
9 months, 27 days ago


This is my Kid Icarus character, Sea! I basically roleplayed as her in a Kid Icarus roleplay where she was basically just, an assistant for Palutena. She's a daydreaming angel who can control water, and often wonders what's out there since she doesn't leave skyworld for her tasks. She's a romantic at heart, always reading novels on the subject hoping she can find a partner some day. She also gets very flustered easily. She apologizes whenever she does the slightest thing wrong or does anything crude, even when it's unnecessary. The poor thing overthinks everything, even worried if basic handholding is considered too rapscallious for her, she's very sheltered and tries too hard to please everyone, hating the idea of upsetting someone or sinning.

She's great at playing piano, and later on in her life she gets the chance to handle tasks outside of Skyworld later in her character arc, where she learns to open up and learn to stand for herself.