
A Palisman turned demon by her original master Cursula, her master was a demon who cursed others and invented the Night Market, where it sold its multitude of curses. Blade was turned into a demon to assist Cursula with whatever she needed, and still had access to her Palisman magic. Her interlock remains on her right foot, even as a demon. But Blade never liked her master, and when Cursula was caught by the Emperor's Coven, Blade did nothing to defend her master, and watched on as it was turned to stone.

She asked to join the Emperor's Coven, able to disguise herself as a normal witch, being a demon. She offered her counter-curse abilities, as she had figured out how to not only counter Cursula's curses, but also other curses as well, although some she could merely manage, rather than cure.

It was discovered that she was truly a Palisman. She was turned back into one, but rescued from Belos by someone who goes by the name of Duke. She assists him in casting magic, and he keeps her safe from the emperor's coven.