Tsubaki Honda



6 years, 14 days ago



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Japanese Name
ほんだ つばき
本田 椿
Honda Tsubaki
Also Known As
Lady Tsubaki Honda
Best Nee-chan
Ultimate Rebel
chō kōkō kyū no “Hankō-teki no on'na”
Super High School Level Rebellious Woman
15?cb=20170902203351 Female
165cm ( 5'5" )
61kg ( 135lbs )
♏ 5th November
Chest Size
81 cm
Blood Type
Raspberry Vodka, Vapes, Breaking things
Sporks, Order, Authority
  • Takatora Honda (Father)
  • Nō Honda (Mother)
  • Akihiko Honda (Uncle)
  • Emi Honda (Aunt)
  • Mitsunari Honda (Cousin)
  • Ray Hunter (Cousin-In-Law)
  • Michio Hunter (Half-Cousin)
  • Timothy III "Timmy" Hunter (Nephew)
  • Mariabelle "Mari" Hunter (Niece)
  • Aoi Hunter (Niece)

  I am the Ultimate Rebel! Tsubaki motherfuckin' Honda!


Tsubaki Honda (本田 椿 Honda Tsubaki) is a character in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. She was a student at International School of the Sacred Heart, an inmate at Tokyo Juvenile Detention Institute and is now a member of D.I.C.E. Her title is the Ultimate Rebel (超高校級の「反抗的の女」 lit. Super High School Level Rebellious Woman).


Tsubaki is of average height and build for a girl her age, with a skinny figure and flat stomach despite eating a lot of junk food regularly. She has an above average bust (G cup) that she makes custom bras for as she can never find any in her size that also match her personal aesthetic. She also has her nipples pierced with small purple studs. Her dirty pink skin is covered in dark freckles that are densest on her upper arms, thighs, around her neck and across her face. She also has some across her stomach and lower back. She also keeps her body shaved and clean and has very little body hair - out of personal choice. Her eyes are a piercing pale green, with very long eyelashes that give off a deceivingly innocent look when she flutters them. Tsubaki also has thin lips, that she sometimes uses cherry lip gloss on when she wants to. Her hair is thick and extremely long and when loose it settles into big wavy curls that reach her knees. It is naturally a rich wine red and has a spiky fringe at the front, sticking out in little curls each side of her face and with an ahoge ontop of her head. Tsubaki keeps her hair back by tying it into two large braids that reach down to her thighs and are fixed in place with pink and purple striped ribbons.

The ribbons in her hair match the maroon and pink ribbon she wears around her waist as a sash, tied in a big bow at her back. This is over the top of her handmade lolita-style dress she is always seen wearing. Tsubaki's dress consists of a white undershirt with mid-length sleeves, that are frilled at the ends, under a dark purple bodice. This shirt has a white collar that sticks up, and she also has a pink collar on the dress bodice that sticks up wildly as well, and three pink buttons down the front to where the belt-ribbon is. The skirt has multiple layers of frilled skirts, for both style and warmth. The bottom layer is frilled lilac, ontop of which she has a black and white checkerboard patterned layer that pays homage to her membership to D.I.C.E. The top layer is dark purple that matches the bodice, and she has a torn white apron pinny as the final layer. The skirts are torn and uneven, and contain multiple deep hidden pockets that are large enough to store whole bottles inside. The apron at the front has a large pocket in which Tsubaki keeps her sewing things. On her legs she has holey and laddered white tights that are mostly hidden by the skirts, and knee high purple boots with pink collars to them.


Tsubaki's main goal in life is to reject every expectation placed upon her by her parents. From her appearance to her behaviour and even down to her body language she is always seeking to defy them and their hope that she might grow up to be "ladylike" - as expected of an heiress. She has taken up multiple destructive habits, including drinking and smoking, and will rarely speak without countless swear words in her sentences. She will act out deliberately rude, brash and loud in order to turn people off what they expect of her, and to ensure she upset as many members of her family as possible. Tsubaki prides herself in being loud, obnoxious, overconfident and generally intimidating to those who she meets. She is also known for being quick-tempered and easy to wind up, as it seems like even the simplest of things (like a disliked nickname for example) can set her off. She will even go so far as to threaten violence and brandish weapons if she is angered enough. It can be a turn off, as people find her difficult to be around, but that does not bother her. To Tsubaki, those who truly want to get to know her (and not simply befriend her for sake of her former social status and/or wealth) will make the effort despite her personality. Indeed, once she begins to eventually trust someone, though this takes a lot of time, Tsubaki will begin to open up and show a softer, more caring side to herself.

