involves creating illusions that can fool the senses of others. Users of this magic can create powerful illusions that can alter the perceptions of their enemies and allies alike


This type of magic involves predicting the future and reading the fates of others. Users of this magic can see visions of the future, read the stars, and interpret the meaning of omens.


This type of magic involves changing the shape of oneself or others. Users of this magic can transform themselves into animals, plants, or even objects. They can also transform others into different forms, either willingly or through curses.


This type of magic involves imbuing objects or people with magical energy. Users of this magic can create powerful artifacts and weapons, or enchant people with spells that can increase their strength or grant them other abilities.



anthropomorphic insect omnivore

Anthropomorphic insect people who generally travel in single or small groups. Depending on the type of insectoid, they can either be strictly vegetarian, omnivores, and carnivorous. They are also not restricted to just insects and can be arachnids, arthropods, or gastropods.


uncommon omnivivore magical

Were-creatures are often portrayed as humans who can transform into animals, typically wolves, but also other creatures
Once transformed, were-creatures possess enhanced physical abilities, such as strength, speed, and agility. They also retain their human intelligence and can communicate with both humans and animals, often with heightened senses of smell and hearing. Depending on the species, they may also possess special abilities related to their animal form, such as night vision, sharp claws, or the ability to climb trees.


omnivore very common

In the medieval kingdom of Orthos, humans are the dominant species and the rulers of the land. They are a diverse group of people, with varying cultures, traditions, and beliefs, but all are bound by their shared humanity.
Despite these social divisions, humans in Orthos share a common set of values and beliefs, including a strong sense of community and loyalty to their kingdom. They are a deeply religious people, with many following the teachings of the dominant faith of the kingdom. They also hold honor, chivalry, and courage in high regard, valuing these virtues above material wealth or power.
The lives of humans in Orthos are often shaped by the challenges of medieval life, including disease, famine, and war. Many live in small, self-sufficient communities, relying on farming, fishing, or trade for their livelihood. They also face the constant threat of attack from outside forces, including raiders, bandits, and rival kingdoms.
Despite these challenges, however, humans in Orthos are a resilient and resourceful people. They have developed a wide range of skills and crafts, from blacksmithing to weaving to woodworking, and are able to create many of the goods they need for everyday life. They also have a rich cultural heritage, with music, dance, and storytelling playing an important role in their traditions.
Overall, humans in the kingdom of Orthos are a complex and diverse group, bound by their shared humanity and their determination to survive and thrive in a challenging world.



For centuries, the merfolk and the humans of Orthos coexisted peacefully, with each respecting the other's domain. However, as time passed, tensions between the two races began to rise. Human expansion and the rise of naval power threatened the merfolk's way of life, as they saw their underwater homes and resources being destroyed by human activity.
As a result, the merfolk began to retaliate, using their powerful magic to summon fierce storms and tidal waves to destroy human ships and settlements along the coast. In turn, the humans responded with their own weapons of war, including cannons and explosives, which caused massive damage to the underwater world of the merfolk.
The conflict between the two races reached a boiling point, with both sides determined to defend their territory and way of life. The merfolk used their magic to summon creatures of the sea, such as giant squid and sea serpents, to attack human ships and coastal towns. Meanwhile, humans developed new technologies, including diving suits and submarines, to better explore and conquer the deep sea.
As the war raged on, casualties mounted on both sides. Many humans lost their lives at sea, while the merfolk saw their once-beautiful underwater world reduced to rubble and ruins. Eventually, a truce was called, with both sides agreeing to stay within their own territories and avoid further conflict.
Despite the truce, however, tensions between the merfolk and the humans remained high, with both sides wary of the other's intentions. The sea remained a dangerous and treacherous place, with the merfolk determined to protect their homes and the humans seeking to expand their power and influence. The conflict between the two races continued, with no clear end in sight.

Other Kingdoms


Chordelo, the Kingdom of the Rito, sits on the northeastern edge of the map. Within it's borders, Chordelo contains two major cities (Kiltak and Feltar), along with 11 villages, and 4 settlements, scattered around. The capital of the kingdom, Feltar, sits in a dense jungle in the northern part of Chordelo. Though, I only call Chordelo a kingdom as it's easier to classify. In reality, Feltar is the home of the Elder Council. Currently, there are 12 members, with one elected head of the council. Each of the council members hail from a different city or village/town, in an attempt to bring to late issues any part of Chordelo may have, not just the main population centers. The elected head is like the other members, they were just elected by the populace to be the head of it. Like a speaker. Historically, this speaker has usually been the Feltar representative. The Rito, while they accept trade and communications with the outside world with open arms, tend not to get tangled up in the affairs of other kingdoms. They've been neutral in most other conflicts in the world, with very few exceptions. They instead decided to save the energy for themselves, as there has been an ongoing power struggle between the two big cities. The first civil war, having long since passed, was won by Feltar. However, the two have been fighting each other politically and financially for years. Tensions have risen, and soon, the Rito may find themselves at the brink of yet another civil war..


