Olivia Laforet (Wip)



10 months, 12 days ago


"Have you ever heard of a Fata Morgana? It is something where the normal human eye, Cannot define what is real or not. Or in simpler words...A Mirage."

- Olivia

Biological Information

Full Name: Olivia Laforet 

Age: Early 20s

Gender: Female

Nationality: French-Italian

Affiliations: The Avalon

Aliases/Epithets: Fata Morgana

Occupation: Assassin

Background History

Olivia Laforet was born as Olivia Bernadi. She was the Daughter of Mother Camille Laforet and Father Auro Bernadi. She is currently a member of an Organisation known as 'The Avalon'. 

Olivia's Mother was once associated with The Avalon. Working with the organisation since 18, until she was 28 years old. Camille Laforet was considered one of the most highly skilled Assassins during her prime. Coupled with her vast knowledge of Medicine, Poisons and botany, it was said that an Assassin of her Calibre at the time, was very rare to see. There were occurrences of others just like her in the history of The Avalon before. But from the last Assassin, it had been 20 years before Camille had come along. 

This was where a new Legacy Title was created just for Camille herself, Fata Morgana. It was to reference the Powerful Sorceress of Arthurian Legend, Morgan Le Fay. A mythical figure known to be a healer. 

While the Title was originally only meant for Camille, this would eventually become a Legacy name, as Olivia would be recognised with the same name. 

Early Childhood

Despite the background of her Mother, Olivia was raised with a fairly normal childhood in her early youth. Her mother cared and loved her deeply, who Olivia was very close to as well. In the first 6 years of her life, Olivia's life was at peace. Loved by both of her parents as well. But this would all change when Olivia was 7 years old.

It was thought that Olivia's memory of this particular time is fragmented and spotty. But in actuality, it was something that she is reluctant to share with anyone. And something she tries to forget.

From what Olivia remembers, her father would suddenly become cold towards herself and her Mother. At one point, there was some kind of conflict between them. This conflict would eventually lead to the murder of her father. 

It was revealed that Olivia's Father was still an active member of an organisation that rivalled The Avalon. The conflict began when Auro suspected of the origins of his wife, after he had stumbled upon something that indicated she was once a part of The Avalon.

Auro had debated on the actions we must take. But with twisted advice from his own colleagues, he was influenced to attempt to kill his own wife, and even his own Daughter as well.

When Camille was warned of this in secret from an old friend, this forced her to seek help and protection from the Avalon once again, while bringing Olivia with her. While Camille was still given the same respect she once had, the rules of The Avalon still had to be followed. In order to be protected, Camille had to return as a 'Daughter' and be expected to carry out her duties once again. Even if it means she had to lead a double life. 

After completing as task, The Avalon had accepted her as their own. Now with her 'Sisters', Camille lead to take down the rival organisation once and for all. After her fight, she was the one to put the final bullet to her own husband's head. 

After this point, life for Olivia seemed to slowly get back on track after the loss of her father. However, she remembered being proud seeing her mother happy, as she "made new friends". People that Olivia didn't seem to have heard of before. But they appeared to have known her mother for a very long time.

Later in Life

When an 18 year old Olivia was celebrating being accepted into a University, it was the same year where her Mother would also be killed in a public bombing incident. 

While during her grieving period, Olivia was later on approached by a friend of her Mother's that she recognised. 

Current History

It has been 6 years since Olivia had joined The Avalon. Although her time with the Organisation had been short, she had been pushing herself in order to live up to her Mother's legacy.