A great deal was poured into making her a fine and cultured lady. This has meant that she grew up with a great deal of wealth and opportunity before her, and many experiences and trips and holidays that regular children could only dream of. It has left her somewhat sheltered of the realities of the real world, a fact that annoys her about herself. Tsubaki dislikes that there are moments where she cannot relate to the life experiences of others - and sees it as something she must change so that she does not come across as "above others" or "superior". She wishes to be perceived as an equal to normal people, and to leave behind the sheltered bubble that the landed classes keep themselves swaddled in. Thus, she will deliberately seek new experiences that will broaden her horizons, even dangerous ones if needs me. Besides, if it gets her into trouble that just makes her feel even more rebellious. To her friends, Tsubaki will always lend an ear to listen - even if she can't offer much practical advice. She is good at offering to harm people who hurt her friends, at least.

Most importantly, Tsubaki's trust in you will not protect you from her rampant kleptomania. She can and will steal anything that isn't nailed down - and then come back again for the stuff that is. It's a compulsion, and Tsubaki will get agitated if she goes long periods without stealing or breaking something or if a room is too organised and neat. She cannot be polite, and will get angry if asked to be, and finds it impossible to refer to others by authoritative titles such as Sir/Madame etc. To Tsubaki, respect must be earnt and not expected and she will not get along well with those who demand to be treated differently purely due to their status in society. If anything, they are likely to be her prime targets for theft and pranks. If a rule exists, she will break it, and that is simply the way that she is.

Tsubaki also has a passion for anything and everything girly. She is a sewer, knitter, crocheter and adores making her own clothes and soft toys. Her specialty are fancy ribbons, and all her own outfits are self-made as she finds it is the best way for her to express her personal style. She does not make any of her clothing symmetrical, and tends to clash interesting colours and patterns together so that they stand out. It helps her feel unique and separate from more formal clothing she was forced to wear as a child. She's never without her sewing kit and brandishes a wicked set of large sewing needles (some of which are laced with poison!) to be used against those who dare to annoy her. For her friends, she makes soft toys as gifts and even offers to make clothing for them if they want. Tsubaki hopes one day to open her own haberdashery. Her interests, however, do not end there. She has a high drinking tolerance and can out-drink grown men with ease - especially if the drinks of choice are spirits. She homebrews her own vodka, vapes constantly, and is totally unashamed of both of these things.

Her anarchistic lifestyle is what has lead her to become recognised for her talent as "Ultimate Rebel."


Talent and Abilities

Ultimate Rebel

As the Ultimate Rebel, Tsubaki is a master of anarchy and rulebreaking. She's an accomplished thief, and is able to seize pretty much anything not nailed down. She has taught herself how to lockpick almost any kind of padlock or door lock and has even fashioned her own lockpicks to help her. Tsubaki is also a compulsive pickpocket and can lift anything from a person or shop without being detected. She has also caused untold chaos among the landed classes, including running a racketeering and illegal alcohol ring. Her determination to ruin her inheretance has lead to her acting recklessly and deliberately breaking established societal rules and norms. Many of her "accomplishments" as the Ultimate Rebel have contributed to her hefty criminal record and long sentence to Juvenile Detention.

Other Abilities


Tsubaki is a self-taught sewer who learnt the craft from watching videos online. She is incredibly talented at making things and can fashion together clothing of her own that is both stylish and practical. She even makes her own bras. Tsubaki can both hand and machine sew, and always keeps a sewing kit on her should she need to mend (or break) something in an emergency. Her favourite things to make are ribbons and corsages and she loves to sew and crochet little plush animals when she gets the chance.


Taught in secret, Tsubaki is able to home brew her own alcohol. She started with beer, but has since moved to brewing hard spirits as she much prefers drinking those. She can make a variety of things, but mostly sticks to homebrew vodka. Her own personal homebrew, a vodka of around 80-90% proof and likely extremely illegal, is raspberry flavour. If asked she will happily offer a person some to try, but shots of it tend to knock them senseless. She can drink it neat with no issues.


  • The name Tsubaki means "Camellia Flower" (椿) (Tsubaki).
  • The name Honda means "Book" (本) (Hon) and "Rice Paddy" (田) (Da).