Mogdar, kingdom of the Orcs. Once again, I would hesitate to call it a kingdom. This isn't because they don't have a king or queen however, no. The Orcs only have on city, albeit an incredibly large one. Their capital, Draakmel, is one of, if not, the largest city in the world. In total, they have their capital, built on a mountain, and a few scattered settlements as you approach the base. The Orc's do have a king and queen, though the king's official title would be chief. While there is a line of succession, it can, and has been, replaced by new bloodlines. As with any kingdom, the common problems are bloodlines dying out, weak ruler getting replaced by a stronger one, etc. They are open to diplomacy, and have gone to war with their allies before. The city has, historically, withstood many sieges. It has been beaten, broken, and scorched, but never has it fallen. The mountain would sooner split in two than the city would fall.


Ukrovia: Ukrovia is a kingdom of humans, found on an island to the south east of the world. Hailing for a now long forgotten, frigid land, the Ukrovian people are renowned for their expert seamanship and trade networks. Their navy is perhaps the strongest in the world. Ukrovia only has a singular city, with 3 villages, and mutiple settlements dotted around the world. These settlements are more like Ukrovian owned ports, most of which spawned the beginnings of a town/village to support them. Their capital, Ulbrichta, is an incredibly lively place. Serving as the base of operations for most trade in and out of Ukrovian ports, it may as well be the trade capital of the world. Many goods flow through the city daily, and thus, the city is rather well off. As expected, Ukrovia is incredibly involved in world politics. They want to remain up to date, so they can ensure their trade remains largely untouched by world events. While they have gone to war in the past, you probably won't see many ground troops. If Ukrovia goes to war, it's usually on the sea..


vibrant colors paint the landscape, while the aroma of seafood delicacies fills the air. This captivating country, known for its culinary delights and rich artistic heritage, holds a deep-seated prejudice towards sea creatures and merfolk, a lingering scar from a war fought with the sea thousands of years ago. Despite this history of conflict, the resilient people of Viaterra have carved out a world where art and architecture flourish, while music weaves its melodic tapestry through cobblestone streets.



Spring is a season of transition, when the long, cold winter gives way to warmer temperatures and longer days. The climate during spring can vary depending on the location, but in general, it is characterized by milder temperatures, increased rainfall, and the gradual return of greenery and wildlife. In temperate regions, spring temperatures can range from cool to mild, with daytime highs typically ranging from the mid-50s to mid-70s Fahrenheit (12 to 23 degrees Celsius). Nights can still be chilly, but frost and snow become less common as the season progresses. As the days grow longer and the sun grows stronger, the snow and ice begin to melt, and the first signs of new growth begin to appear. spring is usually the wettest season, with rainfall increasing significantly from the drier winter months. Temperatures during spring can be mild to warm, with daytime highs ranging from the mid-60s to mid-80s Fahrenheit (18 to 29 degrees Celsius). The landscape becomes lush and green as flowers bloom and trees begin to leaf out.


Summer is a season of warmth and sunshine, with longer days and shorter nights. The climate during summer can vary depending on the location, but in general, it is characterized by hot temperatures, clear skies, and low precipitation. In temperate regions, summer temperatures can range from warm to hot, with daytime highs typically ranging from the mid-70s to mid-90s Fahrenheit (23 to 35 degrees Celsius). Nights are usually mild, but can sometimes be cooler in areas with high elevation. The warm weather and abundance of sunlight lead to the rapid growth of vegetation, and the landscape becomes lush and verdant. In areas with a Mediterranean climate, summer is usually hot and dry, with daytime temperatures ranging from the mid-80s to mid-100s Fahrenheit (29 to 38 degrees Celsius). Nights are warm and pleasant, and the lack of precipitation can lead to drought conditions in some areas. The landscape is characterized by golden fields and dry grasses, and wildfires can be a significant risk. In tropical regions, summer is usually characterized by high temperatures and high humidity, with occasional heavy rainfall and thunderstorms. Daytime temperatures can be very hot, ranging from the mid-80s to mid-100s Fahrenheit (29 to 38 degrees Celsius), with little variation between day and night. The landscape is lush and green, and the rainy season leads to the growth of dense forests and abundant wildlife..


