Pipp(Real Cat)



8 months, 17 days ago


My son, my boy

Pipp is a kitten i got for Nala(my other cat) so she wouldnt be lonely

He's very playful and extremely loving especially to me and loves to snuggle into my chest and face

He loves being held like a baby and smooched but he will bite when getting love

His favorite toy is his fishing pole

He's got tummy troubles so he frequently has to be hosed down but he takes it like a champ and stays pretty well

He will eat anything and everything in sight

He loves pepperonis(cannibalism)

He also is getting aggressive with the other cats (he prolly hasnt been neutered) and is getting his shit rocked so hard

Name: Pipp E. Roni

what does the E stand for? no idea

Names: Pipp, Pipperoni, Pipperton, Pipper, Piper, Pippster, Boy, Small Boy, Baby, Baby Boy, Bastard, Little Guy, Lil Man