In Other Languages

25?cb=20170330020633 English Tsubaki Honda Ultimate Rebel
25?cb=20130115003127 Japanese 本田 椿 (Honda Tsubaki) 超高校級の「反抗的の女」 (chō kōkō kyū no “Hankō-teki no on'na”)
russian-flag.png Русский Цубаки Хонда (Tsubaki Khonda) Абсолютная Мятежная Девушка (Absolyutnaya Myatezhnaya Dyevushka)
latest?cb=20150409183506 French Tsubaki Honda Rebelle Ultime
latest?cb=20150409183653 Spanish (Spain) Tsubaki Honda Súper Estudiante de Instituto Nivel: Rebelde


  • You want somethin'? The best Nee-chan is on it! ( Self Introduction )
  • I am the motherfuckin' Ultimate Rebel! There ain't no one or no thing that can hold me down! And if you think you can stop me you can fuck right off!
  • My homebrew is second to none yeah? But if you can manage more than a shot at a time you're stronger than you look!
  • They try so fuckin' hard to tie me down, but nothin' they can do is ever gonna stop me!
  • Look... Even if I can't relate, I'm still here for ya, kay? ( To Hideaki )
  • You gonna finish that shot or do I gotta do it for ya?
  • Ya want somethin' out my pockets? Baki-neechan has all you need!
  • I'll cut you mates rates since we're friends!
  • Eugh, rich people drive me fuckin crazy.
  • Do NOT call me Tsu-chan! ( To Mitsunari )
  • Mit-chan's a fuckin prick and he damn well knows it. ( To Ray )
  • Ooohhh did this fall out your pockets? It's mine now.
  • I'll let you buy it back off me if ya got the right cash for it.
  • Not my fault you left it in stealing distance.
  • It's cupcake flavour, my favourite.
  • You gotta take it easy yaknow... Too much of that not sleeping shit can't be good for you. ( To Hideaki )
  • Man I thought you were... Nah. Don't wanna think about that. What's important is you're fuckin' back! ( To Fawkes )
  • I don't gotta be classy to anyone.
  • Forgive him? Really? After all the shit he put me through?
  • Gaaah fine fine. Let him tell you about his horsie collection at least though.
  • You're always gonna be my best friend, promise.
  • I'm here for you, even if it doesn't seem like it. ( To Fawkes )


  • Tsubaki always wears her hair in long braids to keep it out the way. Always tied with big bows. She doesn't like letting her hair down unless it is around people she trusts wholeheartedly, as she feels vulnerable with it down. It also reminds her of having to style it loose when at gala events with her family.
  • She wears two bead bracelets on her left hand. They were made in a prison arts and crafts session alongside Yui and Fawkes and the three of them exchanged the bracelets that they made. Tsubaki's bracelets read F.C and Y.M from the other two, who each have a bracelet marked with T.H.
  • All her tights are laddered and have holes in them. All of them. When she buys or steals new tights she will deliberately ladder them.
  • Any clothing she wears will always be asymmetrical and torn, to prevent herself from looking neat. She cannot stand looking neat and symmetrical.
  • Tsubaki has very little sense of smell and taste due to her smoking habit, she has been smoking since she was 14.Generally she sticks to her E-cigarettes as she has damaged her lungs enough from actual cigarettes.
  • Tsubaki is notoriously short-tempered and easy to rile up, especially if you mention her past or act entitled around her. When angered she will threaten violence and is a seasoned brawler. Her emotions are very quick to change and she reacts quick to things going on around her.
  • Her pockets are specially modified to be extra deep and her dress has many hidden pockets. She keeps all manner of items in them, especially alcohol. Tsubaki has also added pockets within the lining of her clothing in places you wouldn't expect, all for carrying stolen goods.
  • They have been nicknamed "Mary-Poppins Pockets"
  • he’s a chronic kleptomaniac and seasoned pickpocketer. Tsubaki can and will steal anything that catches her eye if it’s not nailed down. Tsubaki starts to feel unwell if she goes for long periods of time without stealing.
  • Tsubaki’s alcohol tolerance is extremely high and she can outdrink anyone. Her preferred drink is vodka but she’s not picky. She makes her own raspberry vodka that is far stronger than regular vodka as well, and only select few people have been known to drink it and tolerate it.
  • Her favourite e-cig flavour is cupcake and she smells obnoxiously sweet because of all the smoke that clings to her hair, body and clothes.
  • She regularly goes back to her family mansion to burgle it.
  • Tsubaki's asthma triggers are feathers, fur, sudden cold and overexertion. She is never without her ventolin inhaler.
  • Tsubaki wears dresses no matter the weather because she thinks theyre cute. To keep herself warm she simply wears thicker tights and more layers of skirts and undershirts.
  • She's heavily interested in lolita fashion but tends to adapt it to suit her punk inspirations as well.
  • She has a history of experimenting with various party drugs while in prison and while homeless. Since D.I.C.E she has been completely clean and has no intention of returning to them again.
  • Tsubaki hates organised environments, they make her uncomfortable. If she enters a neat room she has to make some kind of mess to feel better.
  • Tsubaki makes all her own clothes, including her underwear.
  • Tsubaki’s really into punk and rock music, especially the kind with a lot of shouting because she can’t sing for toffee. Her favourite bands are Green Day, Against Me!, Skillet, The Bronx and The Offspring.
  • She once got ridiculously high in prison with Fawkes and the two of them made out. Neither have any recollection of this event and the one person who does (Yui) is dead.
  • Tsubaki has a marijuana plant named "Hash Gordon" that is her pride and joy.
  • Her favourite colour is pink.
  • She likes to drink bubble tea when not drinking alcoholic drinks.
  • She loves kittens and rabbits and collects stuffed animals.
  • Tsubaki actually has a lot of self-awareness of her flaws and limits and when she has to she can show a more mature side to herself.
  • Tsubaki has a one sided crush on Shogo Maebara
  • She also has a huge crush on Hotaru and the two are best of friends.
  • Tsubaki is a proud bisexual.
  • Even though he hurt her, Tsubaki finds it hard to ever truly hate Mitsunari. She is happy that they manage to reconcile and even happier that he was able to change and grow.
  • Tsubaki values her friends and those who trust in her. Despite her chaos she will always stand up for them.