characterized by mild to cool temperatures, shorter days, and decreasing amounts of precipitation. In temperate regions, autumn temperatures can range from mild to cool, with daytime highs typically ranging from the mid-50s to mid-70s Fahrenheit (12 to 23 degrees Celsius). Nights are usually cooler, and the first frosts and freezes may occur as the season progresses. The landscape is transformed as the leaves on trees change color, and the days grow shorter and darker. In areas with a Mediterranean climate, autumn is usually mild and dry, with daytime temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to mid-80s Fahrenheit (18 to 29 degrees Celsius). Nights are cooler, and the lack of precipitation can lead to the spread of wildfires. The landscape is characterized by golden fields, and the leaves on deciduous trees may turn yellow or brown before falling to the ground. In tropical regions, autumn is often characterized by a decrease in rainfall and slightly cooler temperatures. Daytime temperatures can still be very hot, ranging from the mid-80s to mid-90s Fahrenheit (29 to 35 degrees Celsius), with little variation between day and night. The landscape remains lush and green, and the rainy season may continue until the end of the year.


Winter is a season of cold temperatures, snow, and ice, and the climate during winter can vary depending on the location, but in general, it is characterized by freezing temperatures, snowfall, and shorter days. In temperate regions, winter temperatures can range from mild to very cold, with daytime highs typically ranging from the mid-30s to mid-40s Fahrenheit (1 to 7 degrees Celsius). Nights are often below freezing, and snow and ice can accumulate on the ground. The landscape is transformed as snow covers the ground, and trees become bare. In areas with a Mediterranean climate, winter is usually mild and wet, with daytime temperatures ranging from the mid-50s to mid-60s Fahrenheit (12 to 18 degrees Celsius). Nights are cooler, and rainfall increases significantly from the dry summer months. The landscape becomes lush and green as the rain encourages new growth. In tropical regions, winter is often characterized by a decrease in rainfall and slightly cooler temperatures. Daytime temperatures can still be quite hot, ranging from the mid-70s to mid-80s Fahrenheit (24 to 29 degrees Celsius), with little variation between day and night. The landscape remains lush and green, and the dry season may last until the end of the year.



Description of map. Can be short or long.


Other kingdoms / settlements
Orthos (roleplay main location)


Willowood grove

Willowood Grove is a mystical forest that emanates a tranquil aura, drawing visitors with its serene and calming presence. The trees in this forest are tall and slender, and their branches seem to sway gently in a rhythmic dance to the soft melody of the wind. As visitors wander through the grove, they are greeted by a carpet of lush green grass underfoot, with occasional patches of vibrant wildflowers that bloom in an array of colors. The air is thick with the scent of fresh earth, with a hint of sweet fragrance from the nearby blooming flowers.

mederian sea

The Mederian Sea is a vast body of water that stretches across the eastern border of the continent, adjacent to the lands of Orthos. The sea is known for its temperamental nature, with powerful waves and unpredictable currents that make it treacherous for sailors and travelers alike. Despite its dangers, the Mederian Sea is also known for its beauty, with crystal-clear waters that sparkle in the sunlight and a vast array of marine life that calls the sea home. Schools of brightly-colored fish dart through the water, while majestic whales and playful dolphins can be seen breaching the surface from time to time. The coastline along the Mederian Sea is rugged and rocky, with towering cliffs that rise up from the water's edge, creating a dramatic and awe-inspiring landscape. Small fishing villages and bustling port towns dot the coastline, their buildings constructed of stone and wood to withstand the harsh sea winds.

Twilight oasis

The Twilight Oasis is a hidden gem amidst the harsh and unforgiving environment of the Blistering Dunes. It is a place of respite and tranquility, with lush vegetation and a small oasis of crystal-clear water that glistens in the sun.. The oasis is a small but stunning sight. Palm trees and other vegetation grow around the edges of the water, providing shade and a much-needed break from the intense heat of the surrounding desert. The water itself is crystal-clear and cool, offering a refreshing respite for those who have traveled across the barren landscape.

fireheart range

The Fireheart Range is a formidable mountain range dominated by an active volcano that constantly spews molten lava and ash into the sky. The peaks of the range are jagged and rocky, with sheer cliffs and steep inclines that make them difficult to climb. But it is the presence of dragons that makes the Fireheart Range truly dangerous. The dragons of the Fireheart Range are a fierce and territorial breed, known for their fiery breath and sharp claws. They make their homes in the rocky crags and caverns of the mountains, emerging only to hunt for prey or defend their territory. Their scales are a deep red-orange color, perfectly blending in with the volcanic landscape.