Early Life

Tsubaki was born the only daughter, and therefore heiress, of Takatora and Nō Honda, and immediately from birth she became first in line to the Honda Family Oil Company. Thus, for much of her early life, she was moulded and raised to be a good heiress, and uphold the status of the family in noble society. Great expectations were placed upon her as the heiress to the Honda family, and a lot of money was invested in her education and upbringing to be sure that she would be fit to take over the company when she came of age. Tsubaki was sent to the best girls’ school in Tokyo, and no effort was spared in enrolling her in a number of extra-curricular activities and clubs that would help to broaden her horizons and educational and business prospects. It was also hoped that she would make a fine wife one day with this varied and well-rounded upbringing.

However, efforts to raise Tsubaki proved to be extremely difficult as from early childhood she stubbornly resisted her parents', servants', and tutors' attempts to bring her under control and teach her to be a proper lady. She would often lash out and hide, disliking the sterile, forced nature of the aristocracy and landed classes. She disliked her teachers, who would beat her and scold her when she was impolite, and grew wary of rich companions of her parents for their shady behaviour behind masks of etiquette. She quickly began to resent terms such as "good girl" and "ladylike" as she was increasingly punished and beaten for being neither of those things. Her parents despaired of her, furious that she would not act the way that they wished her, and she was often compared to her more obedient cousin, Mitsunari Honda.

Tsubaki hated the clubs and hobbies that were forced upon her by her parents. Not just because they were boring, but because she was “expected” to enjoy them as a rich young lady and that was a concept she hated upon principle. Determined to educate herself in her own interests, Tsubaki took up a number of secret hobbies (easily as her parents left her alone in the care of her teachers and servants) including lockpicking, climbing, drinking (and alcohol making) and smoking. Many of these acts would be considered scandalous to the family, and that gave her a huge sense of thrill and excitement, the start of her growing rebellious nature. To hide her less acceptable skills, Tsubaki also practiced her added interests in sewing, dressmaking and art that provided her with an approved cover when it came to her family. Her cover skills proved extremely useful to her rebellious antics as well. She became fascinated with making clothes in particular, and modified all of her outfits with extra deep and hidden pockets, allowing her to learn to steal with greater ease.

For many reasons, including her bad behaviour, Tsubaki didn't have any friends her own age in childhood, and her only company was her cousin. Six years her senior, Mitsunari was everything Tsubaki was not when it came to the family - but out of desperation she clung to him for the attention and interest in her skills that he gave her. She trusted him wholeheartedly, and despite the two disagreeing on their views on the family and the nobility they got along extremely well. Tsubaki would attend all of Mitsunari's horse riding events to cheer him on, and he would help her with her sewing and outfit designs. The two shared a strong mutual interest in fashion which helped. Since he was older, Mitsunari was already at boarding school and they would often only see each other when he came home during holidays and certain weekends. Thus, much of Tsubaki's childhood was very lonely, and she would act out with her rebellion to garner attention.


Young Tsubaki and Mitsunari

At 11, Tsubaki was sent to the International School of the Sacred Heart, an all girls’ school on the outskirts of Tokyo and one of the best schools in the country. It, too, was a boarding school and it meant she and Mitsunari rarely saw each other. Tsubaki loathed boarding school with a passion, and her rebellious hobbies intensified as she fought against the school's rigorous system and strict rules. At school, she began operating an underground gambling ring, mostly among fellow students but soon gaining the attention of various underground, shady groups in and around Tokyo. Tsubaki's influence as a rebellious leader gained her powerful connections and she began to enjoy how much she was flouting the school with her actions. Though she was mostly known for minor rule breaking, such as flouting uniform rules and starting fights with other girls, these were merely the tip of the iceberg when it came to her in school rebellion.

However, she was naive, and her long separation from Mitsunari meant that she was unaware that he had been pressured into working to undermine her position. To Tsubaki, he was still a supportive friend and her cousin, the only family member who actually liked her. As such, on one of their joint holidays home she gleefully told him all of her rebellious secrets, giving him sufficient evidence to carry out his own plan against her. Tsubaki returned to school completely naive to what was about to befall her.

Mitsunari disclosed all her confessions to his parents, who quickly told Tsubaki’s parents and the police. She was arrested not long after she returned to boarding school and dragged back home to face charges. Seeing her cousin watching her being lead away in cuffs, Tsubaki knew he had been the one to betray her. Heartbreaker Honda hadn’t needed to be romantic to break her heart - he just needed to shatter their friendship. Tsubaki lost all her trust in her cousin and in her family, realising she could only look out for herself. Her actions gained her the title of "Ultimate Rebel" but she was also sentenced to four years in Tokyo High Security Juvenile Detention Centre.


Tsubaki entered prison determined not to let it destroy her rebellious streak, and even though she was frightened at first by the high walls and barred cells, she set her mind upon breaking as many rules as possible without being caught. Prison also turned out to be a lucky break for her, as it introduced her to two other young inmates who would go on to become her best friends. The drug-addled and eccentric Ultimate Chemist Fawkes Catesby and manipulative but adorable Ultimate Linguist Yui Mori. The three soon became inseparable, forming what they called "The Anarchy Squad" to survive the tough conditions of juvie. Tsubaki's family disowned her after she was arrested and sent to prison, and already she felt freer without the weight of the family and expectations that they placed on her shoulders. In prison she, Yui and Fawkes, began working together on seeing how much they could stretch and bend the rules of the prison system without being caught.


Fawkes, Tsubaki and Yui in Prison

It started small, with Fawkes using his chemistry knowledge to teach Tsubaki and Yui how to brew safe to consume vodka and other alcohol illegally, but after they discovered how good Yui was at charming the guards they began to sell and distribute it too. Tsubaki also brought her gambling knowledge in and they began a successful prison gambling and racketeering enterprise. Amazingly, although there were times where the three came close, they were never caught for the entire four years that Tsubaki served in juvie. At the end of which, she was put up for parole for supposed "good behaviour" as the guards knew nothing, or said nothing, of the things she had actually done. She was granted her parole, and tearfully bid farewell to her Anarchy Squad with the promise that the three would reunite.


Upon her release from Juvie, since she had been disowned, Tsubaki was left homeless and wandering the streets. Not that she cared too much for this. She simply saw it as more ways to experiment and thrill seek while she was still young. Her drinking and smoking habits worsened and she even began experimenting with drugs for an escape from living in the cold. The illusion soon wore off, however, as winter closed in and she found herself succumbing to the cold nights. They, combined with her smoking, triggered her asthma to the point where she was left with a persistent cough. Tsubaki sought shelter and food, trying to break into the nearest building to find somewhere to squat for the night. Inadvertently choosing to try and break into D.I.C.E Headquarters.

Tsubaki was caught breaking into D.I.C.E HQ (Though at the time she didn't know that's what the warehouse was) by Manabugetsu. Tsubaki was initially hostile towards him, prompting him to invite her inside to seeKokichi and Jun’ichi, thinking she would try to attack them. However, Kokichi gave Tsubaki a deal that she realised she couldn't turn down given her situation. D.I.C.E would provide her a roof over her head, allow her to continue all her hobbies without worry of interference, and generally protect her. In return she simply had to pledge her loyalty to the gang. For some, this might seem a bad thing as it meant pledging allegiance to a criminal gang, for Tsubaki it was a lifeline. She accepted, and was more than happy to follow Kokichi's few rules in D.I.C.E in exchange for being able to act as wild and free as she wanted.



Though she didn’t get along with all of the members of D.I.C.E (most notably her fierce dislike of Manabugetsu) Tsubaki settled in and adjusted to life at D.I.C.E with incredible ease. She adored her new life and the friends it has brought her and enjoyed going out on crazy antics with the other members. Tsubaki also remained fiercely loyal to Kokichi for giving her a new family and a new chance, and she remained close to both Hotaru and Hideaki as well. The three of them became especially close, as they worked to keep themselves safe from Manabugetsu's incresingly more malicious plans against them. Though she could tell Hideaki and Hotaru had a stronger bond that she could not fathom, Tsubaki knew that they both cared for her, and she would move heaven and earth to ensure that they were safe and with her.

A sudden hospital visit with Manabugetsu , who would then get Tsubaki admitted as well with a broken wrist after yet another one of their fights, brought Mitsunari back into Tsubaki's life. Understandably, given their parting, she was furious to see him again. She swore she'd get revenge, knowing he still planned to eliminate her as well in case she came back for her fortune. Their fight came to a head when Manabugetsu, with the help of Mitsunari and Risa, kidnapped and tortured Hotaru. They forced Tsubaki and Hideaki to watch helplessly, with no way to fight back. The explosion, caused by Hotaru, at the Honda mansion left them both fearing that Hotaru was dead, and after Manabu was captured and executed, Tsubaki feared there would be nothing left for her at D.I.C.E.

Later Life

Making Amends

Tsubaki fled and left D.I.C.E behind, and by sheer chance ended up seeing a girl being attacked by a group of bullies. Tsubaki sent them packing with her needles, doing her best to comfort the girl despite being upset herself. As it would turn out, this was Ray Hunter, a young fisherwoman. Homeless and hopeless, Tsubaki offered her friendship and help to Ray, especially as she thought Ray's fish hat was super adorable. She hoped it was one nice thing she could do for a kind stranger, even while feeling despair. Ray was overcome with happiness at someone treating her with kindness and offered Tsubaki a place to stay with her and her father. Finally, Tsubaki was feeling a little hopeful.

Tsubaki’s presence, however, was a beacon to her cousin. He had miraculously survived the explosion and was still out for revenge against his cousin and to ensure he secured his position as heir to the Honda family. Infuriated and heavily injured, he had come to kill Tsubaki, but Ray intervened, landing Mitsunari in hospital to treat his burns and insisting that the two look past their feud. Ray's influence was healing for both Tsubaki and Mitsunari, and this marked the start of the two of them mending their relations between each other. Tsubaki could see that Mitsunari planned to manipulate Ray, and tried to warn her, but Ray was determined to change him. To Tsubaki's shock, she was actually successful, and Mitsunari apologised to both of them for his actions. Tsubaki was beyond happy to see him change.

It took a while, but she and Mitsunari began to slowly repair their damaged relationship. Whilst she could not bring herself to completely forgive him, Tsubaki could see why Mitsunari acted against her. She also realised how much he had been manipulated by their family and the pressure and stress he had been under at the time. Equally, she knew her cousin was beginning to understand why she had acted the way she had as well. Soon, their shared love of fashion and clothing drew them back together again and they began to see one another more often. Ray was instrumental in facilitating this - and Tsubaki was a huge supporter of her cousin’s relationship with her.

Unfortunately, things wouldn't remain peaceful for long, as the Honda family turned on both Tsubaki and Mitsunari, and it took all of Tsubaki's efforts to help Mitsunari and Ray flee to safety together. She reunited with D.I.C.E, which was trying to rebuild in the wake of Manabu's death and their split, and did her best to support Maebara with Hideaki, who was hospitalised after a suicide attempt. The Honda family were merciless in hunting down the two disowned heirs, and Tsubaki and Mitsunari both took this as their chance to finally stand up united against their parents. They both refused to rejoin their family, and swore that they would lead their own lives free of the expectations of inheritance. It cost them heavy sacrifices, including Ray’s father being killed, but they eventually got themselves to safety. Tsubaki helped her cousin and Ray flee to the countryside, and she herself returned to the now reunited D.I.C.E

Things would turn for the better soon after D.I.C.E reunited, as Hotaru returned to them alive again. D.I.C.E was back and better than ever before now they no longer had the threat of Manabugetsu hanging over them. Even more amazingly, by chance Tsubaki was reunited with her best friend from prison, Fawkes, who had survived both prison and a killing game. She was overjoyed at being reunited with one of her old friends, and happy to support him and Hotaru getting together. It felt like all of the pain she had gone through was finally over and she was happier than ever before.

The Honda

The Honda family did not stop in their attempts to take down Tsubaki and Mitsunari, however, as they remained determined that they would secure some kind of heir to the family. They bided their time, letting Tsubaki and the others settle and live peacefully for several years before deciding to strike once more. By this point, Tsubaki had become an Aunty to Timothy "Timmy" Hunter and Mariabelle "Mari" Hunter, the twin son and daughter of Ray and Mitsunari. She took the role of Aunty Baki in her stride and loved spoiling her neice and nephew. She also took to teaching them important life skills such as lockpicking and pickpocketing. She was absolutely responsible for their confidence in pulling off multiple pranks on their father, and she absolutely instigated many of them herself. The Honda saw the twins as potential new heirs for the family, who could be taken in and moulded to suit their needs whilst they were still young.

As such, they plotted to kidnap the twins by manipulating a young man named Michio Hunter. He was, by pure coincidence, an illegitimate child of Tsubaki's Uncle with Ray Hunter's mother, making him the half brother of both Ray and Mitsunari - and thus Tsubaki's half-cousin. It was confusing, and extremely concerning at first, but what was more pressing was how tight the Honda had him wrapped up in their shady business. Tsubaki broke into the Honda household to rescue the twins after Michio allowed them to be kidnapped - and she confronted her half-cousin with threats of violence should he ever try something like that again. Thankfully the twins were unharmed and returned to life with their parents - and the Honda family made no further threats against any of them. Michio returned to his mother, apologetic and understanding that he did not deserve to be forgiven for his actions but still wishing to atone for them. Tsubaki did not forgive him at first, but eventually came to get along with him.

Adult Life

With peace restored, Tsubaki decided it was time to focus upon her own career, as there was only so much being a master thief and rebel could achieve. She "borrowed" money and founded her own clothing and haberdashery shop where she would make her own clothing and offer alterations and mending to clients. Thanks to her friends' recommendations and influence her business boomed quickly and she soon had many customers after her cute accessories and outfits. Tsubaki also became an Aunt to even more nieces and nephews. Her cousin fathered another child with Ray, baby Aoi, and planned to have a big family. Hotaru, who had married Fawkes after a whirlwind of misadventure, had three children who Tsubaki immediately named herself the Aunty of as well: Hanabi "Hana-Chan" Catesby, Hideaki "Bab" Catesby and Kaori "Ka-Chan" Catesby. Then, to her delight, Tsubaki also became Aunty to Hideaki and Shogo's adopted daughter: Sayuri Tachibana.



Tsubaki prefers the following presents from the MonoMono Machine:

Baki.png Loves: Boba Tea, Bubble Gum Bomb, Candy Cigarettes, Sewing Kit, Jelly Balls
Likes: Maple Fudge, Bondage Boots, Ladybug Brooch, Teddy Bear, Bear Ears

Present Reactions

When you give Tsubaki a present, she will give you a different reaction depending on how much she likes it.

Ahh for me? Sweet!
Oh I love this! I promise I won't sell it!
And I don't even gotta steal it off of ya?
Ohhhh shiny shiny!!
I like it I liiiiike!
I can keep this yeah?
Huh! Kinda neat!
Sure I can take it off your hands!
Mine now.
Guess I can sell it on...
It ain't really my thing.
Nah thanks.
Eugh the fuck you gimme this for?
Was this Mit's?! Fuckinell!
Ah FUCK that!


Tsubaki gives you the following rewards upon completion their Free Time Events:

Baki-Panties.png Tsubaki Honda's Underwear
Reward for Completing Tsubaki's Free Time Events